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The Special Library Parcel Tax Oversight Committee (Measure D) meets a few times a year with responsibility to act as an independent citizens oversight committee to ensure that the Library spends the funds from the parcel tax in a manner consistent with the language of the ballot measure that approved the tax. Meetings The Committee...

The Planning Commission consists of citizen volunteers appointed by the City Council to make decisions or advise the Council on land use and property development issues. The Commission assures that new development is consistent with our long-range General Plan, State laws and other public policies that advance the interests of our community. Staff Contact Margaret...

The Pickleweed Advisory Committee provides valuable input in representing and advocating for the Canal area resident’s needs and wishes for programs and services; and is a primary public networking resource between the Canal residents, representatives from governmental and non-profit agencies, and others. The Pickleweed Advisory Committee works in conjunction with the City of San Rafael....

This Commission assists the City Council in developing and implementing the long-range plans for City parks and recreation facilities; monitors current service levels and community needs; reviews the performance of City partnerships with community groups in the utilization of facilities and production of programs; reviews and advises on general policies and procedures in the delivery...

The Measure ‘E’ TUT Oversight Committee ensures that all revenues received from the voter-approved local Transactions and Use Tax (Measure ‘E’) are spent only on permissible uses, as outlined in Ordinance No. 1913. The Committee does not have any budgetary decision authority, does not allocate financial resources, and does not make budget or service recommendations...

The Marin/Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District protects the health and welfare of the communities it serves from mosquitoes and vector-borne diseases by utilizing cost-effective, environmentally responsible integrated vector management practices. The Marin/Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control District is governed by a Board of Trustees. Each member represents his or her city of residence or a county...

The Local Task Force serves as an advisory board to the Marin County Hazardous and Solid Waste Management Joint Powers Authority (JPA). The Local Task Force provides viewpoints and concerns from different geographical, interest based and industry associated members. Seats on the Task Force include public members from different areas of the County, solid waste...

The Marin County Commission on Aging is a 23-member federally mandated advisory council to the Marin County Board of Supervisors. The Commission works closely with the Aging and Adult Services on behalf of Marin’s older adults. Commissioners are appointed to three-year terms by either the Board of Supervisors or the 11 incorporated Cities and Towns in...

The Citizens Advisory Committee on Economic Development and Affordable Housing (“CAC”) advises the City Council on activities related to the economic vitality of the City including the Economic Vitality Work plan, the Downtown Station Area Plan, the Homeless Action Plan, and various General Plan policies related to economic development and affordable housing. Meetings First Thursday...

The Cannabis Industry Tax Oversight Committee’s purpose is to ensure that all revenues received from the voter approved Cannabis Industry Tax (Measure G) are spent on uses outlined in San Rafael Ordinance 1961. Meetings Once per year, to be determined. Eligibility Requirements Members of the Committee shall be at least 18 years of age and...

The goal of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is to promote bicycling and walking as viable means of transportation throughout San Rafael; to provide conceptual input on public bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure projects; and to support the implementation of the City's Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Meetings First Wednesday, every other month, even...

The Board of Library Trustees is an advisory board that meets monthly with responsibility to provide support to library administration,  work to support the process for a new library, serve as advocates for the Library to the City Council, and help increase the visibility of the Library in the community. Meetings 2nd Tuesday of each...

The ADA Access Advisory Committee provides valuable input in determining disability policy for the City of San Rafael. The ADA Access Advisory Committee provides input, advises the City on matters relating to people with disabilities, and is a primary public networking resource between persons with disabilities, disability service agencies, representatives from government agencies, and others....

The City of San Rafael will be hosting a first of its kind “roommate networking lunch” to assist individuals looking for affordable housing. With such expensive rents in our community, one creative strategy for increasing housing placements is to help people find potential roommates. We are also encouraging landlords or homeowners looking for renters to...

The B Street Community Center restrooms were last renovated in June 1998. Since then, thousands of patrons have been using this facility. The Community Center is open 12 months of the year, 7 days per week. As can be imagined, the wear and tear of the facilities are evident. Last October, the City bid the...

On Wednesday, December 4th, City staff met with SMART, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), and City consultants to visit each of the railroad crossings along the Larkspur Extension. The review was to verify that all required safety measures necessary for implementation of a Quiet Zone were installed. While both the City and SMART have minor...

Collision history is an important part of any analysis that the Traffic Engineering division prepares. We need to know the collision history at an intersection or roadway segment in order to determine the appropriate traffic control. Controls might include installing an all-way stop, adding more red curb, lowering the speed limit, or restricting right-turns on...

This past weekend’s storm dropped almost 6 inches of rain in the North Bay. Public Works maintenance crews worked around the clock responding to local flooding and downed trees. This weekend we are expecting another storm that is predicted to bring 3 to 4 inches of rain to the North Bay. Public Works crews have...

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