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At the May 17th City Council meeting, Mayor Kate proclaimed the week of May 16 – May 22, 2021 as National Public Works week, in honor of the contribution public works personnel make to their communities: in the maintenance, planning, design, and construction of streets, transportation facilities, parks, storm drains, public buildings and operations, right-of-way...

There has been a request for an All-Way Stop at the intersection of Professional Center Parkway and Channing Way (south) intersection to facilitate improved pedestrian crossings across Professional Center Parkway. The purpose of this letter is to ask the users of this intersection if they: Support an All-Way Stop at Professional Center/Channing (south) Do not...

DPW maintenance staff and its contractors have been making a concerted effort in creating defensible space on properties adjacent to city Open Space as well as reducing roadside ignition sources. A contracted labor crew has been working around the Boyd Park and Robert Dollar Dr. open space areas weed eating tall grass, hand pulling broom...

One of the finishing touches completed by the Facilities Department was the addition of full wall white board paint to the East wall in the DSOG director’s new office. This project was completed by Facilities team staff member Anthoney Heaven.

Several of the planks of the benches located at the San Rafael Community Center were repeatedly broken and had been damaged in the past and as a result, the decision was made to have the benches removed.

DPW recently picked up its new (slightly used) water truck this past week. With the water restrictions in place, DPW had to increase its capabilities of using recycled water for irrigations purposes. The truck is in great condition and only needs a few additions like warning lights and decals from the Vehicle Maintenance Division to...

The City of San Rafael will be hosting the first pilot Public Art Advisory Group meeting next Tuesday, May 25 at 3:00 p.m. The pilot Public Art Group is made up of community members and local artists who will be providing feedback to groups proposing public art projects in San Rafael. Two projects will be...

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-05-25 07:00 pmLocation: Planning Commission - May 25, 2021 (Cancelled)Department: Public MeetingsAgendaSelect 'download' below to view the Cancellation NoticeDate and time: 2021-05-25 07:00 pmLocation: Planning Commission - May 25, 2021 (Cancelled)Department: Public MeetingsAgendaSelect 'download' below to view the Cancellation Notice

This document provides an update to the 2019-2021 priorities and lays out a priority work plan for fiscal years 2021-2023.  It also includes a high level analysis of each priority, including information about strategies, anticipated costs, and discussion of intersections with the economy and social equity. Sustainability Priorities_2021-23

San Rafael publishes annual community greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions estimates through the Marin Climate & Energy Partnership (MCEP). Annual inventories help the City to more closely monitor its progress in meeting its goal to reduce community emissions at least 40% below 1990 emissions by 2030. This report reviews community-wide emissions from 2005 through 2019, the...

From Monday,  May 17th at 10 PM to Tuesday, May 18th  at 7 AM, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will perform work on the 101 NB Central San Rafael Off-Ramp Bridge Replacement project in the City of San Rafael. The full off-ramp will be closed for the placement of a temporary bridge. Motorists are...

Prevents ladder fuel from igniting under or near your structure and climbing up the siding of your home.

Separation and spacing of vegetation is key to a fire safe landscape.

This includes grass, plants, shrubs, trees, branches, leaves, weeds, and needles. These types of fuel ignite quickly and easily from wind blown embers.

This includes any vegetation next to or hanging over a building to eliminate the closest threat.

The roof is the most vulnerable part of the structure. While your roof may be fire rated, embers can still ignite combustible materials like needles or leaves that have accumulated on the roof or in the gutters.

Chimneys and stovepipes radiate heat, reduce the risk of ignition by creating space around them. Ensure they are screened and if they are used, sealed. Reduce the possibility that wind blown embers could enter your home.

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-05-18 07:00 pmLocation: Design Review Board - May 18, 2021Department: Community DevelopmentAgenda packetClick 'download' to view agenda packetDate and time: 2021-05-18 07:00 pmLocation: Design Review Board - May 18, 2021Department: Community DevelopmentDate and time: 2021-05-18 07:00 pmLocation: Design Review Board - May 18, 2021 (Cancelled)Department: Community DevelopmentDate and time:...

There has been a request for an All-Way Stop at the intersection of Professional Center Parkway and Channing Way (south) intersection to facilitate improved pedestrian crossings across Professional Center Parkway. We are interested in understanding how the local community feels about an All-Way Stop at this location. We greatly appreciate you taking the time to...

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