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The first STOP sign appeared in 1915 in Detroit, Michigan. There were a variety of colors used for STOP signs until the late 1920s, when the background color was standardized on yellow for maximum day and night visibility. Remember that this was several years before the invention of glass-bead retro-reflectorization for sign faces, so a...

The Cayes Pump Station is a small drainage pump station that manages the drainage in the Spinnaker and Baypoint neighborhoods in the Canal. This pump station also manages the water levels in the adjacent pond which fronts both neighborhoods. Over the last winter, which was wetter than normal, a significant leak in the pipe outfall...

UPDATE: After hearing concerns from our residents, the Traffic Engineering division completed an analysis for an All Way STOP at Merrydale Road and US 101 South Ramps and got approval from Caltrans to do the work. Streets Maintenance Crews painted STOP legends and limit lines, refreshed striping, and installed STOP signs and advanced warning signs....

**We are currently not accepting applications to paint utility boxes but will re-evaluate as budgeting and policy changes. Please check back here for any future updates.** You might have noticed some painting of public property downtown this week. Don’t worry, these street artists have a permit! The 2019 San Rafael Leadership Institute (SRLI) class project...

The Department of Public Works is pleased to announce that Encroachment Permit applications and payments will now be accepted online at Property owners and contractors will now be able to apply for all types of encroachment permits and make payment via credit card. Once applied for staff will review the permit and send the...

The Park-A-Month Volunteer Program has begun! This fun family-friendly volunteer program helps keep our San Rafael Parks in great shape! The events take place on the third Saturday of each month. On April 20th, Parks personnel and neighborhood volunteers worked together to help clean up the Terra Linda Community Center. The next event is at...

Work continues to replace the upper deck bridge joints on the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge. Caltrans is providing weekly progress updates and the work is expected to be complete in July. During this activity, motorists can expect nightly lane closures and steel plates at various locations on the bridge roadway surface.

Public Works has received the new playground equipment for Pickleweed Park. The purchase of the equipment was funded by a Community Development Block Grant administered by Marin County. DPW is obtaining the services of a certified playground installer as well as a specialty firm to install the equipment and engineered wood fiber surface. The playground...

With great weather to work, Van Midde and Son Concrete has been busy and working hard to replace sidewalk, curb and gutter in Gerstle Park.  A program high, 12 properties are currently in the midst of getting their sidewalk repaired with 7 more properties expected to break ground within the next two weeks. Last week,...

Join us next Monday, May 13 at 5 p.m. for the Hose Uncoupling Ceremony and Housing of the Engine at the grand opening of Fire Station 52! Refreshments will be served and tours of the new station will be conducted. We hope to see you there!

Chargepoint Instructions City Employees

Link to full 2019 Pt San Pedro Medians Landscaping Request for Proposals (RFP) The City of San Rafael (City) hereby requests proposals for routine landscape maintenance.  It is the intent of the City to hire a fully-licensed landscaping contractor that is duly registered and licensed with either a C61 or C27 license in the State...

The Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) construction is progressing within and around the San Rafael Transit Center in preparation for SMART's rail extension to Larkspur. And if you’ve visited the Transit Center lately, you may have noticed some changes to the platforms: all buses now operate first-in, first-out and pull as far forward as possible as they...

Golden Gate Transit is proposing changes to its bus lines that provide service to Northern and Central Marin County, including in Terra Linda, Lucas Valley, and Marinwood. The goal of these changes is to provide faster and more frequent service to San Francisco. Under their proposal, Golden Gate Transit service would be reallocated from poor performing...

Did you know: California now requires all businesses that generate four or more cubic yards of commercial solid waste per week to enroll in services to collect organic waste separately from other waste. Four cubic yards is about the size of a small dumpster and organic waste includes food scraps, landscape trimmings, clean wood and...

There's a new ride in town! Marin Transit has launched a new on-demand accessible shuttle service known as Marin Transit Connect. The new service is designed to help passengers connect to bus routes, SMART and major destinations across Northern San Rafael, like Northgate Mall, Marin Civic Center and Kaiser. Download the app on your smartphone...

The time has come! The completed Climate Change Action Plan 2030 will be presented to the City Council for consideration at Monday’s meeting. The Climate Change Action Plan 2030 sets targets for a minimum 40-percent reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 and outlines steps that residents, businesses, and the City can take to...

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