The State of California did not provide an update on the County’s tier status in the State’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy on Tuesday, so the County remains in Tier 3, Orange Status, for the time being. Despite a lack of change in reopening, we took a step closer to immunizing more of our community with the announcement from the FDA earlier this week that adolescents age 12 – 15 years old are eligible for vaccination.
The County of Marin is preparing for vaccine outreach to Marin families and teens on the heels of the FDA announcement. Vaccine distribution in Marin hinges on approval from the Center for Disease Control‘s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the Western States Scientific Advisory Group to make independent recommendations to authorize use in California. Approval from the CDC and Western States Scientific Advisory Group is expected to happen by the end of this week.
- Marin County COVID-19 Update
- State Metrics for Marin County
- Data Dashboard
Marin Pop Up Vaccine Clinics This Week
If you live or work in Marin and have not received your first COVID-19 vaccine, you can drop-in at one of the Pop-up clinics in Marin. No appointments required. The vaccine is FREE and available to everyone, regardless of insurance coverage or immigration status. Vaccine offerings differ by location. Specific vaccine availability can be found on the County’s Vaccine Site webpage.
- May 13: Golden Gate Village
105 Drake Avenue, Marin City | 9:30am to 2:30pm - May 13: Village at Corte Madera (Center Patio)
1618 Redwood Hwy, Corte Madera | 10:00am to 6:00pm - May 14: Toyota of Marin
445 Francisco Boulevard, San Rafael | 9:30am to 2:30pm - May 18: Coastal Health Alliance
3 Sixth Street, Point Reyes Station | 9:30am to 2:30pm - June 5: Canal Alliance
91 Larkspur Street, San Rafael | 8:00am to 2:00pm
Marin County Rental Assistance Apply-a-thon
Wednesday, May 19th | 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, May 23th | 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Marin County Civic Center Exhibit Hall
20 Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael, CA 94903
The County of Marin is hosting an in-person apply-a-thon to help eligible renters and landlords applying for rental assistance. The Marin County Rental Assistance Program provides rental reimbursement to landlords and relief to low-income Marin County tenants for unpaid rent accrued between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021.
What you need to bring:
- Copy of your photo ID
- Income Documentation
- Proof of Tenancy
Read the FAQs on Marin County Renter and Landlord Site for details on all needed documents.
Stay Safe and Healthy San Rafael
As we move closer to business as usual, health officials continue encouraging everyone – vaccinated or not – to continue:
Take prevention measures and choose safer activities:
- Fully Vaccinated People: Wear a mask when indoors or at a crowded outdoor event.
- Unvaccinated People: Wear a mask, stay 6 feet apart, and wash your hands.