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By: JC Agcaoili, Assistant Engineer Construction on the Freitas Parkway Sidewalk Replacement began on Monday, April 3rd, 2023.  The City’s contractor, Sierra’s Concrete, has set up traffic control and pedestrian detour signs to ensure an accessible path of travel during construction.  The goal of this project is to maximize budget by focusing on replacing the...

The Parks & Recreation and Public Works Departments would like to thank Voces del Canal for sharing their space with us at their recent Easter Egg Hunt event last Saturday, April 1st.  We were able to gather very helpful feedback regarding the community’s wants and needs for our upcoming Pickleweed Park Improvements project.  City staff...

The recent onslaught of storms has created several fallen tree and limb debris around the City for the Parks Department to address.  Below is a photo of an acacia tree that had fallen in Boyd Park and took out some large branches on a nearby camphor tree.  Parks Division crew members Camilo Bayot, Nathan Momsen,...

Manholes are mainly used for maintenance work, but manhole covers provide an important safety function by preventing anything or anyone from falling in.  It’s important to repair any damage that may occur to them as well as keeping them well maintained. Recently, a manhole cover along East Francisco Blvd sustained some damage and was in...

San Rafael Volunteers Give your time and talent to make San Rafael an even better place. Get matched to real needs like neighborhood clean-ups, gardening projects or helping a City department. Find opportunities to help with projects around San Rafael! Volunteer opportunities Apply to be a volunteer Volunteer during a disaster News and Spotlights Upcoming...

  Snapshot en Español   Spotlight Photo Photo Credit: Bernadette Sullivan, City Manager’s Office Last Quiz Question Congrats to Shanna Moler for being the first to answer our latest Snapshot Quiz. The photo featured Pendicularis densiflora or a “Warrior’s Plume” which can be found all over the Mt. Tam watershed and in abundance along the...

  FOTO DE SPOTLIGHT Foto cortesía de: Bernadette Sullivan, Oficina del Administrador de la Ciudad. RESPUESTA Felicitaciones a Pamela Reaves por ser la primera en responder a nuestro último cuestionario de Snapshot.  La foto que se presenta se tomó en la intersección de 680 Trail y Sunrise Fire Road. Felicitaciones a Pamela y gracias por...

The Project seeks to decarbonize the local economy by combining Climate Change Action Plan measures with workforce and economic development activities to: Help current businesses increase economic vitality and create good jobs that support climate action; Identify and support entrepreneurs to establish new green businesses that support climate action; Create or enhance equitable pathways into good quality, local jobs that support climate action.

Date and time: 2023-04-05 07:00 pmLocation: Pickleweed Advisory Committee - April 5, 2023Department: Public MeetingsAgendaSelect 'download' below to view the AgendaAgenda packetSelect 'download' below to view the Agenda PacketDate and time: 2023-04-05 07:00 pmLocation: Pickleweed Advisory Committee - April 5, 2023Department: Public MeetingsAgendaSelect 'download' below to view the Agenda (bilingual)Agenda packetSelect 'download' below to view...

Date and time: 2023-04-04 07:00 pmLocation: City HallDepartment: Community DevelopmentDate and time: 2023-04-04 07:00 pmLocation: City HallDepartment: Community DevelopmentAgendaSelect ‘Download’ below to view the cancellation noticeDate and time: 2023-04-04 07:00 pmLocation: City HallDepartment: Community DevelopmentAgendaSelect ‘Download’ below to view the cancellation noticeDate and time: 2023-04-04 07:00 pmLocation: City HallDepartment: Community DevelopmentAgendaSelect ‘Download’ below to view...

Date and time: 2023-04-03 01:00 pmLocation: City Council - April 3, 2023 (Special)Department: Public MeetingsAgendaSelect 'download' below to view the AgendaDate and time: 2023-04-03 01:00 pmLocation: City Council - April 3, 2023 (Special)Department: Public MeetingsAgendaSelect 'download' below to view the Agenda

Who we are The Volunteer Program is a program within the Sustainability division of the City of San Rafael’s office of the City Manager. What we do We coordinate volunteer positions in city government departments and for special projects. We connect community members looking to volunteer their time for pleasure, a school project, or to...

During emergency events, the City of San Rafael will occasionally open up a walk-in Emergency Volunteer Intake Center.  The Emergency Volunteer Intake Center (EVIC) is a designated location where disaster volunteers can prepare and coordinate volunteer efforts. If the EVIC is opened, we will update this page with more information. At the center, volunteers will...

Need to know Anyone can apply. If you are under 18 years old, you will need a signature from your parent or guardian. If you are volunteering to complete court mandated community-service hours, complete this form. If you are a person with a disability and require accommodation to participate in a San Rafael volunteer activity,...

Date and time: 2023-04-03 07:00 pmLocation: City Council - April 3, 2023Department: Public MeetingsDate and time: 2023-04-03 07:00 pmLocation: City Council - April 3, 2023Department: Public MeetingsAgendaAGENDA SAN RAFAEL CITY COUNCIL - MONDAY, APRIL 3, 2023 REGULAR MEETING AT 7:00 P.M. In-Person: San Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 Participate...

Date and time: 2023-04-05 06:00 pmLocation: Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee - Wednesday April 5, 2023 (Cancelled)Department: Public MeetingsAgendaSelect 'download' below to view Cancellation NoticeDate and time: 2023-04-05 06:00 pmLocation: Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee - Wednesday April 5, 2023 (Cancelled)Department: Public MeetingsAgendaSelect 'download' below to view Cancellation NoticeDate and time: 2023-04-05 06:00 pmLocation: Bicycle & Pedestrian...

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