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During the month of April 2018, the weather cleared up allowing Alten to initiate the off haul of the clean material, contaminated material and prepare the building pads for certification. Hauling off of the clean material was a success hauling off approximately 2,500 cubic yards to the airport. During the excavation of the contaminated material...

The City of San Rafael (City) hereby requests proposals from qualified Consultants for the project management and oversight of Automated Traffic Signal Measures (ATSPM) and Adaptive Traffic Control Systems (ATCS) Projects. The final product sought is a completed and successful ATSPM implementation meeting all Innovative Deployment of Enhanced Arterials (IDEA) grant funding contract requirements provided...

The Sidewalk Repair Program application period closed on Friday, April 27th. The City received 366 in total applications. This week the City ran the Sidewalk Repair Program lottery and ranked all 366 applications, and sent an email to all applicants informing them of their priority ranking status and what the next steps are: 1 is...

We had our first two Park-A-Month volunteer days on April 21st (Gerstle Park) and May 5th (Sun Valley Park). Both events had a good turnout, with 30 volunteers showing up at Gerstle Park and nearly 50 at Sun Valley. Many saw the event on NextDoor, signs in the neighborhood and volunteer postings on the website....

SMART’s contracting team continues to make progress on Andersen Dr. A team of contractors are simultaneously working to install portions of the multi-use pathway near the railroad crossing, traffic signal infrastructure, and earthwork preparatory to the new railroad tracks being installed. The contracting team is diligently scheduling the phasing of work at the intersection of...

According to the 2017 Homeless Point-in-Time Count, of the 1,100 people experiencing homelessness in Marin, only 15% were employed.  Despite this very low rate of employment, of the people who were unemployed, only 23% reported being unable to work.  Therefore, there is a tremendous opportunity to help people experiencing homelessness in Marin reenter the workforce.  ...

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2018 Symposium Speakers Biographies.

SRFD Vegetation Management HOME 2018 Wildland Urban Interface Symposium Hosted by the San Rafael Fire Department and Dominican University. This symposium is a 3 hour event that covers 17 different speakers from state and local agencies as well as PG&E and congress. Here you will find the presentation in audio and video form Speaker Bios:...

2018 Wildland Urban Interface Symposium PDF download of the slideshow.

Bike to Work Week encourages commuters and others to get out of their car and use a bicycle to get to and from their work. Safe paths for bicyclists are essential to make riding a real possibility for commuters. The City will conduct a one week pilot project from May 7 to 11 to coincide with Bike...

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