Watch the City Council meeting on YouTube at 6:00 p.m.

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Earlier this year the City Council sought public input on potential improvements to the Residential Building Resale (RBR) program. The primary goal of this program is to protect the health and safety of San Rafael residents by inspecting for unsafe, hazardous, or unpermitted work as a residential unit is changing ownership. On Monday, December 5...

The General Plan serves as a blueprint for the community’s future growth and development, addressing issues such as land use, transportation, open space, housing, and sustainability, among others. On Monday evening, the City Council will consider amendments to the General Plan, including a new methodology to determine the environmental impacts of transportation and creating a...

Did Homelessness Start in 1982?  Homelessness - or a lack of a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence - has of course existed for a very long time.  Thinking just about the United States, in the 19th century tens of thousands of people experienced homelessness as cities (and the country itself) rapidly grew and urbanized....

Enrique Yam is a junior at Terra Linda High School. He is taking AP Chemistry and Computer classes. He lives in the Canal neighborhood of San Rafael and has participated in programs and activities at the Albert J. Boro Community Center as long as he can remember. He enjoys college prep programs, academic tutoring and...

Our General Plan was adopted in 2004. Since then, the General Plan has been amended many times in response to changing circumstance and requirements that necessitated updates. These changes included the adoption of the Sustainability Element, update of Housing Elements for the 4th and 5th cycle RHNA, completion of Station Area Plans, loss of Redevelopment, as well as...

Measure C - City of San Rafael Special Library Services Parcel Tax “To provide a consistent, locally -controlled funding source, augmenting current general fund allocations for the San Rafael Public Library, for expanded hours, improved facilities, equipment, materials, and services for children, teens, and adults, shall the City of San Rafael be authorized to levy an annual $49...

Measure I - City of San Rafael Paramedic Service Special Tax “To protect lifesaving paramedic services by maintaining rapid response times, providing advanced heart attack treatment, and keeping trained paramedics on fire engine companies, shall San Rafael Municipal Code Chapter 3.28 be amended to permit phased increases, up to $23.00 annually above the current rate, on residential units, and...

At the Council meeting on June 6, 2011, the City Council adopted a resolution proposing a General Municipal Election be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2011, and to include the San Rafael Elementary School District and the San Rafael High School District General Election. The issues presented to the voters at the election were: Election of...

At the Council meeting of May 6, 2013, the City Council adopted a resolution proposing a General Municipal Election be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2013, and to include the San Rafael Elementary School District and the San Rafael High School District General Election. The issues presented to the voters at the election were: Election of...

For comprehensive information regarding Elections, please visit the County of Marin Elections Office website. Independent Expenditure Ordinance Staff report and resolution calling the election Staff Report and resolution cancelling the election and appointing the incumbent candidates. At the Council meeting on June 15, 2015, the City Council adopted a resolution proposing a General Municipal Election be held on Tuesday, November 3,...

For comprehensive information regarding Elections, please visit the County of Marin Elections Office website. Staff report and resolution calling election Ordinance – Full Text of Measure Notice of Election and Measure City Attorney’s Impartial Analysis Argument in Favor of Measure D Election Results Ordinance 1942 Measure D - City of San Rafael  Special Library Services Parcel Tax...

Snapshot is a bimonthly newsletter that comes out the Thursday before every City Council meeting, highlighting items on the agenda, general news, and events. Subscribe

Our mission is to ensure San Rafael’s infrastructure meets the needs of our vibrant and growing city through careful management of major improvements and the maintenance of our city’s assets. See FY 2023-25 Infrastructure and Transportation Work Plan here

Two key upgrades for this small Northern California city led them to unconventional vendor choices. Read the full article on

Elks Lodge

Falkirk Cultural Center

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