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This past Wednesday February 3, City Staff presented a second alternative to the Third and Lindaro intersection at the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). This second alternative was a result of public input received after the City Staff presented a recommendation to City Council in November 2020. This recommendation showed the closure of a...

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-02-11 08:30 amLocation: Economic Development Subcommittee – February 11, 2021Department: Economic DevelopmentAgendaClick 'download' to view agendaDate and time: 2021-02-11 08:30 amLocation: Economic Development Subcommittee – February 11, 2021Department: Economic DevelopmentAgendaClick 'download' to view agenda

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-02-10 04:00 pmLocation: Fire Commission - February 10, 2021Department: Fire DepartmentDate and time: 2021-02-10 04:00 pmLocation: Fire Commission - February 10, 2021Department: Fire DepartmentAgendaClick 'download' to view agendaDate and time: 2021-02-10 04:00 pmLocation: Fire Commission - February 10, 2021Department: Fire DepartmentAgendaFire Commission Draft 01-13-2021 Minutes Click 'download' to view...

New door sweeps were installed on the Public Safety Center Police Department Patio area to prevent water intrusion. Door sweeps were missing in several locations throughout the Public Safety Center building and are being installed as needed.

The contractor has finished work on the new Third Street-San Rafael High School Crosswalk.  With the traffic signal equipment is delayed due to Covid, the crosswalk will remain closed until March when we install the traffic signal system. During construction, one of the contractors commented that he had “never seen such a weird, staggered crosswalk...

The heavy rain event the evening of January 26th kept the Streets Division staff busy.  A six-man crew patrolled around the City throughout the night keeping watch for any issues. Fortunately, there were no major issues in the overnight hours but once daylight came, some issues came to light. Here you will see Streets Maintenance...

In the early morning hours of January 19th during the high wind event, on-call supervisor Omar Garcia responded to a call out from SRPD about a downed tree at the corner of Bahia Way and Kerner Blvd.  With assistance from Parks staff member Jorge Hernandez, both staff members removed limbs from the Right of Way...

The Garage Division has a new Shop and Equipment Supervisor! Gerardo Paredes joined us on Feb. 1st and will now oversee vehicle maintenance. He comes to us from the City of Santa Rosa with a great amount experience and in the next month or so, he will be learning the ins and outs of the...

DPW continues to assist Caltrans with weekly clean ups of the Caltrans viaduct area between 3rd and 4th St. Every Tuesday these areas are cleaned of all trash and debris from nearby encampments. To help maintain cleanliness of this area, the Parks and Streets Divisions have taken on this workload in addition to their normal...

The Public Works Twitter account is a great resource for consistently updated information, helpful tips, and news regarding the City and surrounding areas and the Department of Public Works has been very active on Twitter (@SanRafaelDPW). Stay tuned for updates on ongoing projects, weather advisory information, spotlights on our crews, photos, and more!

The key regulatory component of the Draft Plan is the “form-based code” (Chapter 9). The code serves as the zoning regulations for Downtown and will replace many existing regulations and provisions. Unlike conventional zoning that describe regulations and requirements in text, a form-based code explains and describes regulations using graphics. It combines zoning regulations with desired design approaches that are typically found in advisory design guidelines.  The...

The Draft Downtown Precise Plan (Draft Plan) is comprehensive and lengthy. Much of the Draft Plan includes critical (and mandatory) background information that supports the vision and recommendations of the Draft Plan, including existing conditions, demographics, and housing policies.  Keep in mind that unlike the greater, overarching Draft General Plan 2040 which is solely a...

For decades, Downtown San Rafael has been the focus of planning studies and actions including Our Vision of Downtown San Rafael (1993); Downtown (SMART) Station Area Plan (2012); “Good Design Guidelines” (2017); and Downtown Parking & Wayfinding Study (2018).  All of these efforts share the common goal of maintaining Downtown as the City’s center.    During the early...

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-02-09 06:00 pmLocation: Board of Library Trustees - February 9, 2021Department: Public MeetingsAgendaSelect 'download' below to view the AgendaAgenda packetSelect 'download' below to view the Agenda PacketDate and time: 2021-02-09 06:00 pmLocation: Board of Library Trustees - February 9, 2021Department: Public MeetingsAgendaSelect 'download' below to view the AgendaAgenda packetSelect...

Date and time: Date and time: 2021-02-09 07:00 pmLocation: Planning Commission - February 9, 2021Department: Public MeetingsDate and time: 2021-02-09 07:00 pmLocation: Planning Commission - February 9, 2021Department: Public MeetingsDate and time: 2021-02-09 07:00 pmLocation: Planning Commission - February 9, 2021Department: Public MeetingsDate and time: 2021-02-09 07:00 pmLocation: Planning Commission - February 9, 2021Department: Public...

Yesterday, the State provided an update on statewide COVID-19 case rates, hospitalizations, and surveillance on new coronavirus variants. Marin County remains in Purple Tier 1 (Widespread Risk) status for its second week. Our current data meets two of the three metrics required to shift to Red Tier 2 (Substantial Risk). Progress must be made on the COVID-19 case rate in Marin County before we can move to the next...

Starting at 9 AM on Wednesday, February 3, the City's contractor, Econolite, will upgrade the firmware at each signalized intersection in the list below. The traffic signal will go into flash for about a cycle length (90 seconds) during the update. These updates will allow Public Works crews to better access the traffic signal network...

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