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A business license is a tax required of most businesses that conduct business within the city limits of San Rafael, even if your physical office is located outside city limits. Business license taxes help to pay for street maintenance, police and fire protection, and other services that benefit businesses and the general public. You need...

Matched in attachment: "... existing zoning regulations. There were “economies of scale” associated with doing this work ... is approved as currently proposed. 41) Redwood Hwy and Merrydale Rd do not currently have a cul-de-sac ... shall be required for particles equal to or larger than 5mm, so they do not enter into the City’s ... that it is in the financial position to do so. The circumstances that make it possible for the City to reimburse ... that it is in the financial position to do so. The circumstances that make it possible for the City ..."

Matched in attachment: "... to allow a hotel in the 5/M R/O zoning district. One element of the use permit review is evaluation ... /M R/O zoning district, which allows a mix of commercial and residential uses. Hotels are one ... is located in the 5/M R/O zoning district which does not have minimum setback requirements. FAR ... maneuvering area. When parking spaces are located adjacent to columns, do not block the end ... to the aisles where they do not meet City standard. f. The loading area on 5th Avenue shall be revised ..."

Matched in attachment: "... the parking areas shall be sited so that tree trunks do not obstruct access to vehicles. d ... insulation measures for all residential units to ensure that interior noise levels do not exceed ... . Verification that noise levels for the exterior, private backyard areas of the residential units do ... pile driving techniques that do not generate acoustical levels above 180 decibels, which is below ... of the shoreline shaII be done under the supervision of the Geotechnical Engineer or his representative ..."

Matched in attachment: "... by referenced information sources that show the impact simply docs not apply to projects like the one ... and be determined significant, a historical resource llIust llIeet one or more of the foUl' criteria ... atures w ailable milled urchase gh cata These factor 0 the de ent of eighbor of one- o-story, frame ... and grading work done within 15 feet of the west property line could exceed the Ordinance ... are demolished and wben site preparation work is done, the following measures shall ..."

Matched in attachment: "... , as well as San Rafael itself, indicates that inclusionary zoning requirements do not act ... “adequate sites” through zoning and is one of the primary threshold criteria necessary to achieve State ... options, amend the zoning ordinance to provide a 12 foot (one story) height bonus where two or more ... zoning requirements are additive (not prorated), so that a developer has flexibility ... they are conditionally permitted), and the City does not have any occupancy standards in the zoning code ..."

Matched in attachment: "... units, or to sell to developers willing to do so. • Developers being willing to acquire ... refers to the amount of units or residents in a certain area. Zoning requirements ensure one ... Autodesk (Corner of Civic Center Drive and McInnis Parkway) * Current zoning: PD(1448)-WO (Planned ... financed in part by grants from the U.S. Department of Transportation. The contents of this report do ... It should be noted, however, that that the Sustainable Communities Strategy work being done by ABAG ..."

Matched in attachment: "... , and an estimated time frame for doing so.” (Elec. Code §10010.) A potential plaintiff may not file a lawsuit ... so that the electoral districts do not result in a denial or abridgement of the right of any ... their attorney’s fees and costs. 8. Do we need to collapse the 2020 and 2022 elections? How does it work when ... pointed out that such a “50 percent-plus-one minority” district is not possible in San Rafael, so ... . • Gerrymandering (traditionally, drawing districts so as to give one political party ..."

"... to Execute Lease. 6. How many days' notice do I need to give ... retains the right to reject it. In this instance, you do not need to file an Eviction Notice. Your tenant ... Zone ... " terminations, at least 60 days of notice if the Tenant has resided in the unit for one or more years ... and at lest 30 days of notice if the Tenant has resided in the unit for less than one year. For "For Cause ..."

What is "Cause for Eviction"? Cause for Eviction (or "Just Cause") policies are intended to provide stability for households who rent by regulating the grounds for eviction. San Rafael's Cause for Eviction Ordinance is intended to promote greater awareness of the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants and to provide a clear and transparent...

Matched in attachment: "... . “Jessica is just the person to help us do that.” Jessica holds a bachelor’s in art in International ... can make it easier for city staff to get things done, and deliver equitable, effective services ... Service and Open Government. Jessica most recently served as Co-Founder and head ... . Jessica will begin her new position on April 1, 2021. “We care about outcomes, so ... it is not enough to just provide a City service. We need to design the delivery of services so they work from ..."

Matched in attachment: "... the Community First & Foremost…its why we’re here • We “Pledge to Prepare” ourselves and others • We do our ... are Engaged and Involved • Trust is knowing the work will be done as if you had done it yourself ... will be accepted and you do not need to participate in another written exam. ... . Resumes do not substitute for the online application but can be attached to the application ... , lasting impression! Homework Assignment • WHO are YOU? • WHY are you here? • WHAT do you know ..."

Matched in attachment: "... or damaged in so doing, that may prove defective in workmanship or material within this one-year ... . This shall be done for Emergency Call-Out Work only. Proposals shall be submitted by businesses ... , materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in completing ... and the work to be done at each location via telephone from a City authorized representative ... problem Standard 1: All pruning cuts shall conform to ANSI A300 standards (Part 1: Pruning). Do ..."

"... tool; it does not zone for or authorize land development. A PDA would help fund a community-driven ... of a PDA for an area does not mean ..."

No, the designation of a PDA for an area does not mean that high rise buildings will be developed in the community.  A PDA designation is a funding and planning tool; it does not zone for or authorize land development. A PDA would help fund a community-driven planning process which would look at the density,...

"... There are a few things to be sure to do so we can process your ... Division to get their zoning approval ahead of time ..."

There are a few things to be sure to do so we can process your business license in a timely fashion: Register online and promptly respond to any follow-up emails and additional requests. If your business is located within city limits, Contact the Planning Division to get their zoning approval ahead of time. Pay the...

"... network, the faster those resources can get to everyone who needs them. Do you have ... transportation may be in short supply. Can you count on a loved one or neighbor to help evacuate you ... Will you need extra welfare checks, or a place to stay during power outages, heat waves, and so ..."

Will you need extra welfare checks, or a place to stay during power outages, heat waves, and so on? Discuss your plan with family or friends and neighbors who can assist you in your area of need. Will you need transportation assistance in an evacuation? Accessible public transportation may be in short supply. Can you...

"... is and what to do. Don't forget to practice! Your plan is only a piece of paper unless you can ... prove that it works. Everyone should go through the actual steps in the plan to make sure they can do ... to do ... your family or staff will communicate, where you will go for safety and who ..."

Emergency plans are your guide to knowing what to do when a disaster hits. They include information on how your family or staff will communicate, where you will go for safety and who is responsible for what. Make sure everyone in your household or business knows what the emergency plan is and what to do. Don't forget to practice! Your...

Matched in attachment: "... Ju ni pe ro S er ra A ve Do ria n W ay Du nfr ies Te r M ap le w oo d D r Brentw ... as as D r Fairway Dr Locksly Ln Arguello Cir Mo nte cito Rd Ju ni pe ro S er ra A ve Do ... oon Rd Peacock Dr W C as tle w oo d D r Ca stle wo od D r Fe rn w oo d W ay De llw ... a W ay Po int Sa n P ed ro Rd Bellevue Ave Mo nte cito Rd Bay Ct Lu na da C t Ma ... Pea coc k Ln Dr iftw oo d C t Tea kw ood Ct Ash wo od Ct ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM PT. SAN ..."

Matched in attachment: "... is on a corner and a curb access ramp does not exist, one shall be installed per the Americans ... . Any additional work the property owner may elect to do (e.g. if a property owner decides to replace ... Wage Requirements. This means that the contractor hired to do the work must be registered ... with the DIR, and any work performed that will be reimbursed in full or in part by the City must be done ... the right-of-way to determine if trees can be preserved by root pruning. The inspection can only be done ..."

"... activities do you do? None currently, but previously I served as a board member of the Sun Valley ... of as a volunteer? I have made our city a more beautiful place to live. One does not often know ... why one likes a certain area or town, but good design does not cost more. Through my years on the DRB ... for the Board and was appointed by the City Council and remained on the board for 23 years. What do ... President of San Rafael Jaycees. What do you suggest to those considering volunteering ..."

The City of San Rafael has a dozen Boards and Commissions that are populated by almost 100 volunteers with interest in city governance. These volunteers are professionals in specific fields or people that are passionate about an issue, topic or activity. Boards and Commissions advise the City Council on things like public safety and infrastructure,...

Matched in attachment: "... on the licenses and removing the expiration date. Done in conjunction with creating a searchable ... is looking to do the same for the more complicated in-town licenses. This may sound like a daunting ... - Andrew Thompson – By Cindy Giuliani, Finance Department One step at a time, Andrew Thompson ... helped the department eliminate another 8,000 or so pieces of mail per year! Currently Andrew ... to apply for a first-time license online, so far with very few glitches. Soon the department ..."

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