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San Rafael Update: San Rafael Update: Red Tier Status, Small Business Fund, & More

Posted on February 23, 2021

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This afternoon the State announced Marin County’s move to Red Tier 2 (Substantial Risk). Beginning tomorrow, the primary changes allowed under our move into Tier 2 include: 

  • Retail establishments can expand indoor capacity to 50% 
  • Indoor malls can expand indoor capacity to 50% (food courts must remain closed) 
  • Gyms and fitness studios (including yoga and dance studios) are allowed to open indoors at 10% capacity 
  • Restaurants are allowed to open indoors at 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is fewer. 
  • Museums are allowed to open indoors at 25% capacity 
  • Movie theaters are allowed to open indoors at 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is fewer 
  • Cultural ceremonies, including weddings and funerals, are allowed indoors at 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is fewer (churches and houses of worship maintain 25% indoor capacity) 

In COVID-19 vaccine news, vaccinations continue throughout the county. Nearly 20% of Marin residents have received at least one dose of the vaccine. See Public Health’s vaccination webpage for the latest information.


Marin Small Businesses Fund Opens for Applications! 

Marin County Small Business Fund is open and accepting Loan Inquiry Form applications from Marin businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Some businesses that are not approved for a loan may be eligible for a $5,000 or $10,000 grant instead, depending on the availability of funds. This program is not on a first-come, first-served basis. Businesses will have until the March 15th deadline to submit a Loan Inquiry Form and be included in the program lottery. 

Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) and Fondo Adelante are implementing the Marin County Small Business Fund in partnership with Marin County and the Canal Alliance. 


Has Your Business Been Effected by COVID-19? 

Marin County, its cities and towns, and local business associations recently released a survey to Marin businesses to better understand the level of impact COVID-19 has had on them; the survey closed last Friday. We want to give any San Rafael business who may have missed this survey the opportunity to tell us about their COVID-19 related hardships, so we’re extending the survey. If you are a San Rafael Business owner, please consider providing your input. 

All information is confidential and anonymous and will only be used to better inform initiatives to create opportunities for survival and success during and after the pandemic. 


Marin County Launches New COVID-19 Data Dashboards

Marin Public Health has released two new dashboards to the County’s COVID-19 Data and Surveillance page that provide insight into Countywide vaccine distribution and the geography of COVID-19 cases in Marin. The Marin County COVID-19 Vaccine Inventory and Administration by Provider” dashboard is updated weekly and provides a summary of all COVID-19 vaccines received and administered by vaccine providers located in Marin County, as well as the number of vaccine appointments scheduled in the next 7 days.  

Curious about COVID-19 case trends in your local city, town or zip code? Check out the COVID-19 Case Geography Dashboard that complements the COVID-19 Cases by Geography map. The new dashboard shows summary totals and trends in cases overtime by different types of geographies in Marin County. You can view new confirmed case count by day, cases in the past 14 days, 14-day case rate, cumulative case count, and cumulative case rate. 


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