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"... Over the past several meetings, the City Council has discussed ... , the City Council will consider approving a memorandum of understanding (MOU ..."

Over the past several meetings, the City Council has discussed and approved several employee labor agreements with various bargaining groups. At Monday night’s meeting, the City Council will consider approving a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the unrepresented Executive Management employees, as well as discuss proposed MOUs with the San Rafael Fire Chief Officers’ Association...

"... City ... Council ... .  The Council ..."

Click here for a list of Steering Committee members Welcome to the San Rafael General Plan 2040 Website!  On August 2, 2021, the San Rafael City Council adopted General Plan 2040 and the Downtown Precise Plan.  The Council also adopted a Statement of Overriding Considerations (related to the Environmental Impact Report) along with ordinances amending...

"... the City ... The City ... for the City ... . The City ... City ..."

About the City Attorney's Office The City Attorney is the attorney for the City of San Rafael, as an entity. The City Attorney’s office provides legal assistance, advice and defense to all branches of San Rafael City Government. Because of the nature of the City Attorney's role, we cannot represent or provide legal advice to...

"... The City’s outside counsel advises that the City has the option to delay implementing district ... of litigation, a judge might deem this to be a reasonable course of action for the City rather than having ... . Based upon an assessment of the risks, the City Council voted on January 16, 2018 to proceed ..."

The City’s outside counsel advises that the City has the option to delay implementing district-based elections until after the 2020 Census, and a number of jurisdictions took this approach preceding the last Census (in 2010).  However, litigation under the CVRA has become substantially more active since that time, and this approach  would not necessarily avoid...

"... the initiative process, as opposed to being placed on the ballot through City ... Council or legislative action. Citizen-led initiatives ..."

A citizen-led initiative is a measure that was placed on the ballot through the initiative process, as opposed to being placed on the ballot through City Council or legislative action. Citizen-led initiatives require a simple majority to pass. Measure P was drafted and proposed by the San Rafael Public Library Foundation, as well as the...

"... In 2019, the City Council adopted ..."

In 2019, the City Council adopted the San Rafael Climate Action Plan 2030 (CCAP 2030). CCAP 2030 primarily focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the pollution that causes climate change. The plan also acknowledges the need to adapt to the effects in two programs:   Sea Level Rise - Prepare and adapt to a rising sea...

"... year. To get started, simply apply online or fill out an application form and return it to the City ... Clerk. The City Council will interview applicants and make appointments. Each board, commission ... a voice in your city government—join a board, committee, or commission! Serving on a board ... . These groups provide valuable advice to the City Council and play a crucial role in ensuring community ..."

Interested in shaping the future of our community? You can apply to serve on a board, commission, or committee (BCC) at any time, with appointments made in April and October each year. To get started, simply apply online or fill out an application form and return it to the City Clerk. The City Council will...

"... . This process is known as a rescinding a PDA.  A designated PDA can be removed by the City Council ..."

Yes.  After a PDA has been designated, it can be removed at any time by the local jurisdiction. This process is known as a rescinding a PDA.  A designated PDA can be removed by the City Council adopting a resolution rescinding the PDA.  While removing the PDA is immediate, it may continue to appear as...

Matched in attachment: "... DOWNTOWN PARKING/ WAYFINDING STUDY October 16, 2017 INFORMATIONAL UPDATE TO CITY COUNCIL Study ... staff reviewed & analyzed draft report (approx. 50 recommendations) City staff & Kimley-Horn (K-H) ... Existing conditions & key findings obtained in information gathering/collection performed in 2015-2016 Council ... feedback on specific recommendations presented at upcoming City Council meetings 9 Community working ... Council meetings. 22 ..."

"... City Council action ..."

Following City Council action in May 2022, all shake and wooden roofs would be required to be replaced by May 31, 2027. Financial assistance may be available to assistant residents with this change. Please reach out to Wildfire Prevention in the Fire Department to learn more. Why? Wooden roofs are much more susceptible to ignition...

"...  and City ... , Caltrans will make a presentation on the 55-hour closure during the 7pm City Council meeting ... . To participate in this meeting, please visit the city website ... : ..."

REMINDER: The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) will begin the second 55-hour weekend closure for the 101 NB Central San Rafael Off-Ramp Bridge Replacement project. The closure will start on Friday, October 22 at 10 pm and reopen on Monday, October 25 at 5 am.* During this closure, Caltrans will be constructing the approach slabs for the...

"... and appointing the incumbent candidates. At the Council meeting on June 15, 2015, the City ... Council adopted ... the City Council wish not to hold an election. At the Council meeting on August 17, 2015, the City ... — 12/19 John A. Gamblin                                   Member of the City Council ...             Four Years 12/15 — 12/19 Andrew C. McCullough                   Member of the City Council ..."

For comprehensive information regarding Elections, please visit the County of Marin Elections Office website. Independent Expenditure Ordinance Staff report and resolution calling the election Staff Report and resolution cancelling the election and appointing the incumbent candidates. At the Council meeting on June 15, 2015, the City Council adopted a resolution proposing a General Municipal Election be held on Tuesday, November 3,...

"... meetings, City Council adopted our enhanced ... Standards to better protect our City from the risks of a devastating wildfire. Since adoption, staff have ... record address in San Rafael. It is also important to note that the City has had specific vegetation ..."

In February of 2021, after a multi-year process including a citizens advisory committee and dozens of public and community meetings, City Council adopted our enhanced Citywide Vegetation Standards to better protect our City from the risks of a devastating wildfire. Since adoption, staff have worked diligently to knock on every door in San Rafael to...

"... This is a matter for further public input and discussion by the City Council as it considers the composition of the electoral districts. ..."

This is a matter for further public input and discussion by the City Council as it considers the composition of the electoral districts.

"... The City of San Rafael recently commissioned a survey of local residents that measured 64% support ... for increasing the local sales tax rate to help preserve city services. On July 20, 2020, the San ... Rafael City Council unanimously voted to place a measure on the November ballot that would increase ... the local sales tax rate by one-quarter percent, for nine years, to generate $3.4 million per year of locally controlled funding for city services. ..."

The City of San Rafael recently commissioned a survey of local residents that measured 64% support for increasing the local sales tax rate to help preserve city services. On July 20, 2020, the San Rafael City Council unanimously voted to place a measure on the November ballot that would increase the local sales tax rate...


Policy Resolution 14737- Short-Term Rental Program Policies and Procedures  Ordinance 1976- ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN RAFAEL CITY COUNCIL  AMENDING SECTION 14.03.030 AND SECTION 3.20.020 OF THE SAN  RAFAEL MUNICIPAL CODE, AND ADDING NEW CHAPTER 10.110 ENTITLED  “SHORT-TERM RENTAL PROGRAM” Overview of leading regulatory and enforcement approaches used by local governments to achieve common...

"... the County ... for City ... for nominating and appointing incumbents should the City Council wish not to hold an election ... . An election of this nature would cost from $180,000 to $230,000. At the City Council meeting of August 21 ... , the City Council appointed the incumbents ..."

For comprehensive information regarding Elections, please visit the County of Marin Elections Office website. Resolution Calling Election Notice of Election Staff report and resolution cancelling the election Independent Expenditure Ordinance Update As of the filing deadline for City of San Rafael elected official candidates, only incumbents filed for the seats up for re-election. In this...

"... financial information, policy analyses, and recommendations that help the City Council and all City ... and discloses the financial condition of the City and the results of its operations in the year end ..."

The Finance Department provides financial information, policy analyses, and recommendations that help the City Council and all City Departments make decisions about how to allocate resources. They account for those resources and discloses the financial condition of the City and the results of its operations in the year end Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, and also prepares...

"... Staff is not aware of any circumstance that would require the City to hold an election for City Council in 2018. ..."

Staff is not aware of any circumstance that would require the City to hold an election for City Council in 2018.

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