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Construction at the following address is anticipated to begin January 14, weather dependent: 1312 Second Street Construction on average is anticipated to take up to 5 days, starting with demolition of the existing sidewalk, removal of minor tree roots, followed by placement of the forms for new concrete, and completed with the pouring the new...

A slightly modified version of this Eco Tip was sent out to City employees on January 2, 2019

Construction work to install the railroad crossing at Rice Drive will require the road's closure from Francisco Blvd. W. to the west side of the tracks from January 2–31, 2019. Businesses on Rice Drive will remain open during construction.

Construction at the following four addresses is anticipated to begin January 7, weather dependent: 204 Forbes Ave 315 Forbes Ave 329 Forbes Ave 135 Eye Steet 375 FOrbes Ave 20 Elizabeth Way 1972 5th Ave Construction on average is anticipated to take up to 5 days, starting with demolition of the existing sidewalk, removal of...

The City Council approved a revised direction to improve the intersection of Third and Hetherton. The revised direction includes the crosswalk removal on the south leg of the intersection and the addition of a crosswalk on the east leg. This design will eliminate the pedestrian vehicular conflict between the heavy left turn movement and pedestrians...

On Monday December 17, 2018, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) approved the Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP), which shows all of the proposed funding for projects throughout the region and state.  The FTIP showed that the full construction funding for Southern Heights Bridge was approved for FY 18/19.  The documents note $4,185,000 for construction.  Public...

With the help of Parisi Transportation Consulting, Public Works was successful in applying for, and receiving grant funding from the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) for 3rd Street from Lindaro Street to Grand Avenue. The $1,575,000 will fund high-visibility crosswalks with accessible curb ramps, advanced stop bars, pedestrian countdown signals at five intersections and...

In early December, the contractor completed installation of the bridge abutments on each side of the San Rafael Canal. With abutment work complete, the contractor is focused on replacing the bridge barrier located on the west side of the vehicle bridge. While on the surface this barrier may appear simple to install, the barrier requires...

The City’s contractor Valentine Corporation poured the first concrete wall and is in the process of stripping the forms and backfilling behind the wall. The contractor will rebuild the slope up to Irwin Street and start working on the last retaining wall during the holidays. After the 4th retaining wall is finished the contractor will...

On December 17, 2018 the City Council authorized a contract with a local engineering design firm to develop a design to add a double right turn lane onto east bound 2nd Street from the North Bound 101 off-ramp to central San Rafael.  The design is being fast tracked with the intent to include this work...

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