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350 Merrydale Town Home Development APN: 179-041-27 and 28 Address: 350 Merrydale Road / 3833 Redwood Highway San Rafael, Marin County, California, Project Numbers:  ZC19-002/UP18-039/ED18-1010/TS18-006 Applicant: Campus Properties, Michael Hooper (415) 298-7571 Project Description The project consists of a mixture of 45 for-sale town homes and stacked flats, and a multi-purpose community room, on...

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The City Council met in a special meeting in October to interview applicants and make an appointment to the Fire Commission. We received seven great applications, and the City Council selected Elias Hill to serve on the San Rafael Fire Commission. Here is a little information about our newly appointed member: Eli Hill attended his...

San Rafael offers validated parking in the City Garages downtown, located near 4th/A and 4th/C Streets. Visitors may obtain 1 hour free parking from participating businesses. A positive parking experience is important for creating goodwill and repeat business. The 1 hour parking validation program was designed to help merchants provide a small token of appreciation...

Beauty & Health 20/20 Optical Avalon Isle of Natural Beauty - Hair Salon Bellissima Salon - Hair, Nails, Skin Cherry Blossom Salon - Waxing, Hair, Nails Diamond Nails Energy Dance & Fitness Hair Style - Hair, Nails, Waxing i Love Kickboxing James Rose Hair Salon Petite Mollier Salon The Shop - Cuts for Men &...

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