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Date and time: Date and time: 2021-08-02 07:00 pmLocation: City Council - August 2, 2021Department: Public MeetingsDate and time: 2021-08-02 07:00 pmLocation: City Council - August 2, 2021Department: Public MeetingsAgendaAGENDA SAN RAFAEL CITY COUNCIL – MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 2021 CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) ADVISORY NOTICE In response to Executive Order N-29-20, the City of San Rafael will...

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-07-27 07:00 pmLocation: Planning Commission - July 27, 2021 (Cancelled)Department: Public MeetingsAgendaSelect 'download' below to view the Cancellation NoticeDate and time: 2021-07-27 07:00 pmLocation: Planning Commission - July 27, 2021 (Cancelled)Department: Public MeetingsAgendaSelect 'download' below to view the Cancellation NoticeDate and time: 2021-07-27 07:00 pmLocation: Planning Commission - July...

On Tuesday, July 20, the new traffic signal at Lucas Valley Road/Los Gamos Road was turned on in anticipation of the opening of the new Kaiser medical offices on Los Gamos Road. Kaiser is certainly happy to be at this point, as it took a few years to work through the Caltrans approval process since...

The sidewalk project is funded by a federal grant that focuses on pedestrian and bicycle safety. Since the sidewalk project created a wider facility for pedestrians and bicycles to be off the street, the roadway resurfacing is not an eligible expense.  The resurfacing project is funded by State Bill 1 gas tax.

2021 Digital Counties Survey Recognizes Leaders with Creative Governance, Data-driven Strategies, Digital Equity Initiatives, and Enhanced Cybersecurity. The Center for Digital Government (CDG) and the National Association of Counties (NACo) hosts an annual survey to highlight and recognize the best technology practices across the country. The year of COVID-19 presented challenges and hurdles, forcing organizations...

The San Rafael Safe Parking and Parking Box program will replace the '6 feet from center rule' in select areas of the City with narrow and/or windy roads. After installation the signs, paint, and/or boxes will clearly mark where it is possible to park and still allow emergency vehicles access and resident egress. Installing the...

The final product is starting to take shape on the Southern Heights Bridge project as the bridge deck was successfully poured on July 1st. There is still plenty of work remaining including installation of the bridge railing, construction of the approach slabs, paving, hydroseeding, bridge lighting, and many smaller items.  The City is working with...

The Department of Public Works will be resurfacing Bungalow Avenue from Woodland Avenue to La Loma Court late September.  These improvements are part of the City’s Street Resurfacing and are funded through gas tax.  Our project will follow the Sanitation District’s (SRSD) sewer main replacement project along Woodland Ave. Their project has begun and will...

The City’s contractor Team Ghilotti, Inc., has completed the accessible curb ramp, sidewalk, curb and gutter and roadway improvements at several locations around the Canal Neighborhood. Team Ghilotti is waiting on long lead electrical equipment including, new streetlights and Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFB) that will be installed at seven locations in the Canal Neighborhood...

The Francisco Blvd East Sidewalk project is almost complete! Next week the contractor will be removing the traffic control that has been blocking off a portion of the street during construction. The final steps are to finish installing the new streetlights, remove the old lights, finish a few remaining sidewalk sections, and finish the installation...

The engineering team in Public Works recently welcomed new fixed term Junior Engineer Alysia Reyes and Dean Allison intern Justin Lin. Alysia came to us after interning for the City of San Jose Department of Transportation for over two years. Her experience in pavement and curb ramp projects will be a great addition to the...

To keep vehicles running at their best, it is important to keep up with routine maintenance as well as inspections and safety checks. The Vehicle Maintenance staff does a great job of keeping on top of these necessary repairs to ensure City vehicles remain safe and in good operating condition. In the photo, Garage tech...

The Streets division continues to stay busy with normal duties such as pothole repair and paint/sign maintenance. They have also been involved in special projects such as the cleaning and fencing of the areas under the viaduct as well as the setup of the safe sleeping site. One project they have tackled recently is the...

Parks Division staff have been very busy lately with the yearly pruning of the Terra Linda medians. In the photos you will see Parks Division crew members Jorge Hernandez, Rene Ramos, Valente Curiel, Alfredo Tellez as well as a contracted labor crew making quick work of the pruning along Manuel T. Freitas. Since a lot...

Sand wasps are currently in the parks as part of their natural seasonal cycle. Sand wasps can be seen in and around level, sandy areas July through mid-August.  The sand in the playground area at the parks is a favored location for Sand Wasp nesting.  They dig tunnels to create single egg nest chambers which...

The Department of Public Works completed an assessment to make Fourth Street/F Street an all-way stop controlled intersection. This is the intersection with The Kitchen Table, Dharma Trading Company, and Seawood Photo on the corners. STOP signs were added on Fourth Street on Friday July 23, creating an All-way Stop, to better accommodate pedestrians crossing...

From Sunday, July 25 at 8 pm to Monday, July 26 at 6 am, PG&E will be starting night work at 1125 Lincoln Ave from. They will be replacing an electric transmission tower. Motorists are advised to drive with caution and follow all posted directional signs. Traffic advisories and detour routing options will be utilized...

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