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The City has hired BkF Engineering to assist in attaining the ROW Certifications, final project planning and assistance with the construction process. The ROW Certification process is underway and is expected to be completed late this summer. Then, construction is planned to start up mid-December 2019 and be completed by November 2020. When completed, the...

Happy Wednesday! This Saturday the leaf crew will be out starting at 7:00am in the following areas: Gerstle Park: C St. & D St., Ross, Marin, San Rafael, Bayview, and Antoinette. Sun Valley: H St., Center, Harcourt, and Fifth Ave. San Rafael Meadows Terra Linda: Golden Hinde and Devon. We'll get to as many additional...

The City of San Rafael is pleased to announce the appointment of Nadine Atieh Hade as the City’s Finance Director, effective October 16, 2018. Atieh Hade was originally hired in February 2018 as an Accounting Manager, and based on her performance, was promoted to Interim Finance Director upon the retirement of the former Finance Director,...

In observance of Thanksgiving, City Hall and all non-essential City facilities will be closed on Thursday, November 22, 2018 and Friday, November 23, 2018. City Hall will reopen on Monday, November 26, 2018. 24-hour operations will remain in effect for the Police and Fire Departments. For a list of all City Hall closure dates, visit our...

What is the Mini-Grant? The City of San Rafael spends nearly a quarter of a million dollars annually addressing the problem of public dumping.  Nearly 20% of Public Works’ Streets Division time is spent collecting and disposing of waste that is dumped on City streets and sidewalks, creating a public nuisance and safety hazard for the community. ...

Happy Holidays! Park stress-free while you shop and dine in Downtown San Rafael this holiday season! Beginning the Saturday after Thanksgiving (November 24) and through December 31, enjoy three hours of free parking at all City-owned parking lots and garages. On-street parking meters still require payment from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday....

*UPDATE* All open space areas in the City of San Rafael have been reopened as of Friday, December 7 due to low fire danger. All open space areas in the City of San Rafael are closed to the public until further notice due to extreme fire danger. Per San Rafael Municipal Code 19.10.040   Due to...

Resources The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) is the official air pollution control agency for the San Francisco Bay Area, which includes Marin County. To stay up to date on Bay Area air quality news, visit their website. Below are resources to find out the current air quality conditions, to help you better understand...

The Air District is issuing a smoke advisory today due to the Butte County fire that developed a week ago. Heavy smoke from this wildfire in the North Bay counties is causing very unhealthy air quality throughout the region and is not expected to improve for several days. . Bay Area residents impacted by wildfire smoke are advised to: Limit outdoor...

On Saturday, November 17 we'll be out and about starting around 7:00 a.m.: --Gerstle Park – C St. & D St., Ross, Marin, San Rafael, Bayview, Antoinette, and a few others. --Sun Valley – H St., Harcourt, Center, Fifth Avenue --Rafael Meadows We’ll get to as many of the surrounding streets as we can, pending...

In 2001, J. Michael Maloney, a Marin County resident, established an endowment with the Marin Community Foundation in honor of former San Rafael Planning Commissioner Dick O'Brien to fund an annual Citizen of the Year award. The intent of this award is to recognize a San Rafael community member who has made exceptional contributions to...

Good news! The City was recently selected to receive a $1.2 million grant from the California Natural Resources Agency as part of the state’s Urban Greening Program. The grant will be used to support the Francisco Boulevard West Multi-Use Pathway from Second Street to Andersen Drive Project, including planting trees and other natural vegetation, as...

Paul Goldstone, owner and developer of 1001 Fourth Street, recently launched an online survey for community members to share their ideas about how they would reimagine Downtown San Rafael. The survey solicits feedback from residents and visitors alike, asks questions relating to people’s experiences in Downtown San Rafael, and invites respondents to share their ideas...

BRIDGE Housing Corporation owns the Casa Vista Apartments, a 40-unit multi-family residential rental development that is located at 55 Fairfax Street. Constructed in 1964, the units are contained in two, two-story buildings.  The 1.4-acre property is also developed with surface parking, along with a central courtyard containing a swimming pool and recreation room. 100 percent...

Revenues from the Paramedic Service Special Tax provide funds for the City’s paramedic services. The tax, first approved by San Rafael voters in 1979, was initially imposed only on residential units, but in 1988 the voters approved an extension of the tax to include non-residential structures, such as commercial buildings. Currently, the paramedic tax is...

Over the past several months, PG&E has been working on a vital natural gas main that travels through the Bret Harte neighborhood and feeds most of southern Marin County. After the San Bruno pipeline explosion, PG&E thoroughly evaluated gas lines throughout the state and identified this one as one needing replacing. PG&E’s construction has involved...

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