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8305 Results Found

The San Rafael Pacifics Baseball Club The San Rafael Pacifics Story: The San Rafael Pacifics’ commitment to their community is evident in their approach to recycling and waste. Last season, the team realized they had a problem: the recyclables weren’t going where they are supposed to and the trash was overflowing. The Pacifics game day...

Project Description: These two projects included installation of hot mix asphalt and/or micro-surfacing treatments at various locations throughout the City. This project also included installation of American's With Disability Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps, curb, gutter, and sidewalk. Curb ramps must be installed prior to resurfacing of streets per federal law. Project Status: This project is complete. Ghilotti Bros. Inc was awarded...

West Brooklyn Pizza Company The West Brooklyn Pizza Story: West Brooklyn Pizza has been serving San Rafael from their Andersen Avenue location for over 30 years. The restaurant has always recycled, but owner Renato Fusari still felt bad about the food scraps they had to throw away. “It’s just me…I hate waste,” he says. Participating...

Diane Henderson is a Marin County native and a 25 -year resident of San Rafael who is well known for her volunteer work and civic involvement in the community. While known to be a passionate resident, Diane has had a "quiet touch" in her involvement with and contribution to many of the City's most respected...

Rebecca Woodbury, Management Analyst, Employee of the Year for 2014 Rebecca started working as an intern for the City of San Rafael's Economic Development Department in February 2009 and has served as the Management Analyst in the City Manager's Office since 2011. Rebecca assisted with the SMART Station Area Plans, replaced all the downtown newsracks, and...

Project Description: This project includes installation of 16 American’s With Disability Act (ADA) compliant curb ramps, curb, gutter, and sidewalk at various locations throughout the City. Project Status: Construction contract was awarded to Coastside Concrete. Construction began June 15, 2014 and completed on August 3, 2015.

Hugo Landecker is a 45 -year resident of San Rafael that is well known for his community activism and passion for protecting San Rafael neighborhoods. As a long-standing resident of Gerstle Park, in 1973, Hugo helped form the Gerstle Park Neighborhood Association so that neighbors could work in a unified way with the City of...

Patricia (Pat) Kendall is a long-time resident of San Rafael well known for her community and civic involvement. Trained as an emergency room nurse, Pat's community service began 35 years ago when she participated in the formation of Marin County's "911 Paramedic Program." Through these many years, Pat has continued to support this program as...

For more than 4 decades, Albert J. Boro served his community tirelessly, with distinction and unmistakable flair. From 1971 until his retirement in 2011, Al spent 16 years on the San Rafael Planning Commission, 4 years on the City Council, finally graduating to Mayor in 1991. He was consistently listed as one of the "top...

Carolyn Lenert has been selected as the Citizen of the Year due to her community involvement. Carolyn is a well-known community builder and leader. Carolyn has provided an effective presence as a key representative to the North San Rafael Coalition of Residents and as President of the Santa Margarita Neighborhood Association. Carolyn has contributed countless hours coordinating outreach, sharing resources...

Margie Belrose has been selected as the recipient of the Citizen of the Year award due to her lifelong accomplishments in promoting a vibrant presence of the theatre, entertainment and education in Downtown San Rafael. Margie's community contributions began in 1954 when she and her husband David opened their business to teach students the art...

Phyllis & Max Thelen have been selected as the Citizens of the Year award due to their community involvements and accomplishments promoting arts, culture and education. The Thelen’s community contributions began in 1963 with their founding of Marin Ballet which, over the years, has trained thousands of Marin children in ballet and dance arts. They...

Patty Garbarino has been selected as the Citizen of the Year award due to her community involvement. Patty is a life-long resident of San Rafael and graduate of San Rafael High School and Dominican University. Her Community service has long been tenured and broad, including being a program manager for Project Workability, matching special education...

Man Mihn Phan has been selected as the recipient of the Citizen of the Year award due to his community involvement. He served in the South Vietnam-Arm, fighting alongside American forces, and spent six years in a communist prison camp after the war. Man and his wife have been residents of San Rafael for over...

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