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Lista de verificación de cumplimiento y exención: haga clic para descargar este PDF, luego imprima, complete, firme y envíe para mostrar su cumplimiento o exención de la Ley estatal de California AB 1826. Compliance and Exemption Form Spanish

Compliance and Exemption Checklist - click to download this PDF, then print, fill in, sign and send in to show your compliance or exemption to California State Law AB 1826.

The Sidewalk Repair Program continues to make good progress in East San Rafael. The City and contractor have completed nearly 50 of the 110 properties signed up in the area. Green dots in the image above represent completed projects with blue dots to be completed.  An impressive 42 properties on Riviera Drive alone have signed...

Air quality in Marin is fluctuating with the direction of the winds, so continue to keep doors and windows closed when you can, and check AirNow to determine the quality of the air in your zip code.   CalFire's website continues to be inundated with visitors, forcing it to crash. Their Facebook page and Twitter remain the best ways to access the most up-to-date information about evacuations and wildfire spread around the greater...

Francisco Boulevard West was recently converted to one-way southbound from Second Street to Rice Drive. This was done to improve safety at the SMART rail crossing at Second Street by diverting northbound traffic to Lindaro. It also allowed us to make room for a two-way protected cycle track on the west side of the street....

Streets crew members Ken Gatlin, Arturo Tinoco and Jeremy Quintal recently conducted the annual cleanup of the Freitas ditch ahead of the rains to come which could potentially clog the drainage ditch with debris or wash it out into the bay. The crews generally tend to haul about 20-30 tons of mostly organic material to the dump...

Maintenance crews were busy Monday after a windy weekend storm brought down numerous trees and branches around the City. Parks Division crew member Trevor Thomas is seen here helping to clear a large branch that was blocking a lane along the Miracle Mile.

This year has been hard on Parking Services buggies. The Vehicle Maintenance Division has had to take many out of service due to parts unavailability and high repair costs. The buggy in this photo has frame damage that cannot be repaired safely and therefor had to be taken out of service. Mechanic Jay Arieta is...

To ensure continued safe disposal of expired and unused medications, Facilities Department crew members Anthoney Heaven and Michael Reiser installed the drug drop off box, which was previously located at the old Police Department, in the lobby of the new Public Safety Center.  

Facilities Division crew members Omar Garcia, Michael Reiser, and Anthoney Heaven built and mounted panels to the new Public Safety Center motorcycle parking garage. This will allow Officers to mount all necessary charging devices within easy reach of their motorcycles.

Diane Dillion, Senior Associate Engineer, is retiring after 35 years of service to the City of San Rafael Public Works Department. In her role, Diane oversees citywide Encroachment Permitting (any construction work in the right of way) including approvals and inspections, as well as implementation and participation in the mandated Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention...

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