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With the help of interns and maintenance crews, the Traffic Engineering division is making huge headway with improvements at uncontrolled crossings throughout the City. An uncontrolled crossing is any marked crosswalk that is not controlled by a traffic signal or STOP sign. Improvements include painting red curb for visibility, installing signs in advance, and at,...

The City is one step closer in securing battery back-up (BBS) units at signalized intersections along major arterials. After selecting the equipment last year, Public Works recently procured three units and tested them in real conditions. The test at Second Street at Lindaro Street, Third Street at Lindaro Street, and Andersen Drive at Bellam Boulevard...

San Rafael’s new Public Safety Center (PSC) is nearing completion and we plan to open this summer. The contractor, Alten Construction, is working on the sidewalks around the building and a sidewalk “bulb-out” is required to create a safer crosswalk between the City Hall and the new PSC. In order to accomplish that work, the...

Marin County, CA – A new application for mobile devices now available in Marin County is designed to provide the public with real-time fire agency incident information and to locate CPR-trained people near someone in cardiac arrest. The free PulsePoint app, available on the App Store and Google Play, recently expanded its geographic scope so that Marin...

Join us to plant 100 beautiful, carbon-capturing trees in San Rafael on March 28!  Here’s how to help: Learn how to plant and maintain trees at a Tree Planting workshop, February 29, 9am, 618 B St. Volunteer to plant, mulch and water, March 28, 8:30 am, McInnis Parkway. Adopt-a-tree. Donate funds to water the trees...

If you know about the new Albert Park playground, then you have probably heard of the B Team. A group of community members, known as the B Team, came together a few years back to co-create solutions to challenges in their neighborhood, including, spearheading the design and construction of Albert Park. They hosted fundraising events, developed relationships...

On Tuesday evening, the City Council will hold a public hearing to review proposed changes to the General Plan 2040 Land Use Map. The Land Use Map is used to determine how parts of the City are used (such as residential, commercial, industrial, etc.). These land uses are then used to determine property zoning. The City Council will invite public...

Also on Tuesday night, the City Council will hear an informational report about the final phase of a multi-project, long-term vision to fill a significant bicycle and pedestrian safety gap between the Canal neighborhood and Downtown. This project spans ¾ mile along the roadway and will provide a seamless pedestrian and bicycle connection, increasing safety...

Historically, the United States has relied heavily on China to manage our recycling needs. Amidst recent changes we are facing new recycling challenges. Did you know recycling still uses energy and causes pollution? And although it is still good to do, it’s the last thing to consider when it comes to the “stuff” we use....

Advertising impacts our health! The Community Health and Prevention Program with Marin Health & Human Services is conducting a survey about the retail environment and wants to know your opinion about advertising in stores. The survey takes about five minutes. TAKE THE SURVEY  

Thanks to a partnership with property owners and the City, over 20,000 square feet of new sidewalk was installed last year; that’s a mile of new sidewalk! In two weeks, we will finish up projects in both the Gerstle Park and Bret Harte neighborhoods and gear up to start projects in East San Rafael, with work starting...

Fall 24/Winter 25 Activity Guide Summer Programs Booklet Check out our Fall/Winter Activity Guide for Fall classes and events and then register online! Registration opens AUGUST 19! ONLINE REGISTRATION If you don't already have an account,  set one up today. Or, register for classes and activities now. We accept MasterCard, VISA and Discover for online...

In 2019, the Department of Public Works completed reviews for approximately twice as many building permits than in 2017 and 2018. The increase in demand was accommodated by existing staff working with applicants directly whenever possible to ensure that projects met the necessary standards. We also provided positive recommendations on improvements. Even though there were...

Up until last week, the intersection of Park Street and Belle Avenue was a two-way stop controlled on Park Street. The Traffic Engineering Division determined that an All Way Stop was warranted at the intersection, so Public Works maintenance crews freshened up the paint on the intersections and added STOP signs to Belle Avenue. Notifications...

The Sidewalk Repair Program is nearly complete for residents who signed up for the 2018 program in the Gerstle Park and the Bret Harte neighborhoods. The last of the nearly 90 properties will completed in the next two weeks. 13,000 square feet of new sidewalk were poured during this round, which would be enough to...

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