City Hall and other offices will be closed to the public from December 23 to January 3, but appointments are available upon request. Public safety and emergency services remain available 24/7.  

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1230 Results Found

Matched in attachment: "... comply with the City’s inclusionary housing requirement (10% or 1 affordable housing unit) and by doing ... Numbers painted on the curb do not satisfy this requirement. ... Numbers painted on the curb do not quality as meeting this requirement. ... and the other architectural features on the roof deck (railing, and elevator overruns, trellises) do ... The project submittals currently do not include a noise or acoustic study. ..."

Matched in attachment: "... Do not adopt the resolution and provide direction to Staff. ... CITY and CONSULTANT do not intend, by any provision of this Agreement, to create in any third party ... CITY and CONSULTANT do not intend, by any provision of this Agreement, to create in any third party, ... NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council of the City of San Rafael, do hereby ... Do not accept the informational report. 3. Direct staff to return with more information. ..."

"... when we do this type of work, but we think it’s important in this instance to share our reasoning ... oneBreonna Taylor’s life mattered ..."

On Thursday, September 3, the City removed a mural from the cement wall at the intersection at Freitas Parkway and Las Gallinas. We don’t typically notify the community when we do this type of work, but we think it’s important in this instance to share our reasoning.  The mural read “Breonna Taylor was killed 166 days ago and her...

Matched in attachment: "... , and they do it well. ... Villalobos & Associates has nothing to do at all with this bid. ... "Do you have common ownership of at least 20 percent of the equity of Villalobos & Associates? ... If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. ... repair work required outside the scope of services included within Exhibit “C” that can be reasonably done ..."

Agenda Packet - August 16, 2024

Matched in attachment: "... has classified as Species of Special Concern…The Biological Report identifies that buildings on-site do ... not have the potential to be occupied by bats, but it does not discuss the potential for bats to roost ... Peter Lin; Oct. 2020 Photo 3: This ornamental conifer is one of the Study Area’s larger trees. ... Does not burrow, builds loosely organized nests. Requires higher areas for flood escape. ... great egret Ardea alba none; breeding sites protected by CDFW Year-round resident. ..."

"... , we do that all the time with homeless people.  Communities that are ending homelessness have ... understood that individualization is the key to success.  When we do this, new insights ... the country, for these hardest-to-serve individuals, our continuum of care has done a bad job ..."

Even though we know we shouldn’t attribute the characteristics of a minority to the overall group, we do that all the time with homeless people.  Communities that are ending homelessness have understood that individualization is the key to success.  When we do this, new insights emerge, and we begin to see that there is a...

"... was constructed, one of the park’s playgrounds was replaced with a gated playground designed to serve ... the park and do not allow children to walk through the area unaccompanied by an adult.  They proposed ..."

In 1937, Jacob and Annie Albert conveyed nine acres of property by deed to the City of San Rafael for use as a neighborhood park. Over the years, Albert Park underwent improvements and additions including: two ball fields, a stadium, four tennis courts, two playgrounds, a picnic area, the San Rafael Community Center, a formal...

Matched in attachment: "... If the deposits do not so qualify, avoidance is not necessary. ... If the deposits do so qualify, adverse impacts on the deposits shall be avoided, or such impacts shall ... If the deposits do not so qualify, avoidance is not necessary. ... THEY SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON AS DEFINITIVE AND DO NOT REPRESENT AN ON-THE-GROUND SURVEY. ... Each of the windows have wood awnings that do not appear to be original. ..."

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