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Also on Monday, the City’s financial auditors and Finance Director Mark Moses will present the annual financial reports for fiscal year 2015-2016, which ended on June 30, 2016. The City’s General Fund Emergency Reserves continue to meet the target level of ten percent of operating expenses established by City Council Policy. Read about that and...

San Rafael’s Mobilehome Rent Stabilization Ordinance restricts the rents that may be charged at mobilehome parks within the City.  However, expenditures qualifying under the ordinance as capital improvements or replacements are not considered to be part of the base rent, allowing the park owner to pass the costs of reasonable capital improvements through to the...

Also on Monday, the San Rafael City Council will consider making improvements to the City’s residential building resale (RBR) program. The primary goal of the RBR program is to protect the health and safety of San Rafael residents by inspecting for unsafe, hazardous, or unpermitted work as a residential unit is changing ownership. The California...

At Monday’s regularly scheduled City Council meeting at 7 p.m., the City Council will consider an appeal of an approved, new, two-story single-family residence located at 270 Linden Lane.  The Design Review Permit for the new home was reviewed by the Design Review Board (“DRB”) on two occasions, and recommended for approval. The Zoning Administrator...

On Monday, November 7 at 5 p.m., the City Council will hold a special study session to discuss the potential for an integrated business relationship between the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce and the Business Improvement District. Then at 6 p.m., the City Council will hold a special study session on Latino Outreach. Dr. Mara...

Sewage spills must be reported ASAP! If you see raw sewage coming from an overflow device (such as a mushroom cap) next to a building, it is likely a stoppage in the sewer lateral and the responsibility of the property owner - the property owner should call a plumbing company to service their sewer line....

SRSD FY2015-16 / 2016-17 Budget SRSD FY2013-14/2014-15 Budget

Budget Documents Financial Statements Sanitation District Financial Reserves Policy In June 2015, the Board of Directors designated amounts to be provided as reserves for capital improvement projects and adopted a policy requiring transfers, commencing in 2015-16, to separate reserve accounts to provide funding required to pay for planned capital improvement projects. Transfers are based on...

The simple answer is not to put anything down the drain or in the toilet that could cause problems. This includes: fats, oils and grease, medications, wipes and hazardous liquids. Fats, oils and grease clog sewer lines, and medications and hazardous liquids pose challenges for the sewage treatment process. Also, never connect any storm drain...

Yes. During wet weather, stormwater enters through cracks and breaks, allowing massive amounts of stormwater to enter the public sewer system, causing additional spills and overloading the wastewater treatment process. The result increases the threat to public health, requires costly upgrades to the public system, and has, at times, contaminated San Francisco Bay and its...

Property owners are responsible for maintaining the entire length of the sewer lateral, including the portion that runs under the street.

As private laterals age, just as sewer mains do, they can develop leaks, become clogged by fats, oils and grease, and become cracked by roots. This situation leads to sewage spills and overflows, threatening public health and the environment. Defective sewer laterals affect us all.

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