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The City Council met in a special meeting in October to interview applicants and make an appointment to the Fire Commission. We received seven great applications, and the City Council selected Elias Hill to serve on the San Rafael Fire Commission. Here is a little information about our newly appointed member: Eli Hill attended his...

San Rafael offers validated parking in the City Garages downtown, located near 4th/A and 4th/C Streets. Visitors may obtain 1 hour free parking from participating businesses. A positive parking experience is important for creating goodwill and repeat business. The 1 hour parking validation program was designed to help merchants provide a small token of appreciation...

Beauty & Health 20/20 Optical Avalon Isle of Natural Beauty - Hair Salon Bellissima Salon - Hair, Nails, Skin Cherry Blossom Salon - Waxing, Hair, Nails Diamond Nails Energy Dance & Fitness Hair Style - Hair, Nails, Waxing i Love Kickboxing James Rose Hair Salon Petite Mollier Salon The Shop - Cuts for Men &...

Interested in serving on a board or commission? Apply today to serve on the Pickleweed Advisory Committee! The Pickleweed Advisory Committee provides valuable input in representing and advocating for the Canal area resident’s needs and wishes for programs and services; and is a primary public networking resource between the Canal residents, representatives from governmental and...

The San Rafael Police Department spends a considerable amount of staff time and resources responding to false alarms at residences and businesses throughout the City of San Rafael. To date this year, the Police Department has received 2,216 alarm calls; of those, 2,198 were false alarms. Currently, there is no comprehensive database of active alarm...

The City of San Rafael has been awarded the League of California Cities’ 2019 Helen Putnam Award for Excellence in internal administration at the October meeting of the League of California Cities for its initiative Together San Rafael. The League presents annual awards in a number of categories. The competition is competitive with only one winner per category....

Follow these steps to use your parking validation   1. Park at the A St. Garage or the C St. Garage. These garages have gated arms at the entrance/exit. 2. At the gated entrance dispenser, take a parking ticket & keep it with you. 3. Look for the 1 HOUR FREE PARKING logo in the...

PG&E has reported that power has been restored to 100% of households in the City of San Rafael. All City facilities have reopened and regular City services are operational. If you are travelling throughout the County be mindful that some communities in Marin including parts of Mill Valley, Fairfax, and West Marin are still without...

Paving operations will resume today, October 31, on Hoag Street. Canal Street is scheduled to be resurfaced from tomorrow, November 1 to Wednesday, November 6. Please make sure you observe all temporary parking restrictions during construction.

On Tuesday evening, power was restored to several neighborhoods in San Rafael. While there are reports from PG&E that customers will continue to be re-energized, we want to urge everyone to use this time to prepare for future potential outages. We are still under a Red Flag Warning because of extremely dry conditions and high...

Las cuadrillas de PG&E continúan inspeccionando y patrullando las líneas en el condado de Marin, en las áreas afectadas por el corte del sábado, y por lo tanto esperamos que el poder continúe siendo restaurado hoy. De acuerdo con un representante de PG&E, “NO esperamos interrupciones adicionales relacionadas con Cortes de Energía por Motivos de...

PG&E crews are continuing to inspect and patrol lines in Marin County, in the areas impacted by Saturday’s PSPS, and therefore we expect power to continue to be restored today.  According to a PG&E representative, “we do NOT expect any additional PSPS-related outages in Marin County today. We’ve been able to find ways to minimize...

The below update was generously provided by Marin County staff. The first section contains an update on the Public Safety Power Shut Off followed by a list of resources available in Marin County. The list is being updated regularly and can also be found on the County website. The City of San Rafael has also...

Proporcionado por Marin County: A partir de las 7:30 am de esta mañana, PG&E ha confirmado que aproximadamente 50,000 lugares con medidores han recuperado su energía del evento PSPS que comenzó el sábado 26 de octubre. Aproximadamente 70,000 lugares con medidores permanecen sin energía. PG&E ha pronosticado un segundo evento potencial de corte de energía...

Paving operations are currently suspended due to the power outage. Operations may resume on Thursday, November 11. Updates will be posted on Nextdoor and the City's website.

Hemos recibido reportes que el PG&E  está restaurando la energía en el condado de Marin. No obstante se nos ha notificado de un segundo potencial corte de energía eléctrica que ocurriría temprano mañana martes 29 de octubre. El apagón será en todo el condado de Marin y puede durar un par de días. Aun si su energía...

We have received reports that PG&E is currently turning power back on in Marin. However, while PG&E is working to restore power from this outage, we have also been notified of a second potential power shutoff that may occur early tomorrow morning, Tuesday, October 29. The outage could be widespread across Marin County and last...

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