Updates to City Hall Hours on Fridays in July and August 

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2959 Results Found

Matched in attachment: "... /wordlinkreceiver.php?clip_id=b9094d27-5af7-4361-8152-a54b660d0410&meta_id=ec6615d8-b4ee-4e25-b8ce ... -8152-a54b660d0410&meta_id=ec6615d8-b4ee-4e25-b8ce-576a47747695&time=2188 http ... =b9094d27-5af7-4361-8152-a54b660d0410&meta_id=460ee8b9-6001-11ea-99b9-0050569183fa&time=2193 http ... &meta_id=cb20ed15-a5b6-485a-a84b-4f6e38994eb4&time=2766 http://cityofsanrafael.granicus.com ... of San Rafael Department of Public Works Canal Area Pump Station Improvements $270,000 ..."

Matched in attachment: "... m od es a nd p ro jec ts a s i m pr ov ed fe rr y se rv ice , n ew c om m ut er ... of S er vi ce h av e be en d ev elo pe d in o rd er to a ss es s a ro ad w ... iv en es s o f b icy cle fa cil iti es th at h av e alr ea dy b ee n in st all ... cli ng (w hi ch is li st ed b eh in d se ve ra l l es s e ffe ct iv e m ea ns o f ... ul at io n N ee ds in S an R af ae l” li st s. H ow ev er , w e be lie ve th ..."

Matched in attachment: "... of alternative fuel and fuel efficient vehicles. SU-3a. Public Charging Stations. Install charging ... , Parking District SU-3c. Regional Charging Stations. Support regional efforts to encourage use ... of plug-in electric vehicles and widespread availability of charging stations for electric vehicles ... Time TBD No charging stations are proposed as part of this project. The City has requirements ... and pre-wiring of conduit for charging stations (SRMC 14.18.045.D). Staff will work with the applicant ..."

Matched in attachment: "... parking stalls in the mechanized system, as well as sufficient level-2 charging stations ... -29ef50d8949c&meta_id=83dbf0eb-676e-4ec1-903f-afa53df96b2b&time=12143 http://cityofsanrafael.granicus.com ... /wordlinkreceiver.php?clip_id=3852567c-9a3b-452a-9866-29ef50d8949c&meta_id=83dbf0eb-676e-4ec1-903f ... /wordlinkreceiver.php?clip_id=3852567c-9a3b-452a-9866-29ef50d8949c&meta_id=617c5b6d-f0ea-466e-86eb ... -452a-9866-29ef50d8949c&meta_id=617c5b6d-f0ea-466e-86eb-7d08c9479f45&time=12700 http ..."

Matched in attachment: "... /alternative vehicles get preferential parking on-site. Electric car charging stations are offered ... parking and charging stations. • Guaranteed Ride Home: BioMarin is a participating member ... of easements related both to PG&E’s access to the adjacent substation and to PG&Es access to extraction ... Application CCCA, LLC P P P P G V D Y H C D F P P 775 LINDARO ST. GARAGE PGE SUB-STATION ... " EUC24" EUC 8" EUC 10" TREE 7" EUC EUC EV EV EV EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL/EVCLEAN ..."

Matched in attachment: "... emissions, including 39 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in the parking structure, parking lot ... consider the installation of electrical vehicle (EV) charging stations and designated parking spaces ... of 39 EV charging stations, or 13 per floor of the parking structure. The improvements identified ... the California Green Building Standards Code, EV charging stations will be provided. A total of 39 EV ... a clearer picture of how improvements will be constructed f) Parking structure should have EV charging ..."

Matched in attachment: "... vehicles and/or charging stations. • Pursue opportunities to expand the City’s EV charging network ... by building out the EV charging infrastructure and encouraging ZEV ownership through incentives, public ... charging sites appropriate for available incentive programs, such as EV Charge Network ... . • Require new and remodeled gas stations to provide EV fast chargers. • Participate in regional ... efforts and grant programs to encourage widespread availability of charging stations. • Target ..."

Draft CCAP October 2018

Matched in attachment: "... (electric vehicle) charging stations. The project proposes 1 tandem loading space, 4 EV ready spaces, 1 ... feature. • Guest parking, EV charging stations and a loading/unloading area should be provided ... a minimum of 11 clean air vehicle parking spaces, pre-wired for electric vehicle charging stations ... for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. In new or substantially renovated parking facilities of twenty-five ... vehicle charging station shall be installed between an electrical service panel and an area of clean air ..."

Matched in attachment: "... an electric vehicle (EV) strategy for San Rafael, including increasing EV’s and EV charging ... -term recovery response. (GP 2040 EV-1.3A) Assist regional small business support to bring immediate ... . Improve safety and seismic resistance at Fire Stations 54 and 55 while ensuring the renovations ... 00 lntef nal city equity audit $,$$, oona Protect low-income· renters s on Electric vehide {EV ... Playground $,$$,$ 00 Fire Stations 54 an d 55 $$$$ on 0 t ime iintensity Public. parking ..."

Matched in attachment: "... acceSs 'is n'ec~ssary f6r'life saving 01' fii'efighting pl\l'poses supjec( to the ,ev\ew ... -electric vehicles on order, and we plan soon to install an electric charging station to service ... • Provide I or more electric vehicle charging stations powered by solar panels Affordable Housiug ... For Electric Vehicle Charging Stations • Install I or more electric vehicle charging stations ... powered by solar panels • Pre-install wiring to accommodate up to 2 additional charging stations ..."

Matched in attachment: "... MARINITA AVE M AR IN IT A AV EI RW IN S T G RE EN W AY ST EV EN S PL PROSPECT DR ... MARINITA AVE M AR IN IT A AV EI RW IN S T G RE EN W AY ST EV EN S PL PROSPECT DR ... AVE 4TH ST 3RD ST 5TH AVE H AY ES S T LATHAM ST SH AV ER S T 2ND ST LI N CO LN A VE ... AVE 4TH ST 3RD ST 5TH AVE H AY ES S T LATHAM ST SH AV ER S T 2ND ST LI N CO LN A VE ... in conjunction with opening of the SMART station; potentially creating an immediate change in behavior ..."

"... charging. Upon this checklist being deemed complete, a permit shall be issued to the applicant. In most ... . Don't forget to check out all the great rebates and incentives out there for electric vehicles and EV ... Service Equipment (EVSE) as a supplement to the application for a building permit, which in most ... of EVSE installations and is intended to help expedite permitting and use for electric vehicle ..."

Matched in attachment: "... plans for construction that includes electric vehicle charging stations, you may provide all ... parking space(s), and equipment serving the Electric Vehicle Charging Station. Show the location ... -RESIDENTIAL CHARGING STATION STANDARDS Charging stations shall not require site plan review approval ... . ☐ Charging stations shall be located only on property developed in compliance with a previously approved ... site plan. Charging stations shall not be permitted on vacant land. (Development on vacant land ..."

You may use the following checklist related to permitting and installation of Electric Vehicle Service Equipment (EVSE) as a supplement to the application for a building permit, which in most residential cases is as simple as an electrical permit. This checklist contains the technical aspects of EVSE installations and is intended to help expedite permitting...

Matched in attachment: "... alterati ities would historic ficance urces el or listi e Calif egIs er of HI 1 Resou e gener y ... demolition is considered a "substantial adverse change." A ntial ad hange i ed as de n, destr relocat ... EV ALVA TION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ... from the time that the San Rafael & San Qnentin Railroad station was cstablished in the southeast ... centered around the railroad station and early commercial development in this area. This Initial ..."

Matched in attachment: "... , including EV charging stations. c. Complete the Climate Action Plan update. Sustainability Liaison ... Interest & Rents (investment earnings, rents, etc.) 235,000 Charges for Services (includes dev't fees ... backfill, permits, and charges for services) are expected to experience moderate growth (i.e., 2- 4 ... ): Stormwater systems including roadway drainage and pump stations • Parks (P): Park infrastructure ... with the construction of the new Public Safety Center and the construction of Fire Stations 52 and 57 ..."

Matched in attachment: "... to reflect changing trends. Continue to enforce compliance of unlicensed home businesses. EV-11b ... TA M AL PA IS A VE H EA TH ER TO N S T IR W IN S TA S T B S T C S T ... CU LL OD EN PAR K RD QU AR RY RD TREEHAVEN DR FAIRHILLS DR EY E S T TWIN O AK S AV ... Review Permit (ED17-073) proposing to legalize and modify miscellaneous design changes incorporated ... and Design Review Permit (ED17-073) proposing to legalize and modify miscellaneous design changes ..."

Matched in attachment: "... parking for shuttles, electric vehicle charging stations, and other on-site alternative power ... rail station at Civic Center). 2. As proposed, the changes to the existing PD 1590 District ... will be charged for services rendered. (Rates subject to change): CIVIL ENGINEERING HOURLY ... , Change Man, MQ, FTP, SPUFI SENIOR CONSULTANT CHARLES SCHWAB, San Francisco, CA 8/06 TO 12/06 ... , DB2 Utilities, Change Man, CATS, AOMS, PATDEM, Foundation Systems CHARLES SCHWAB, San ..."

Matched in attachment: "... emissions doesn't make sense .... yes 10 EV charging; 2. The amount of excessive plastics ... Costea in San Rafael : 1. Supporting and install ing gas stations when SR has a goal of reducing carbon ... tonight (10/15), I realize that gas stations, once opened, cannot easily be repurposed because ... of the toxic' pollution. If the Costeo opens the largest gas station in the county, they will undercut ... and run the other gas stations out of business. So we will have a corner with five derelict gas ..."

Matched in attachment: "... ve t h e b as e ra te a d ju st m en t th at h as b ee n s ep ar at el y re p ... ad ju st m en t (a s d es cr ib ed a b o ve ), a n d ; $ 2 0, 00 0 in Z er o ... IV . o f Ex h ib it B o f th e Fr an ch is e A gr ee m en t w it h M SS , t ... at t h e p ro gr am d et ai ls in cl u d ed in t h is m em o ra n d u m h av e b ... ee n a d ju st ed t o co rr es p o n d w it h t h e re co m m en d ed $ 1 ..."

Matched in attachment: "... and photome:tric_analys~ for::a1I.:ar:eas. of the Pioject si1e:stibject to:.rev:~ew.arrd' approva1~by'tht ... ,e even:ts~ no mowing. should:h,e aIlo\'T'ed on the ,slopes Qfthe '-ev-"~ tbm: .fu:c.e:,the.t::t:ed ... :-piles (dirt sanci..'otc.) s)xallbe·tooose1i. coyered.and & [. '-C '" lMp(.EM].:NTATION PJ ... Guidelines (Public ResoUl'ces Code, § 21000 et seq.), the EIR was requu-ed to address the following issues ... with the l'eeOffiluensations of the ge6t6eh.~Joal ir,v8stigation, as set forth in the City's Geoteeh:rical Review ..."

Matched in attachment: "... Exhibit: 3-13 changing trends. Continue to enforce compliance of unlicensed home businesses. EV-11b ... . THERE IS A $50.00 ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR REQUEST FOR CONTINUATION OF AN APPEAL BY APPELLANT. CALL TO ORDER ... bicycle/pedestrian improvements to get people to and from the transit station to work, for commuters ... in line with the Downtown Station Area Plan's goals as well as the City of San Rafael's General Plan ... of the City’s General Plan 2020, which promotes economic vitality (Policy EV-2 Seek, Retain ..."

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