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Check out our new Story Map and let us know if it's helpful!   Neighborhood Collection Events (Multi-family residents only) The City is conducting a pilot project to encourage the legal disposal of unwanted items and gain a better understanding of community needs. If you are a tenant in a multi-family apartment, click here to...

Last week, the City received a letter from a Malibu-based attorney challenging San Rafael’s at-large election structure based on an alleged history of “racially polarized voting.” Following a study session on November 20, the City Council will continue the conversation about district-based elections and the City’s options on how to proceed. The topic is planned to be...

On November 8, 2016, the voters of the State of California enacted Proposition 64 to allow for non-medical/recreation adult-use. On Monday evening, the City Council will consider an ordinance regulating commercial cannabis activity in San Rafael city limits. The proposed law will allow a limited number of certain types of commercial operations, as well as...

General Plans have been called the blueprint for the community’s future. At their Monday meeting, the City Council will appoint members to a steering committee to oversee the development of the General Plan 2040. The multi-year planning process will help us develop a vision of what we all want San Rafael to be in 2040. READ...

Also on Monday evening, the City Council will review the environmental clearance for a multi-use pathway along the SMART rail line south of Second Street. This is an important section of the pedestrian and bicycle connection from Downtown to the Cal-Park tunnel and Larkspur ferry. READ THE STAFF REPORT

Working closely with the City, the County of Marin incorporated a portion of the City’s Promenade Plan and Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan concepts into its design for the Civic Center Drive project. At Monday night’s meeting City Council will consider vacating an unneeded portion of the City’s Civic Center Drive right-of-way in order to...

Each year, we recognize a member of the community for their contributions in making San Rafael an amazing place to live and work. If you know someone you believe is worthy of this recognition, please consider nominating them! Nominations are due January 3rd. NOMINATE SOMEONE Citizen of the Year 2017 Tamra Peters and Bill Carney

Help us make improvements to the playground at Albert Park! We've identified funding in the city budget, but are about $100,000 short of the goal to achieve the vision. The B Team and Gerstle Park Neighborhood Association have teamed up to help us raise the remaining funds. And, join us for dinner at The State...

Drop off a new, unwrapped toy or game, or several, into one of the barrels around town and bring a smile to a child's face this holiday season. Toys of all kinds are needed; from Baby’s First Blocks to Candyland, Pimki Pops to Lego sets. Donations will be accepted until December 19. DONATE

We recently completed our third municipal solar project to reduce emissions and boost renewable energy sources. The 3rd & C Street Garage will have an annual greenhouse gas reduction of 98 tons. The three solar arrays (also, at the Boro Community Center and our Public Works building) are estimated to save the City $35,000 in...

Based on the 2017 Homeless Point-in-Time Count, there are approximately 1,100 people experiencing homeless in Marin County.  Over 70% of Marin's homeless community resides outside of San Rafael.  In an effort to simultaneously reach people outside of San Rafael, de-concentration services in Downtown San Rafael, and get people plugged into the County of Marin's new...

Each year, we recognize a member of the community for their contributions in making San Rafael an amazing place to live and work. If you know someone you believe is worthy of this recognition, please consider nominating them! Nominations are due January 3rd. For information about the selection criteria & guidelines, past recipients and an...

Such engagement efforts are not a requirement of the CVRA, which only addresses the change from at-large elections to district-based elections, nor of the decision to be made by the City Council whether to transition to district-based elections during the time period allowed by the law. It is a related matter, however, which may be...

The City held a study session on November 20 and has held public hearings on December 4, December 18 and January 16 to receive public input.  Now that the City Council has decided to transition to district-based elections, the City Council will hold multiple meetings over a period of not more than 90 days in...

CVRA cases are highly fact- and jurisdiction-specific, so applying the result in one jurisdiction to another is very difficult. San Rafael has far different demographics and electoral history, and there were a number of unique aspects to the Palmdale case. This is especially the case as there is no Court of Appeal decision (on the...

Yes, the City is arranging for Spanish translations of written agenda materials on this matter, and for the presence of a Spanish-speaking translator at the public meetings.

City staff  is not aware of any quantitative data that addresses this, though there is qualitative scholarship and case law recognizing the possibility that districts could lead to more concern for one’s district at the expense of a “big-picture” view.  However, the extent to which this is true varies by jurisdiction.

The costs vary based upon the candidate’s approach. There are no City-mandated costs under either system.

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