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4055 Results Found

"... the Marin Sanitary Service website and use the “Where does it go, Joe?” tool! Even ... a multifamily property; what do I have to do to comply ... "Where does it go, Joe?" tool to help you properly ... to the disposal container to discard organic waste. If your apartment building does not have composting ..."

Starting January 2022, all California residents will be required to compost organic waste properly. The law aims to reduce harmful methane emissions from landfills that contribute to climate change and global warming. Please visit Cal Recycle's website for more information on the new law. I'm a tenant, how will this law affect me? This new...

Matched in attachment: "... (DoD) through the Defense and State Memorandum of Agreement (DSMOA) to oversee the investigation ... information does not necessarily mean that wetlands do not exist in the area covered by the report. CT ... from pdf docs. DO NOT copy entire photo. • Provide framed aerial photograph for each photograph ... as a disposal facility that does not comply with one or more of the Part 257 or Part 258 Subtitle D Criteria ... the course of this assessment. Other Environmental Considerations warrant discussion, but do not qualify ..."

Matched in attachment: "...  say you’ve done your due diligence.  I do wonder what their original thinking was – maybe better ... . If the deposits do not so qualify, avoidance is not necessary. If the deposits do so qualify ... . If the deposits do not so qualify, avoidance is not necessary. If the deposits do so qualify, adverse ... . Private de·1e!oprne17t 0 c. Zo ning D d. Public Wo rk s p rojec t D e. VJnd:ilism O f. O ther 1 -1 ... , R.. . lo\\OO 'Re.dwo~c\ \Jf\J(. ~~-k ) kvhl'\e-r+ ~ct-~ t.) CA CJ4Cf l8 II IIIIIII IIII Ill ..."

Matched in attachment: "... with any other work or material that may be displaced or damaged in so doing, that may prove defective ... , and for doing all the work involved in completing the work as specified herein, and as directed ... : Pruning). Do not make flush cuts or leave branch stubs. Cuts shall be made outside the branch collar ... . This type of pruning is done to reduce the risk of falling branches and to reduce the risk of decay ... and stems to decrease the height and/or spread of a tree. This is done to minimize risk of failure ..."

"... and if they do, if and how they want propose the revise the plans ... At this point, we will not update this site, until we receive a formal application, or indication that one will be filed. ... to the applicant. So, there is no further action on the part of the city, unless we receive a formal ..."

The Conceptual Review and Pre Application process have been completed and comments from city staff, the Design Review Board and Planning Commission and the public being forwarded to the applicant. So, there is no further action on the part of the city, unless we receive a formal application. At this point, the decision to pursue...

"... be a good thing to do with my spare time. What do you enjoy most about your volunteer work ... not receive them. What other volunteer activities do you do? I also volunteer ... in San Rafael. What do you suggest to those considering volunteering with the City ... , the San Rafael Police Department (SRPD) is one of those that must have a constant presence round ... volunteering for anything, especially if it’s a long-term commitment. Describe in one to three words your ..."

While some city departments have the luxury of being able to close their doors over their holidays, the San Rafael Police Department (SRPD) is one of those that must have a constant presence round-the-clock, 365 days a year. Without volunteers, this mandate would be even more challenging than it already is. Jack Brandon has been...

"... on the Downtown Streets Team. What should I do if I see someone panhandling ... .  They are not replacing current parking meters. How do I learn more or sponsor a meter? Please ... visit or email Logan McDonnell at How do ... I support this campaign?  Whether it's this campaign or supporting another one ... " Campaign.  And more so than we ever imagined, this initiative is proving to be a major win-win ..."

  For the past six months the City has been working with Downtown Streets Team, as well as community members Paula Doubleday, Diane Doubleday, Carol Thompson, Kelly London, and Rich Goldstein, on a creative way to address panhandling.  When we first set out, we landed on a simple but critical insight - people panhandle because...

Matched in attachment: "... such consulting services and is willing to do so on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement ... both we (Noll & Tam) and Kappe + Du have done previously such that an “apples to apples ... %7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=Tus4p6BXWBzi5ndU12roMiMgzVgsQWrUqDO1aKkMgdI%3D ... affordable senior housing. Most do not pick up their phones and don’t allow her to leave a message ... -profit, we worked together, and continue to do so, to find creative ways to sustain our business ..."

Matched in attachment: "... is to help make City services easy to use and work for everyone. We do this by leveraging digital ... and modernize approaches to project management and be a leader in getting things done on time ... experience and service delivery. Tools Provide collaborative and modern tools that empower employees to do ... DR AF T 1 DIGITAL SERVICE AND OPEN GOVERNMENT STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK JULY 2019 Making City ... of services so they work from the community’s perspective and thus, that government works ..."

Matched in attachment: "... also repo1ted she was going to see how Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District was doing ... Code Section 54956.9(c): One potential case. 5. OLD BUSINESS None scheduled. · 6. NEW BUSINESS ... of rainwater/saltwater intrusion. She also suggested doing a study to determine the most intrusive sites ... had previously done a project for the District back in 2006. She then repo11ed that District staff ... revenue program. Please do not hesitate to contact r\\~:·or t{\b1iA~ency's General Manager to discuss the FY16 budget and/or Forecast. · Page 2 of 2 ..."

"... cart from one of the following stores? If so, use ... can residents do? Report! If you see an abandoned ... shopping cart that is labeled with a store’s branding, the best thing you can do is report ... cart is from one of the following stores, please ... One ..."

Abandoned carts are a hazard to pedestrians and vehicular traffic. They are also an eyesore for our neighborhoods and tend to attract litter and more carts.  What can residents do? Report! If you see an abandoned shopping cart that is labeled with a store’s branding, the best thing you can do is report the lost cart to a shopping...

"... or deductibles. If you do not have  insurance, you will be responsible for the billed amount. ... request form, so that we can bill your health insurance for the transport ... a payment is received from your insurance, you will receive a bill for uncovered charges, co-pays ..."

The bill may be covered by your insurance and/or Paramedic Tax revenues. To find out if you owe anything, call the Fire Department at (415) 458-3304. The Fire Department (via our authorized biller) will send you a bill with a health insurance information request form, so that we can bill your health insurance for the transport. For Residents...

Matched in attachment: "... the design work, and they should not have done so in the past. 2. Miscellaneous pump station site ... then repo1ted that the other two firms had not submitted proposals because they were too busy to do ... questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. ry tru~ours, rt:?/n ' Jack F. Govi Assistant ... the construction phase of this project, Evoqua informed the District that they do not provide ... None scheduled. 6. NEW BUSINESS a. Discussion and update on Sewer Billing Review, Analysis ..."

"... tax certificates are evergreen.  That means they do not display an expiration date so ... zoning map ... changes must be reviewed and approved by our Planning Department for zoning regulations ... is in compliance with any other legal requirements, including zoning and fire codes ... or is in the process of paying any required business tax or related fees.  It does not mean that a business ..."

The City of San Rafael requires most businesses operating within City limits to apply for and maintain a business license, which is a local tax.

"... not be eligible for the PDA Grant Program as they do ... includes a Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Zoning Code ... not include a regulatory component (Zoning Code ..."

The PDA Grant Program is very specific about the type of Plan that is eligible for grants. The PDA Grant Program guidelines require the grant fund a Specific Plan, or equivalent Plan (e.g., Precise Plan). These plans includes a Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Zoning Code and General Plan amendments. These elements are important because...

Matched in attachment: "... of the work. Do not submit resumes for individuals who do not have a high probability of actually leading ... of the work to be done (25 points) 3. Previous experience of similar projects completed on time ... 7, 2018 o Pre-Bid Meeting None for this project o Proposals due to Public Works See ... be limited to no more than thirty-five (35) one-sided pages (8½”x11”, or 11”x17” for fold-out ... , cover letter, etc. Proposal submittals shall consist of three (3) bound sets and one (1) PDF on flash ..."

"... also establish other criteria, so long as they do not conflict with federal, state, or applicable ... and doing ... steps the City will undertake to facilitate the transition, and an estimated time frame for doing ... , the City published and made available for release at least one draft map and, if members of the City ... so. The CVRA provides that the City must adopt an ordinance implementing district-based elections ..."

Every 10 years, local governments use new data from the Census to redraw their district lines to reflect how local populations have changed. State law requires cities and counties to engage communities in the redistricting process by holding public hearings and doing public outreach, including to underrepresented and non-English-speaking communities. We are asking for your...

"... to do ... ? Do ... Whatever you do, DO NOT put your unwanted junk ... :30 p.m. Do not bring waste in containers greater than 5 ... . Do ..."

Don't know what to do with your unwanted stuff? Do you have any items to get rid of but are unsure how to? We can help! Use the tool below to help you identify the proper way to discard the item(s). All the disposal options below are free unless stated otherwise.  Whatever you do, DO...

Matched in attachment: "... but are not required to do so. She then reported that the District advises all property owners to televise ... charge them a lower fee if .they have the work done while the contractor is onsite during ... been given until January 4, 2016. The Board then suggested that in order for the District to do ... do ... to do ..."

"... on the Canal. If a dredging contractor was doing your dredging independently, they would probably ... do the permitting at a lower cost. However, this also comes with the con that assumes a stand alone ... to the shared cost of piggyback dredging, so presumably the overall cost would be higher than ..."

There is a pro in this approach if a HOA or property owner wants to undertake the dredging on their own without piggybacking on the Corps dredging of the federal channel with the other dock owners on the Canal. If a dredging contractor was doing your dredging independently, they would probably do the permitting at...

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