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On April 25, 2019, the Marin County Civil Grand Jury issued a report entitled Wildfire Preparedness: A New Approach relating to their evaluation of the impacts of wildfire to life and property in Marin County, including in San Rafael. In their report, the Grand Jury reviewed the conditions that make Marin County vulnerable to wildfire,...

Work continues in the Gerstle Park neighborhood as the City and Van Midde and Son Concrete passed the 3,000 square foot milestone in the neighborhood.  That's enough new sidewalk in the neighborhood to stretch two football fields long. Over 400 feet of curb and gutter have also been replaced. Work has slowed a little in...

This is the final draft Climate Change Action Plan 2030 (CCAP 2030) approved and adopted by the San Rafael City Council on May 20, 2019. It is fairly bare bones as it is being developed into an interactive website to be launched this fall. Please click here if you wish to sign up to receive...

  Currently, The City of San Rafael does not have any residential areas with parking permits in place. If your neighborhood is interested, please take a look at the policy below and contact us.

Marin County, CA -- The National Weather Service has issued a Red Flag Warning for the North Bay Mountains and other parts of the Bay Area above 1000 feet, which is in effect from 9 PM this evening (Friday) to 5 PM Sunday. A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are expected...

**We are currently not accepting applications to paint utility boxes but will re-evaluate as budgeting and policy changes. Please check back here for any future updates.** The San Rafael Chamber of Commerce Leadership Institute Class project wrapped up this week, with the completion of six painted utility boxes downtown. The project was developed to enhance...

The spinning climbing structure at Freitas Park was due for another resurfacing. The Poured-in-Place (PIP) surface previously used was wearing out faster than expected. The Parks Department was able to find a better product with a lifetime warranty! The new tile was installed last week, and the Parks crew put the spinning structure back together...

The City’s contractor, Valentine Corporation, has installed the rebar in the final retaining wall and is almost done securing the forms. They are anticipating pouring concrete early next week. While the concrete is curing, they will work on the new drainage ditch on the other side of the road. Once the new concrete wall has...

On May 28th, Community Playgrounds Inc. began work on the installation of our new playground structures at Pickleweed Park. We see the excitement of the community with several residents stopping by the site to ask questions, reading the posted multi-language banners, and some even bringing their children to watch the construction. The structures themselves should...

The City’s contractor is working towards the completion of the Grand Ave pedestrian bridge project. Remaining work includes removing the mid-block crosswalk in front of Toyota, as well as, installing a bridge deck treatment on the vehicle bridge. Expected completion of the project is June 11th. We anticipate opening the pedestrian bridge to the public...

Your drive across the railroad tracks downtown should be a little less maddening, after the Traffic Engineering division made some changes to the traffic signal timing in the vicinity of the train tracks downtown. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has very strict rules about traffic signal timing around active railroad tracks, and for good...

One of the busiest arterials in Marin was closed last weekend to allow the Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) to  construct a double track section across 2nd Street. The roadway was closed on Friday night at 8:00 pm and reopened on Sunday afternoon at 5:00 PM. The closure involved multiple stakeholders from Golden Gate...

The San Rafael Sanitation District just opened bids on June 4, 2019 for the Forbes Avenue Sewer Improvements Project, which includes El Cerrito Avenue and 21-141 Fairhills Drive (Easement). The project consists of replacing 2,945 lineal feet of sanitary sewer pipeline, in which 2,650 lineal feet will be pipe-bursted and 295 lineal feet will be...

Library Department, Mall Pop Up, was recognized as the Team of the 1st QTR 2019! "The Mall Popup Library has increased the reach of the City in providing services to the community as part of an innovative collaboration with the Northgate Mall and with the Marin County Free Library. This project encapsulates the principles of...

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