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"... and know what to do before, during, and after ... on coronavirus in the past year the climate crisis has not gone away. The City Council has made ...  Dining under the Lights ...  Dine ... alfresco dining under the sparkling lights in Downtown San Rafael ..."

Snapshot -- de parte del Gerente de la Ciudad de San Rafael Spotlight Photo Mayor Kate cuts the ribbon on this year’s San Rafael Summer Farmers’ Market which continues on Thursday evenings on Fourth Street through the summer. Mayor Kate is joined by Councilmember Kertz, and representatives of the Agricultural Institute of Marin, Chamber of Commerce, Business Improvement District, and...

Matched in attachment: "... of water in their building/home. DO NOT admit or deny liability. District staff should attempt ... , if applicable, and briefly explain what you will be doing. Advise them to stop the use of water ... that will enter drains or flushing toilets in their building/home. Do not admit or deny liability ... be done only with clean, dechlorinated water. 3. Disinfectants should NOT be used due ... , will typically be done by the Sewer Maintenance Supervisor. In their absence, the Sewer Maintenance ..."

Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP)

"... , which was built in 1909, do not meet current seismic safety standards nor accessibility standards ... Incorporated in 1874, San Rafael is one of California’s oldest cities. With streets, sidewalks ..."

Incorporated in 1874, San Rafael is one of California’s oldest cities. With streets, sidewalks, bridges, storm drains, libraries and other public buildings constructed as San Rafael grew throughout the 20th Century, the aging infrastructure needs repair and improvements. For example, San Rafael has 331 miles of streets that require ongoing pothole repair and repaving. Failing...

"... eagerness to do what’s right and lead by example. Exhibits a Leadership Role ... staff As stated before Captain Giusti goes above and beyond doing his position on the team ... a great attitude and truly leads by example. I will list several instances where Captain Giusti has gone ... to assist the move to temporary fire station at 519 4th St. Captain Giusti has personally gone above ... have gone unnoticed, and put in many off-duty hours to assist on this extremely challenging project.” -An inspired colleague of Captain Giusti ..."

"Nick was selected for his ongoing exemplary service to the community, and the contributions he brings to the fire department." -City Manager Jim Schutz Nick Giusti, Fire Captain, was recognized as the Employee of the 4th Quarter of 2016! “Captain Giusti excels in ALL the categories listed for Employee of the Quarter. He has a great...

"... , what would you do?” If you’re struggling to answer that question, Iain provided a helpful ... analogy.  If you were a space traveler, what would you do if you encountered a black hole ... awful experience, and most people do everything they can ... to end it quickly.   So what does that say about the people who can't quickly self-resolve ... "For 80% of people who become homeless, homelessness is a one-time experience lasting less ..."

"For 80% of people who become homeless, homelessness is a one-time experience lasting less than 1 month." - Iain De Jong To truly solve homelessness, we have to make sure we're addressing the right problems.  Looking at other communities across the country, including in our own backyard, it is clear that a new thesis of the...

Every two years, we hire a consultant to inspect and rate the condition of every city-maintained roadway.  The consultant then calculates each roadway segment’s “Pavement Condition Index” (PCI).  The PCI for each road is an initial starting point for us to identify roadways to include in upcoming resurfacing projects. PCI values range from 0-100 with 0...

"... in the City’s services, programs, or activities. Employment: The City does ... persons with disabilities so they can participate equally in the City’s programs, services ... Coordinator for the City of San Rafael can be reached by: Don C. Jeppson, AIA CBO ... and emailed. The ADA does not require the City to take any action that would ..."

The City of San Rafael strives to make information available to all members of the public, including those with disabilities. On the City web site, we provide alternative mediums for accessing information about our programs and services. If any information on this site is not accessible to you, please use our online form to contact our...

"... of the graffiti on the map Add a photo or take a photo if one is available Fill out ... to the request The City does not remove graffiti on private property, removal ..."

Reporting Freeway, Highway, On-Ramp/Off-Ramp Graffiti To report graffiti on the freeway, highway on-ramps and off-ramps, and underneath the freeway, you will need to contact the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). They are a statewide agency that maintains all highways and freeways in California. Reporting Graffiti on Public/Private Property The City of San Rafael is now...

"... when we do this type of work, but we think it’s important in this instance to share our reasoning ... oneBreonna Taylor’s life mattered ... Parkway and Las Gallinas. We don’t typically notify the community ... that whoever was maintaining it will reach out to us so that we can see how we might be able to work ..."

On Thursday, September 3, the City removed a mural from the cement wall at the intersection at Freitas Parkway and Las Gallinas. We don’t typically notify the community when we do this type of work, but we think it’s important in this instance to share our reasoning.  The mural read “Breonna Taylor was killed 166 days ago and her...

"... : Defina, Don - Production Design 123 Union St San ... Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 454-2040 Jet Sets 1241 Andersen Dr. San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 454-0424 ..."

Abby Minot Designs P O Box 3852 San Rafael, CA 94912 (415) 455-9600 Email: Defina, Don - Production Design 123 Union St San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 454-2040 Jet Sets 1241 Andersen Dr. San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 454-0424

"... ) are completed. If they do have funding for the Canal in 2021, they would dredge the dock owners ... The City wanted to start the permit process now so that dock owners would be cleared to dredge when ... immediately afterward (same year), and potentially simultaneously as they work their way down the Canal. So ..."

The City wanted to start the permit process now so that dock owners would be cleared to dredge when the USACE started. The FY2021 Work Plan began on Oct. 1. It is still not clear whether they will have funding available after the Work Plan’s priority projects (i.e. Oakland and Richmond Harbors) are completed. If...

Matched in attachment: "... grant from ABAG/ MTC to do a “Downtown Precise Plan”. o Work on this Plan will be done ... Will result in new/ revised zoning districts for Downtown • General Plan Update is building on recent ..."

"... it out on their own and get back into housing.  While many did (and continue to do so), many people ... of hindsight to evaluate these national trends, there's sadly not a lot that we can do locally to affect them ... communities have been doing their best to respond to this issue.  Rather than abdicating ... justice system is not tasked with getting people back into housing.  While many can and do get ... .”  When homelessness is unsolvable, the best you can do is mitigate the negative impacts ..."

Last time we looked at some of the major economic, social, and political factors that have contributed to "modern homelessness."  While we have the benefit of hindsight to evaluate these national trends, there's sadly not a lot that we can do locally to affect them (you can of course share your thoughts with our congressperson). ...

The time to get a permit issued varies. Some permits can be issued the same day, over the counter and others require that the plans be left for review.

"... to many residents, vehicles do not make a complete stop at the northmost stop sign and quickly turn right ... of larger CIP projects that are used to upgrade curb ramps, replace city-owned sidewalks, and do minor ... is generally defined as a short, one-way lane that allows a vehicle to turn onto a cross street ... on Montecillo, then again turning right on Bamboo Terrace. When the driver does not take the time ... . When does the City plan to make these improvements? Why can't the City stripe the crosswalks now ..."

What is happening at Montecillo Road and Manual T. Freitas Parkway (Freitas)? The City received requests to close the slip lane on the north side of Freitas Parkway at Montecillo and Bamboo Terrace. According to many residents, vehicles do not make a complete stop at the northmost stop sign and quickly turn right on Montecillo,...

"...  things to do for the whole family. Explore our beautiful local parks, bay ... dining ... at one ..."

Come find out why San Rafael is a great place to visit.Stroll through our Downtown District and discover unique dining, shopping and cultural opportunities. Pick up some of the freshest produce in the region at one of our farmers markets. Find fun educational things to do for the whole family. Explore our beautiful local parks, bay shoreline and acres of open space.

"... of Sessions Rise’s 73 units. Her efforts weren't just the right thing to do for the environment, they're ... Does it Go, Joe? Download this newsletter ... and planting sites for its residents. However, one resident and passionate wildlife biologist, Lisa ... , realized that Sessions Rise was missing one important feature: composting. Given her concern ... from disposal. While composting has so far been successful at Sessions Rise, they still have ..."

Local Condos "Rise" to Composting Challenge Key Takeaways AB 1826: It's the Law Now MSS Free Education + Signs = Great Combo Distributed, Smaller Bins for the Win Facebook is for Furniture Exchange Sessions Rise is a 73-unit group of condos with views of the surrounding Marin Hills and exclusive gardening and planting sites for...

"... owners are responsible to provide the City access through the easement. Failure to do so could leave ..."

What is a storm easement? When a drainage facility can only be accessed by private property, the City is granted a storm easement over that private property -- which means the City may access the drainage facility using private property. What happens if the homeowner is not around to let the City in, in the...

"... . Take the planet into consideration when you make decisions. What’s one more thing you can do ... .) Learn what you can do at our ..."

Sustainability in San Rafael Keep Informed Join us at our quarterly Community Climate Action Forums, which are held virtually on the 3rd Thursday of the month starting at 4pm each January, April, July and October. Details are posted on the Events Calendar a few weeks before. Video recordings can be found on our YouTube page. ...

Matched in attachment: "... requirements contained in this chapter of the City of San Rafael Zoning Ordinance do not include ... , but have not done so at this time and the current airport use permit conditions have not been subject ... the facilities for special one-time uses, consistent with the provisions of Zoning Code Chapter 14.17.030 ... ; APN: 155-230-10,11,12,13,14,15,16; Planned Development-Wetland Overlay (PD1764-WO) Zone. Smith ... vertical elements must be designed so that they would not intersect a 7:1 ‘ascending clear zone ..."

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