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All previously active encroachment permits were automatically suspended on that date. Please fill out the form on the website. If you are planning on waiting do to the work, thank you for helping! Just let us know on the form and we can note your status. If you are doing essential work and must continue, please...

Hired landscapers would be permissible if the project is necessary for essential infrastructure. Trimming may be part of maintaining essential infrastructure, such as branches covering a street sign or to allow for required sight distance, or protection from electrical wires.

Yes, utilities (including roads) are considered essential functions and are given broad discretion to make their own determination about how they proceed with their projects.  Utilities requesting an encroachment permit must validate that they consider the work to be essential when filing the encroachment request.For existing permits, please fill out the form on the website for reactivation. Without a new or reactivated...

Yes, sidewalks and access to the roadway are considered part of essential infrastructure. It is also permissible as necessary to make the site safe and secure.

Yes, however please refer to the construction FAQs above first. Utilities (including roads) are considered essential functions and those doing work on utilities are given broad discretion to make their own determination about how they proceed with their projects.  Utilities requesting an encroachment permit must validate that they consider the work to be essential when filing...

Have you been making cloth face coverings at home? Know someone who is? Looking to donate? We need your help. Cloth face coverings can help to mitigate the spread of infection among our homeless population and to our community as a whole. Help us to ensure that members of our vulnerable populations has a cloth...

Get silly with these dice game ideas or come up with your own. The idea is to assign an activity to each side of the cube. Kids roll the cube to see which activity they need to perform and for how long. You can create different themes like animal movements or sounds, such as  Hop...

DESPLAZARSE HACIO ABAJO PARA ESPAÑOL The County of Marin issued a quarantine order and an isolation order which “requires anyone who has been diagnosed with or is likely to have COVID-19” to isolate themselves in their home or another residence. They may not leave their place of isolation or enter any other public or private place, except to receive necessary medical care. The order also requires members of...

Qigong is a beautifully flowing movement meditation that cultivates a sense of well being, calmness, and mental alertness. This practice is ideal during stressful times, and it may be done standing or sitting. Presented by our own Goldenaires Fitness Instructor Jeanette Logan.

Here's a great way for kids to record their experience during this historical time. You can print out this worksheet and we will include a fillable worksheet soon! If you can't print it out, we've also listed items below that your children can create on their own and have provided text that can be copied...

For a fun afternoon, blanket forts are easy to build and they provide countless hours of fun for children and adults. You can make your fort with everyday household items like blankets, sheets, chairs, and curtain rods. Start by building a frame and then close it off by draping sheets over it. Throw in a...

The County has created an online donation form for companies or other entities that have excess inventory (e.g., maybe they stocked up on N95 masks after the north bay fires) and wish to donate.  In addition, hospitals (or anyone, really) who have people who contact them by email or phone can redirect people to this link.  This...

San Rafael, CA – Yesterday, 03/31/20, starting at 11:59 PM, Marin County’s Deputy Public Health Officer Dr. Lisa Santora, issued a new and revised Public Health Order that supersedes the previous order issued on 03/17/20.  The new order is set to expire on May 3, 2020, at 11:59 PM.  The order sets more specific and restricting terms...

MERA Announces 2020 Low-Income Senior Homeowner Exemption Applications A Process for Income Qualified Seniors to Claim an Exemption from MERA’s Parcel Tax Qualified low-income seniors in Marin County are eligible to file for a tax exemption from a parcel tax that supports the County’s next-generation emergency radio system. This exemption must be applied for annually, so anyone who qualified for this exemption this...

DESPLAZARSE HACIO ABAJO PARA ESPAÑOL These dynamic and uncertain times have left many feeling disheartened and isolated; remember that we’re all in this together even though we’re keeping physically distant. Now may be a good time to teach yourself or another member of your household something new. There’s also lots of good literature out there...

  Check here for activities and ideas while we stay home and keep our community healthy.

Keeping San Rafael Active and Well! Are you home with your pooch and looking for a fun way to keep active? Join local dog trainer Kirsten of KW Happy Dogs Personalized Dog Training and Walking to learn a new trick for you and your pup. Check out her YouTube video on how to teach your...

DESPLAZARSE HACIO ABAJO PARA ESPAÑOL The Marin Health and Human Services website has been the hub for the most up-date information regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Over the weekend, they updated their frequently asked questions to reflect the most common questions asked over the last week, from what trades may continue working to riding public transit, and what to do if you’re feeling sick. They have expanded...

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