Homelessness Update Community Meeting, October 3, 2024, via Zoom; click here for more information.

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The Terra Linda Community pool encountered some excitement this past week. Apparently, someone was running a little late for a bridge tournament when they mistakenly pressed the gas pedal instead of the brake and drove through the pool fencing. Fortunately, the pool was closed at the time and no one was hurt when the incident...

At the Council meeting of June 15, 2020, the City Council adopted a resolution proposing a General Municipal Election be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2020. The names of the candidates who qualified for the 2020 General Municipal Election on November 3, 2020, appear below. City of San Rafael Election Mayoral Candidates Kate Colin Statement of...

*This post has been edited to include the scheduled Design Review Board and Planning Commission meeting dates (edit 9/30/2019) Costco has applied for a “Pre Application and Conceptual Design Review” for their proposal to demolish the existing multi story Sears building along with the two out buildings (former Sears catalog building and automotive center building)...

*This post has been edited to include the scheduled public meetings for conceptual design review (edit 9/9/2019)   The information below outlines the steps taken by an applicant in the Community Development Review Process. For more information about the Costco project visit the Project webpage and read our article about the Costco Pre Application and...

Spontaneous Combustion of Oily Rags Yesterday, the San Rafael Fire Department responded to an accidental fire caused by “spontaneous combustion.” The department has responded to over a dozen fires over the past several years that were caused by improper disposal of materials used to stain or paint decks or furniture. The property damage in yesterday’s...

Below you'll find various housing-related reports associated with the City of San Rafael. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.

Key Initiatives for 2023 - 2024 Civic Engagement Develop engagement strategy Develop best practices for hybrid public meetings Support citywide website content strategy Scope needs for language access Data and Insights Launch City Council Performance metrics Build data warehouse and automation tools Co-develop dashboards/data tools for departments Launch version 2.0 of Open Data Portal Digital...

The Fire Commission supports the San Rafael Fire Department in collaboration with the Fire Chief. Learn more about this volunteer group here.

With PG&E’s plans to shut down power at vulnerable times during high fire season, residents and business owners alike are gearing-up to prepare for power loss over extended periods--and some folks are considering using portable generators. Here is some general information that is good to know: Portable generators that use fossil-fuels (i.e., gasoline, diesel) are...

I’m saddened to share with you that our former City Clerk, Jeanne Leoncini, passed away on Sunday, August 11, 2019. She served as the City Clerk for 30 years, from 1977 to 2007--and was a long-time San Rafael resident who dedicated herself to serving our community. Jeanne was a true public servant: she thoughtfully considered...

At Monday’s meeting, the City Council will present a proclamation to recognize former Planning Commissioner Jack Robertson, who recently retired after having served on the Planning Commission for nearly eight years. During his tenure on the Planning Commission, Jack contributed to the long-range planning of the City through his participation in the review and action...

Also at Monday’s meeting, the City Council will hold a public hearing to consider approving changes to our Burglar/Fire Alarm Ordinance, which establishes an alarm permit/registration system and sets associated fees. The goal is to address the insufficiencies of the current program and design the service so that it is smooth for all parties involved....

The City and Van Midde & Son Concrete have been busy replacing sidewalk in Gerstle Park. In the past month, work has been completed on Ross, Marin, Bayview, and Clorinda Avenue. Nearly 1,700 square feet of new sidewalk has been installed covering about 350 feet of sidewalk. Sections of San Rafael Avenue and D Street...

Click the map image below to download/print a copy!  

This is the annual greenhouse gas inventory report showing San Rafael's progress toward Climate Change Action Plan goals and State targets for greenhouse gas emissions reductions: 25% by 2020, 40% by 2030, and 80% by 2050.

As Wildfire Season Progresses, Contact Information Needed from About 150,000 Customers More than 425,000 PG&E Customers Have Provided Updates Since June 2018 SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is reaching out to about 150,000 customers encouraging them to update their home phone number, mobile number, email and other key information so the...

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