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With the recent break in the rainy weather, Public Works Streets and Parks crews have been able to get a jump on some much-needed maintenance, including the City storm drain systems on Gold Hill Grade and Main Drive. City crews removed deteriorating metal drainage pipes in both locations and replaced it with high density plastic...

Ever biked to the San Rafael Theater and had nowhere to lock your treasured two-wheeled steed? Well, that should no longer be an issue because Public Works has been busy installing 20 additional bike racks downtown! There are at least four racks per block of Fourth Street, from Lincoln Avenue to D Street. Additionally, Public...

We host quarterly community meetings to discuss implementation of our Climate Change Action Plan, to hear from others about critical programs and activities, and to gather input from members of the public on our priorities and actions. It's a robust discussion hosted by Councilmember Maika Llorens Gulati and our Sustainability Program Manager in conjunction with...

On January 28th, 29th, and 30th, the City will host a series of Community Meetings to provide updates to Wildfire efforts. We will also be seeking feedback on new evacuation maps that will be available this summer. All residents are encouraged to attend a meeting to provide feedback on this important safety issue. The meeting...

On November 14, 2019, City staff hosted Housing Workshop #2 at the Council Chambers, which discussed housing financing. This workshop provided an overview of project-level development financing and discussed potential funding and financial tools the City could utilize to incentivize housing development. It also included a review of inclusionary housing policies and use of the...

On November 3, 2019, the City hosted Housing Workshop #1 at the San Rafael Corporate Center, which discussed housing policy. More specifically, the workshop provided context on the housing crisis and discussed potential regulatory and zoning-related actions the City could take to streamline the process for housing approval and construction. Approximately 40 people attended the...

In December, the City Council appointed five members to the ADA Access Advisory Committee: Ashley Tomerlin, Ewen McKechnie, John Erdmann, Timothy Lord and Francine Falk-Allen. Here is a little information about our newly appointed members: Ashley Tomerlin is a Certified Access Specialist and landscape architect specializing in inclusive outdoor recreation environments and Title II accessibility. Professionally,...

Report an Issue with Street Lights The City’s contractor, DC Electric maintains the street lights in the City of San Rafael. If your issue pertains to street lights you may fill out the form on their website.

The Appendices document San Rafael's levees and shorelines as part of the 2014 Sea Level Rise White Paper. The white paper was prepared as a ‘first step’ in responding to the need to prepare for shoreline defense in the original San Rafael Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), which was adopted in 2009. It can be...

This document presents a “white paper” on the topic of sea level rise. This topic has been a growing concern in the last decade as studies continue to report and confirm its direct connection to climate change associated with global warming. This paper was prepared as a ‘first step’ in responding to the need to...

Short-term Rentals are allowed on properties where vehicle access is shared between neighbors. If you live on a property like this you must provide a “Parking Plan” when you register your property to be used as a short-term rental. A “Parking Plan”  must document how the  Short-Term Rental will avoid encumbering parking.  Documentation may include:...

Property Registration Checklist Property Information. All properties will need to provide the following property information: Primary Resident Name and Contact Information Documentation of Primary Residency 24-Hour Local Emergency Contact  Property Address Type of Short-Term Rental Occupancy Number of Bedrooms Number of Bathrooms Number of Designated Off-Street Parking Spaces

Interior Signage. Properties offered as Short-Term Rentals shall have a clearly visible and legible notice posted on or directly adjacent to the inside of the front door, containing the following information: 24-Hour Local Emergency Contact Person Maximum number of occupants Maximum number of vehicles Off-street Parking Requirements Garbage Disposal Instructions Information regarding Fire Safety and Fire...

Self-Certification Safety Inspection Checklist (REQUIRED FOR ALL PROPERTIES)   Self-Certification Vegetation Inspection Checklist (Required by April 30th annually for properties in a Wildland Urban Interface) To find out if your property is in a Wildland Urban Interface visit this webpage: Wildlland-Urban Interface Map

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