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On Saturday, October 29th, starting around 7:30 a.m, we'll be out and about! Gerstle Park - Mainly C Street & D Street as well as various side streets including Ross, Marin, and Bayview. Sun Valley - H Street, Center Street, and Harcourt Street will also get a visit from the sweeper and vac. Dominican -...

The public sector moves more slowly than the business world. Government information technology contracts are huge, long-term beasts. Public agencies prefer establishment over risk. All of that used to be true — but it’s changing. Read the full article on

Meet two great guys – City of San Rafael Custodians Ross Morrison and Juan Carlos Sorto. Between the two, they have worked 27 years for San Rafael. Each manages the cleaning and maintenance of busy San Rafael Community Centers. By default, they are also volunteer coordinators, working mostly with court mandated community service workers (CSW)....

The City of San Rafael Code Enforcement Division is the enforcement arm of the Community Development Department. Our mission is to improve and maintain quality of life and protect the health and safety of our residents. Code Enforcement Officers work with the other city departments as well as the City Attorney’s Office to investigate and...

Information on permit process  Do you have questions? Need help applying for permits? General information can be found on the link above. Whether your doing a large commercial project or a small residential remodel, this 15 minute appointment will let you talk to staff members from Building, Planning , Public Works and Fire Departments.   This...

The Planning Division provides information on land use, zoning, site development standards and processes applications for land use permits and land divisions.  Most projects submitted fall into two categories, Design Review or Use Permit. If you are constructing a structure of any kind, you may need design review. If you are modifying a land use,...

After about 70 days of interviewing departments, creating content, uploading files, developing online forms and a whole lot of refining, we launched a beta version of the new San Rafael website. Read the full article on

Having access to timely and comprehensive election data is fundamental to democracy. Knowing when and where to vote, as well as what your ballot options are is critical to being fully informed. Read the full article on

In 1999, the Marin Boy Scout Council asked Willy Coronado if he could help bring Scouting to the Canal neighborhood of San Rafael. Willy had been a leader and Scout Master for Boy Scout Troop 1 in Mill Valley for 15 years. Willy, originally from Peru, was a great choice to lead a Troop in...

As you know, we live in Earthquake Country. Millions of people worldwide will practice how to Drop, Cover, and Hold On at 10:20 a.m. on October 20* during Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills, which began in California in 2008. Participating is a great way for your family or organization to be prepared to survive and recover...

On Saturday, October 22nd, starting around 7:30 a.m, we'll be out and about! Gerstle Park - Mainly C Street & D Street as well as various side streets as time permits. Sun Valley - H Street, Center Street, and Harcourt Street will also get a visit from the sweeper and vac. Dominican - Focusing on...

As part of our community engagement efforts, we are aiming to provide more online engagement opportunities. We understand how busy your lives are and want to make it easier to provide feedback and access services through our website. Our goal is to create a 24/7 City Hall where you can find information, fill out forms,...

Kevin McGowan, Assistant Public Works Director, Employee of the 3rd Quarter of 2016. Kevin embarked upon his San Rafael journey in 2010, following a long and mostly illustrious career with the County of Marin. Kevin has always conducted himself with grace and humor, in sharp contrast with his widely held and clearly undeserved reputation for monk-like solemnity. As...

At the last City Council meeting, the City Council discussed a request from the City of Novato to apply jointly for a comprehensive Quiet Zone that would stretch from downtown San Rafael north through Novato. A Quiet Zone is a defined area of track where the horn is not required to sound (except when at...

Also at Monday’s meeting, the City Council will hear an informational presentation on the Homeless Outreach Team (HOT ) pilot program, as well as the status of the Ritter Center Memorandum of Understanding  (MOU).  HOT is an innovative new program in Downtown San Rafael that is working to get chronically homeless individuals off the street. ...

The City Council will receive an informational update on the San Rafael Transit Center Relocation Study at their meeting on Monday. Relocation of the transit center will be necessary when SMART extends service to Larkspur, as the location of the tracks will directly impact bus operations.   This grant-funded study focuses on identifying both interim and...

As the City proceeds with the Phase I Essential Facilities Projects, contractors must be selected to build the Public Safety Center as well as Fire Stations 52 and 57.  Because these projects are highly complex and costly projects, for the construction of critical public safety infrastructure buildings serving the public’s needs, it is very important...

At their last meeting, the City Council discussed a proposed MOU pertaining to compensation and working conditions for the San Rafael Fire Chief Officers’ Association (SRFCOA). At Monday’s meeting, the City Council will consider approving this MOU.  

In honor and recognition of the upcoming Breast Cancer Awareness Month of October the San Rafael Police Department and San Rafael Parking Services will be participating in the Pink Patch Project San Rafael.  This is the first year of participation by the San Rafael Police and Parking Services employees and was initiated, in part, as...

On Saturday, October 22 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. the San Rafael Police Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will provide the public with another opportunity to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired and unwanted prescription drugs.  Bring your medications for disposal to the San Rafael City...

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