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Project Description: Although the Terra Linda community pool was rebuilt in 2002, the pool house, which contains the restrooms, changing areas, classroom, mechanical room for pool equipment areas and storage, has not been upgraded since the 1960’s. This project included replacement, renovation and upgrades to the pool house. Project Status: The City has awarded the construction contract to...

Project Description: This project includes installation of 9 American’s With Disability Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps, curb, gutter, sidewalk, and drainage improvements at the following intersections: Ida Street and Second Street Sonoma Street and Elaine Way Sonoma Street and Charlotte Drive Hoag Street and Mill Street Fairfax Street and Charlotte Drive Project Status: The construction contract was...

Project Description: This project includes reconstruction of the pump station to ensure that the Stormwater Pump Station operates efficiently and effectively. The existing structure (concrete and supporting steel beams) and equipment (pumps, piping, brackets, electrical, fencing, and railings) will be replaced. The concrete wall will be removed and sidewalk will be widened. Curb, gutter, and...

Project Description: These two projects include installation of hot mix asphalt and/or micro-surfacing treatments at various locations throughout the City. This project also includes installation of American's With Disability Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps, curb, gutter, and sidewalk. Curb ramps must be installed prior to resurfacing of streets per federal law. Project Status: The project was awarded to Ghilotti Construction Company. Construction of...

Project Description: Brookdale Avenue is a one-way loop off of Lincoln Avenue and adjacent to the Irwin Creek to the north.  The area next to the roadway has experienced erosion due to the close proximity of Irwin Creek as it meanders downstream.  The creek bank erosion has caused instability in the original stacked rock retaining wall...

Project Description: This project consisted of street repairs to remove bumps that have formed on Francisco Blvd East between Medway Road and Vivian Street and on Francisco Blvd West near RAB Motors. In addition to the street repairs, other work items include minor draina ge improvements and removal and replacement of sidewalk, curb, gutter, and striping....

Project Description: This project made necessary repairs and improvements on H Street between 5th Ave and Forbes Ave. Improvements included installation of a new storm drain system, ADA compliant wheelchair ramps, and resurfacing of the roadway. Additionally, the City’s project, in conjunction with the San Rafael Sanitation District, included installation of a new sanitary sewer line. Project Status:...

Project Description: This project consisted of repairs on two multi-use pathways within the City: Shoreline Park Pathway and Bahia Vista School Pathway. The City applied for and received $252,000 under the Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 funding source. The TDA grant is one of the few grants that provides funds for maintenance projects. Project Status: This...

Project Description: This project addressed gaps and barriers in pedestrian facilities such that community members and students have better access to local schools, employment, services, and other activities that are considered essential to daily life. Improvements included installation of concrete sidewalks between Woodland Avenue and Andersen Drive; installation of radar speed feedback signs; and installation of...

Project Description: This project included installation of five American’s With Disability Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps, drainage improvements, curb, gutter, sidewalk, and the replacement of an existing retaining wall between Grove Street and Lodge Lane on San Rafael Avenue. Project Status: This project is complete. Construction began June 1, 2015 and was completed June 26, 2015. Project Contact: Jeff Stutsman,...

The switchgear at City Hall (1400 Fifth Avenue) is over 50 years old and is past its usable life. In addition, the existing transformer and service to City Hall are not complaint with current PG&E standards and will need to be upgraded as part of this project. The City plans to install solar panels at...

Victor Jones Park, a 6-acre park located in the Glenwood neighborhood concluded construction in June 2018 and now features a new play structure area and various improvements that allow more community access in the park with fencing and playground areas that benefit children and families. Thank you to the members of the @CityofSanRafael City Council,...

The City has received grant funding through the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), as administered through Caltrans, to make improvements to the intersection of Third Street and Hetherton Street. Both streets are major arterials and serve as critical corridors with connections to the US 101 southbound on- and off-ramps, Downtown San Rafael, West Marin communities,...

The City Manager's Office We advise the City Council on policy matters and manage the operations of the City of San Rafael with economy, efficiency, equity and effectiveness. The City Manager's office carries out the policy and directions of the Mayor and City Council and supports the Council's efforts to engage in legislative advocacy on the...

Due to the time-sensitive nature of noise complaints please call (415) 485-3000 to report directly to our 24-hour dispatch service. 

If the City of San Rafael has a secret weapon in our mission to end homelessness, it’s Lynn Murphy. I recently had the chance to spend a morning in downtown San Rafael with Lynn, and she was kind enough to answer a few of my questions. What is your position with the City of San...

After two weeks of hearing from me, I thought it would be a good time to “pass the mic” to someone else.  Moving forward, this newsletter will feature a regular cycle of stories covering a wide variety of topics related to homelessness.  As I mentioned in my first message to you, my plan is to...

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