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To prove your Short-Term Rental is your "Primary Residence," you must provide three of the following five documents when you register: Motor vehicle registration; Driver's license; Voter registration; Tax documents showing the Residential Unit as the Permanent Resident's residence for the purposes of a home owner's tax exemption; A utility bill.

Yes, only the "Permanent Resident" can offer their home as a short-term rental and the home must be their "Primary Residence" A "Primary Resident" is a person who occupies a Residential Unit for at least 60 consecutive days with intent to establish that unit as his or her primary residence. A Permanent Resident may be...

The City allows for Accessory Structures (ex. Accessory Dwelling Units, Junior Dwelling Units, and Accessory Structures less than 120 square feet) to be used as Short-Term Rentals. These units must still meet the primary residency requirements. However, You cannot offer an entire single home or residential unit and the accessory structure at the same time....

The following properties cannot be used as a short-term rental: Income-restricted affordable housing, including Below-Market-Rate (BMR) units and public housing Student housing, dormitories and Single-Room-Occupancy (SRO) buildings Commercial or industrial zoned lots Non-residential areas within buildings, such as storage areas, and living/sleeping quarters added in garages Recreation Vehicles (RVs), including non-motorized Travel Trailers Boats/House Boats...

A property must meet the following four criteria to be eligible for short-term rental use: All or a portion of the Residential Unit is offered for Tourist or Transient Use by the Permanent Resident of the Residential Unit the Residential Unit is the Primary Residence of the Permanent Resident the Permanent Resident is a natural...

Yes. San Rafael allows short-term rentals but they must be registered with the Short-Term Rental program and hosts must collect and remit transient occupancy taxes.

A short-term residential rental is a rental of all or a portion of your home for periods of less than 30 nights.

Policy Resolution 14737- Short-Term Rental Program Policies and Procedures  Ordinance 1976- ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN RAFAEL CITY COUNCIL  AMENDING SECTION 14.03.030 AND SECTION 3.20.020 OF THE SAN  RAFAEL MUNICIPAL CODE, AND ADDING NEW CHAPTER 10.110 ENTITLED  “SHORT-TERM RENTAL PROGRAM” Overview of leading regulatory and enforcement approaches used by local governments to achieve common...

November 4th & 18th City Council Meeting As follow-up to an informational report presented to the San Rafael City Council on August 5, 2019, a draft ordinance and policy resolution have been prepared addressing short-term rentals.  Specifically, the ordinance and policy resolution propose to establish regulations for permitting, administering, enforcing, and taxing short-term rentals. At...

On Sunday, November 17th, SMART began pre-revenue service by running empty trains between downtown San Rafael and Larkspur. It is anticipated that the pre-revenue service will last for several weeks until SMART receives authorization to begin carrying passengers to Larkspur. SMART is running their regular weekday/weekend schedule allowing them to perform their final tests. City...

The emergency power shut downs by PG&E generated high traffic volumes in San Rafael. The California Vehicle Code states that signalized intersections should be treated as all-way stops when the traffic signals go dark. However, many motorists did not abide by these traffic rules and regulations. The Public Works’ Parks and Streets Divisions worked quickly...

On November 19th, City staff and members of the San Rafael community celebrated Chief Gray’s career and the grand opening of Fire Station 57. Chief Gray devoted 12 years of his life to the San Rafael Fire Department. Among those in attendance were guests from fire departments across the State, retired firefighters, the Police Department,...

In the early days of the City's homelessness blog, we posted a series of interviews with local stakeholders to help the public meet the various people involved with this important issue. Those interviews included: the City of San Rafael's Mental Health Outreach Liaison Lynn Murphy, the Ritter Center's Director of Case Management Colin McDonnell, and...

The City of San Rafael has been working with SMART to begin the Quiet Zone to coincide with the start of commercial operations. Since SMART intends to begin commercial operations on the second or third week of December, on Thursday, November 21, the City of San Rafael issued its Notice of Establishment of a Quiet...

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