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Update Regarding Ongoing City Efforts to Prevent and Prepare for Wildfires (August 20, 2018 City Council meeting)

Draft Wildfire Prevention and Protection Action Plan (as presented at the January 22, 2019 City Council meeting)

Wildfire Prevention and Protection Action Plan (as approved at the March 18, 2019 City Council meeting)

March 18, 2019 City Council Meeting Materials Documents & Resources

Camp Chance is funded by local citizens and businesses like you. Your support enables us to provide this camping experience for kids whose families are not able to otherwise afford a residential summer camp. Keep the Magic Alive! It costs about $500 to send one youth to Camp Chance and the need for this program...

Reuniones  comunitaria sobre incendios forestales

Wildfire Prevention and the City’s Wildfire Prevention and Protection Plan, plus evacuation maps.

UPDATE: The City is no longer proceeding with the Public Safety Center Art project. The COVID-19 pandemic halted the process and the City Council, through its Essential Facilities Subcommittee, determined not proceed with the outdoor art component. The City of San Rafael is pleased to announce a Call for Artists to submit images/renderings/drawings of public...

Over the past year and a half, a court case called Martin v. Boise has been significantly impacting cities' ability to respond to street homelessness. In a nutshell, the 9th Circuit Court ruling essentially says that imposition of criminal penalties for sitting, sleeping, or lying outside on public property for homeless individuals who cannot obtain...

Check out the city's first Citywide Parks and Recreation Master Plan! We have a lot to celebrate in San Rafael with great places to play, a beautiful setting with natural open space resources, and classes that enrich our community. We're excited to now have a plan that will help us provide a thriving parks and...

In collaboration with Andrew Hening and PD, Public Works installed new signage encouraging residents to donate to local charities and nonprofits that offer services for the homeless, rather than donating to panhandlers. The Marin IJ covered this story, as well!

Construction of the Public Safety Center continues to progress. The exterior brick installation is well underway, despite the recent rainstorm. The City’s contractor, Alten Construction, is currently working on the interior finishes. Painting of the interior walls, as well as, installation of T-bar ceilings and lighting is around 90% complete. In addition, the first and...

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