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4055 Results Found

"... can do so on our website. Keep in mind ... ); and rooms (a homeowner who rent out one or more rooms within their home). So, what’s the buzz about ... this item? Well, at this time, the City does not regulate short-term rentals within city limits ..."

At Tuesday’s meeting, staff will be presenting an information item to the City Council regarding short-term rentals… but what is a “short-term rental” exactly? A short-term rental (sometimes referred to as a vacation rental or STR) is typically defined as a rental of a residential dwelling unit or accessory building for periods of less than...

"... No. Your parking transaction is for a specific Parkmobile zone. If you move to another zone, you will have to pay again. ..."

No. Your parking transaction is for a specific Parkmobile zone. If you move to another zone, you will have to pay again.

"... to use and work for everyone. We do this by leveraging digital principles such as designing with our ... , it is not enough to just provide a service. We must design the delivery of services so they work ..."

The new demands of the digital era require a new approach to government. Community expectations of how government communicates, engages, and delivers services are changing. Our response is to assess what is working, what is broken, and transform services to meet the needs of our users and the expectations of the modern era. The core...

Matched in attachment: "... ComplIed from the ecor s y Geo, M. Do ge, ty gi er A tra Ti C 1 8, S bo Fi In an M s, e nb 1924 u dat d ... op tyA pr ai co 14 ld ee S. ,n C nt f ri Ass so 0 ce es nt' B 'di Re rd 12 2nd Str t, d. M ... : None *814. Evalualor: Diana J. Painter, PhD Painter Preservation & Planning PO Box 2899 Salam ... Sheppard House property Petersen's holdings . ~S Sanborn Map Co. Scale: One Inch"'" 150 Feet ... Rafael," The Marin Kin Tracer. Novato, CA' M in ou G ea gic So ety Vo 34, o. F 20 , P 88 1 ..."

"... in-and-with the City was a natural resource! What do you enjoy most about your volunteer work ... a difference.” What other volunteer activities do you do? Willy has many other roles in Scouting ... of youth that might not otherwise have had these opportunities.” What do you suggest to those ... of as a volunteer? Troop 2000 has had 11 Scouts reach their Eagle Rank. All those boys have gone ... their horizons, learn about team work, community service and build their personal growth skills. One ..."

In 1999, the Marin Boy Scout Council asked Willy Coronado if he could help bring Scouting to the Canal neighborhood of San Rafael. Willy had been a leader and Scout Master for Boy Scout Troop 1 in Mill Valley for 15 years. Willy, originally from Peru, was a great choice to lead a Troop in...

"... done the research and inspection, you will not be entitled to a refund.  However, the report is still ... good for 6 months.  When requesting a refund, please call 415-485-3367 and one of the Building Permit Technicians will assist you. ..."

If you have not yet scheduled the inspection, we can refund 80 % of the fee. If we have already done the research and inspection, you will not be entitled to a refund.  However, the report is still good for 6 months.  When requesting a refund, please call 415-485-3367 and one of the Building Permit...

"... case.  Using the Microsoft Teams app you can share documents with us. If you don't want ... so ..."

The City of San Rafael Code Enforcement Division is the enforcement arm of the Community Development Department. Our mission is to improve and maintain quality of life and protect the health and safety of our residents. Code Enforcement Officers work with the other city departments as well as the City Attorney’s Office to investigate and...

"... Late Application Penalty $5; One-time exception ... Must meet one of these two conditions: Monthly income is 125 ... of your citation(s) info, at one of the following: Weekly open intake ... Assistance   If a person has no income or does ... : Every Thursday, 2pm, St. Vincent de Paul: 820 B St, San Rafael, 94901 ..."

A) Indigent Payment Plan (Income-based) The City of San Rafael offers a payment plan for registered owners that meet certain eligibility requirements pursuant to Assembly Bill 503. The best way to apply for an Indigent Payment Plan is to apply online and submit your income documentation there: Visit, enter your License Plate # to take...

"... adherence to the zoning standard so that the garage can be built. How can I get a Variance ... the literal requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Variances ... hardships resulting from a zoning requirement. Variances may be approved with conditions to ensure ... compatibility. When the strict interpretation of a zoning regulation, such as maintaining ... are reviewed and decided by the Zoning Administrator (ZA). A Public Hearing is held to provide an opportunity ..."

What is a Variance? A Variance is permission to depart from the literal requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Variances provide the discretion and flexibility necessary to resolve practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships resulting from a zoning requirement. Variances may be approved with conditions to ensure compatibility. When the strict interpretation of a zoning regulation, such...

"... until you are sure you have enough room to make it safely through to the other side. Do ... crossings in jurisdictions that have established Quiet Zones, unless there is an emergency. Quiet Zones ... jurisdictions will also establish Quiet Zones throughout the 43-mile initial route. For your safety ... , please: Don’t be distracted: Always be alert and aware around all railroad tracks ..."

The Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) District will no longer use train horns at railroad crossings in jurisdictions that have established Quiet Zones, unless there is an emergency. Quiet Zones have been established in Novato, San Rafael and in the County of Marin. SMART anticipates other jurisdictions will also establish Quiet Zones throughout the 43-mile...

"... these same guidelines which the City intends to do; however, due to the lawsuit we are still significantly ...  For San Rafael, the order encourages the City to do what it already is doing in regard ..."

The Governor’s recent Executive Order instructs only State agencies to adopt policies that prioritize humane removal of encampments, including conducting site assessments, providing advance notice, offering outreach services, and personal property storage for at least 60 days. The order encourages local governments to follow these same guidelines which the City intends to do; however, due...

No. The PDA is first a funding tool and is part of Plan Bay Area, a regional plan which is strategic document only.  By State law (California Government Code Section 65080(b)(2)(K), Plan Bay Area cannot supersede local land use authority. Any changes to local planning and land use policies are solely the authority and control...

"... designate the scope of the investigation so they can make specific findings regarding whether ..."

A: The first step is for the investigator to compare the officer’s actions to the San Rafael Police Department (SRPD) current policies. The investigator will narrow the scope of the investigation to any potential or alleged misconduct, based on SRPD policy. The first step in an IA is for the investigator to determine all the...

Matched in attachment: "... COLIN, Mayor of San Rafael, do hereby proclaim my sincere appreciation to Jeff Jones for his ... nearby structure. The overlap of zones and property lines is one of the reasons the City, the MWPA ... that no crown shall be raised to a point so as to remove branches from more than the lower one-third ... when the width of the roadway does not exceed twenty feet (20’), or upon one side of a street ... , KATE COLIN, Mayor of San Rafael, do hereby proclaim my sincere appreciation to Tom Obletz ..."

"... of “Planned” jobs listed the LOIs was left blank as the City’s General Plan does not include specific numbers ..."

“Planned” and “Planned Year” refer to the information included in the City’s General Plan. The most recent General Plan was completed in 2015 and be found here: General Plan 2020 The number of “Planned” dwelling units listed in the LOIs comes from Table B3.11 in Appendix B of the Housing Element of the General Plan....

"... of Canal Opportunity Zone - U.S. Census Tracts 1122.03 and 1122.04[/caption ... and Safety in the Canal Opportunity Zone (see above map), property owners are required to offer ... Zone Relocation Assistance Payment Amounts) ... . Payment is one month of your monthly rent.   Moving Expenses. Payment is based ... Payment. Extra payment equal to one month of fair market rent*, if any ..."

Tenant households occupying a dwelling unit located within U.S. Census Tracts 1122.03 and 1122.04, shown in the shaded areas of the map below, may be eligible for relocation assistance if they have continually occupied a dwelling unit for a period of 30 days or more.  Building permit applications for residential properties in Census Tracts 1122.03...

"... , or nursing homes to the extent possible. If you do need to visit one of these facilities, limit your time ... a history of travel to an affected geographic area within 14 days of symptom onset. Do not go out ... well-being, and we do not take these steps lightly. With increased transmission of COVID-19 ... family and essential visitors have contact with residents of elder care facilities. Do ... the number of employees working within arm’s length of one another, including minimizing or canceling ..."

Marin County has released a status update on the regional response to Coronavirus (COVID-19). Read the full press release on the County website. Message from Dr. Matt Willis, Marin County Public Health Officer In today’s update, Marin County Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is announcing new guidance designed to reduce the spread of...

Matched in attachment: "... . As indicated, the term REC does not include de minimis conditions, which generally do not present ... for the Captain’s Cove site be done for the combined sites. regarded as one ... in compliance with laws. The term is not intended to include de minimis conditions that generally do ... Quality Control Boards partner with the Department of Defense (DoD) through the Defense and State ... , the absence of any reported wetlands information does not necessarily mean that wetlands do not exist ..."

"... . Pfizer (full dose ... ) or Moderna (half dose) booster shot ... is recommended if you received your second dose at least six ...  booster dose is recommended if you received your first dose of the Johnson & Johnson ... doses ..."

Snapshot in Espanol Spotlight Photo The Downtown San Rafael Day of the Dead Car Procession was held last Saturday, October 23rd. Join continued Day of the Dead festivities Saturday, November 6th at our Albert J. Boro Community Center—see our events section for more details! PHOTO CREDIT: Jim Schutz, San Rafael City Manager  Last Quiz Question Congrats to Edward Chin for being...

"... a third part subsidy) 4. How do I get assistance exercising my rights under ...   |  Vivienda Justa y Fuente de Ingresos Landlords with questions regarding ... Rafael. 2. What does the Ordinance prohibit ... , limitation or discrimination based on source of income. 3. What does ... 1401 Los Gamos Dr #101, San Rafael, CA 94903 ..."

This protection prohibits landlords from discriminating against tenants because they use housing vouchers or other forms of government assistance. State Law (SB 329) State law prohibits housing discrimination based on a person’s source of income (California Government Code Section 12921). SB 329 (the Housing Opportunities Act of 2019) became a California State law on January...

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