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What is an Accessory Dwelling Unit? An Accessory Dwelling Unit (aka, “second unit,” “in-law unit,” or “granny unit”) is an additional dwelling located on the same lot as a single-family or multi-family development. An Accessory Dwelling Unit may be attached to the primary residence, detached from the primary residence, or contained within an existing residence or accessory...

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CC&Rs that either effectively prohibit or unreasonably restrict the construction or use of an ADU or JADU on a lot zoned for single-family residential use are void and unenforceable.

No additional setback is required for ADU if constructed in the same location and with the same dimensions as the existing structure. An expansion of no more than 150 square feet beyond the existing dimensions can be allowed for ingress and egress purposes only.

  Within Existing Structure: At least one ADU within portions of existing multifamily dwelling structures that are not as livable space if each unit complies with state building standards. The number of ADUs shall allow up to 25% of the existing multifamily dwelling units. No JADUs allowed Detached: Not more than two ADUs that are...

  Within an existing or proposed single-family home: One ADU or one junior ADU per lot if exterior access is available; and side and rear setbacks are sufficient for fire and safety. Detached: One detached, new construction ADU can be added to a property. This can be in addition to a JADU.

Marin County has released a status update on the regional response to Coronavirus (COVID-19). Read the full press release on the County website. Message from the Public Health Officer: Closing schools to students and cancelling large gatherings are protective measures that can help slow the spread of disease. We all – individuals and organizations -...

When ADUs are created through the conversion of a garage, carport or covered parking structure, replacement off-street parking is not required.

Regardless of lot coverage, floor area ratio, natural space and other standards the City must permit at least an 800 sq. ft. ADU that is up to 16 feet tall with at least a 4-foot setback.

There is no square footage limit for existing space. If you are adding square footage to create an ADU, the square footage of the unit cannot exceed 50% of the main residence. A detached ADU cannot exceed 1,000 square feet.

In a single-family residence: The floor area of the ADU should have at minimum a combined living, eating and sleeping room not less than 70 square feet. For a multifamily residence, an ADU should contain at minimum combined living, eating and sleeping room not less than 150 square feet. In both cases, any additional habitable...

Fire sprinklers cannot be required in an ADU if sprinklers are not required for the primary residence. However, if the addition of the ADU incorporates a remodel of more than 50% of the main residence then sprinklers will be triggered for both the main residence and the ADU.

The rules apply to properties that are in a zoning district that allows residential use. For example, the Commercial/Office zoning district (C/O) is a commercial district but it does allow multifamily use under certain circumstances so the rules would apply to an existing residential use in the C/O district.

PARA PUBLICACION INMEDIATA 13 marzo, 2020 SAN RAFAEL ANUNCIA CIERRES DE CENTROS COMUNITARIOS Y CANCELACIONES DE EVENTOS HASTA EL 31 DE MARZO DE 2020 SAN RAFAEL, CA- Para mitigar aún más la propagación de COVID-19, también conocido como nuevo Coronavirus, la Ciudad de San Rafael está cerrando centros comunitarios y cancelando todas las clases comunitarias,...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 13th, 2020 SAN RAFAEL ANNOUNCES CLOSURES OF COMMUNITY CENTERS AND EVENT CANCELLATIONS THROUGH MARCH 31st, 2020 SAN RAFAEL, CA- To further mitigate the spread of COVID-19, also known as novel Coronavirus,  the City of San Rafael is closing community centers and cancelling all community classes, programs, recreation leagues, and events starting...

To further mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in Marin County, Marin County Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Marin County Office of Education (MCOE) announced that all public school campuses will suspend classroom instruction to students for at least two weeks beginning March 16. Para mitigar aún más la propagación de COVID-19 en...

PG&E announced Thursday (March 12) that due to the COVID-19 pandemic it has voluntarily implemented a moratorium on service disconnections for non-payment, effective immediately. This suspension will apply to both residential and commercial customers and will remain in effect until further notice. Read the Full Press Release on the PG&E website. 

Sign up for email updates and get the latest information about COVID-19 from Marin County Health and Human Services. The County has set up a new COVID-19 information hotline at 415-473-7191, and you can also email questions to Help the community prevent the spread of germs and disease by: Washing your hands often with soap and...

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