Updates to City Hall Hours on Fridays in July and August 


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"... of the changed parking regulations.   ..."

Public Meeting at Albert J Boro Community Center Public Meeting to discuss results of the changed parking regulations.  

"... by clicking here. En el Centro ... Comunitario Albert J. Boro en el Parque Pickleweed de 6:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. o únase vía Zoom haciendo ... actividad policial en San Rafael. Se ofrecerán refrescos ligeros. March 8th, 2022 ... – Spanish with English interpretation (En español con interpretación al inglés ... ://us02web.zoom.us/j/87227935399?pwd=bk9aajJhYVNOZktXZ2hQZ1dycEtQZz09   ..."

Policing in our Community Join Councilmember Maika Llorens Gulati and Chief of Police David Spiller to listen to updates regarding policing in San Rafael. Light refreshments will be provided. Únase a la Concejal Maika Llorens Gulati y al jefe de policía David Spiller para escuchar las últimas noticias sobre la actividad policial en San Rafael....

"... esta edición y sea el primero en responder. San Rafael NOTICIAS Aviso de ... de adjudicar financiamiento a varios proyectos.  El criterio de selección incluido en el NOFA se ... Despacho de bomberos de todo el condado En ... En la reunión del próximo lunes, el Ayuntamiento presentará una resolución de apreciación para el ... ”.  La celebración del mes de la diversidad es el momento para reconocer y honrar las cualidades que ..."

  FOTO DE SPOTLIGHT Foto cortesía de: Bernadette Sullivan, Oficina del Administrador de la Ciudad. RESPUESTA Felicitaciones a Pamela Reaves por ser la primera en responder a nuestro último cuestionario de Snapshot.  La foto que se presenta se tomó en la intersección de 680 Trail y Sunrise Fire Road. Felicitaciones a Pamela y gracias por...

Matched in attachment: "... the added conditions of approval requiring level 2 charge stations and wiring for solar. The vote ... . THERE IS A $50.00 ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR REQUEST FOR CONTINUATION OF AN APPEAL BY APPELLANT. CALL TO ORDER ... entitlements. The Board was not supportive of changes to allow a by-right bonus for 100% affordable ... =cityofsanrafael_fc111a349f2cc8fe63c9d4ef155b150f.pdf http://cityofsanrafael.granicus.com/DocumentViewer.php?file ... =cityofsanrafael_fc111a349f2cc8fe63c9d4ef155b150f.pdf http://cityofsanrafael.granicus.com ..."

"... en el Canal [caption id="attachment_74943" align="alignnone" width="761 ... de que se complete las reparaciones.  Esta nueva ley solo se aplica en el área conocida como “Canal ... Opportunity Zone,” Zona de Oportunidad en el Canal sombreada en verde en el mapa ... SÓLO a viviendas dentro del área del mapa sombreada en verde y está vigente hasta el 31 de diciembre ... .  Un informe completo sobre esta política está disponible en el ..."

Actualización de la Ley de San Rafael: Derecho del Inquilino a Regresar a la Unidad Después de las Reparaciones Aplicable únicamente en la Zona de Oportunidad en el Canal ¿Cuál es la política vigente? En San Rafael, la ley dicta que los dueños de vivienda pueden desalojar a un inquilino para llevar a cabo reparaciones...

"... quarters of the two fire stations.  Fire Station 54 spread footing foundations have finished installation ... of Apparatus Bay - Station 54[/caption] [caption id="attachment_68254" align="alignnone ... Bay - Station 55[/caption] [caption id="attachment_68255" align="alignnone" width="375 ... done of living quarters - Station 55 ... [/caption] The wall framing of Station 55’s apparatus bay has started, and progress is being made ..."

Currently, Wickman Development & Construction is rebuilding the apparatus bays and living quarters of the two fire stations.  Fire Station 54 spread footing foundations have finished installation in the new portion of the building where the living quarters will be.  Excavation of the elevator pit has finished, and the walls of the elevator shaft are now...

"... solo. El Día Internacional del Superviviente de una Pérdida por Suicidio es un evento en el que los ... Regeneración se encuentra en el parque Arbor, en la esquina de Las Gallinas Avenue y Manuel T. Freitas ... el primero en responder! san rafael  NOTICIAS Ordenanza del ... Código de Edificación trienal En la reunión del Concejo del 21 de noviembre de 2022, el ... prevención de incendios, seguridad/vida y edificación en todo el estado. Las jurisdicciones locales pueden ..."

   FOTO DE SPOTLIGHT West End San Rafael en Sunset Crédito de la fotografía: Lidia Que, oficina del administrador de la Ciudad Last Quiz Question Felicitaciones a Joan Herriges por ser la primera en responder correctamente a nuestra última pregunta de Snapshot. La obra artística Regeneración se encuentra en el parque Arbor, en la esquina...

"... that Fire Stations 54 & 55 Renovation Project is out to bid!!  For the last three weeks, we have ...  on September 30, 2021. The project scope at both stations includes removal and replacement ... Station 55 will remain a single level building, Fire Station 54 will become a two-story building ... stations are to be bid for construction as a single project. The project will be funded by Tax ... Measure E.   Fire Station 54 - 46 Castro Ave ..."

Contact: Faby Guillen-Urfer / Sr. Project Manager – Public Works We are excited to announce that Fire Stations 54 & 55 Renovation Project is out to bid!!  For the last three weeks, we have been working with potential bidders in preparation for the bid and are eager to receive proposals on September 30, 2021. The project scope at both stations includes removal and replacement of the original living quarters; seismic upgrades to the existing...

"... Contact:                 Mia Huebner, Fire station Team –Public Works Construction is well ... underway at the two fire stations. Fire Station 54 is blossoming and taking shape! The elevator tower now ... Station 54 - New building      [/caption ... Station 54 - Rear of building[/caption] Amazing progress ... is showing at Fire Station 55. Wickman Development and Construction and their subcontractors have begun ..."

Contact:                 Mia Huebner, Fire station Team –Public Works Construction is well underway at the two fire stations. Fire Station 54 is blossoming and taking shape! The elevator tower now has roofing and the fireman’s living quarters are framed out. Wall and roof panels are up, and windows are installed. Electrical and plumbing rough-in is showing...

"... was at Fire Station 57, which needed an extensive building speaker modification. The neighbors had ... multiple complaints about the noise being directed to their homes rather than towards the fire station ... itself. Upon hearing this, the speakers were redirected towards the fire station which pleased the community we serve! ..."

It has been a hectic few months for the Facility Division. They have been assisting in the move for the Public Safety Center, however, current existing buildings still need attention. For the last few weeks, Omar Garcia, Michael Rieser, and Anthoney Heaven have been taking care of much needed work throughout the City. They are...

Matched in attachment: "... revenues (including business tax, transient occupancy tax, development fees, permits, and charges ... and the City’s 12 stormwater pump stations • Parks: Park infrastructure and facilities including ... Quentin pump station reconstruction (design) • Pickleweed Park and Schoen Park improvements ... are an impact fee charged to a developer in connection with the approval of a private land development ... associated with the construction of the new Public Safety Center and the rehabilitation of Fire Stations ..."

Matched in attachment: "... to be discharged at constant rates up to the existing pump station capacity of 500 gallons per hour/18.5 ... FACILITY – DRAFT EIR • prevent environmental damage by requiring changes in the project through ... ” as “a substantial, or potentially substantial adverse change in any of the physical conditions within ... environmental changes which may result from Project, growth-inducing impacts, and cumulative ... features identified as being incorporated into the Project. 15: Climate Change—discussing ..."

"... We are proud to announce that the Fire Station 57 project has received LEED® Gold certification ... Station 52 which also received LEED® Gold certification last year. The LEED (Leadership in Energy ... Station 57 achieved LEED Gold for implementing practical and measurable strategies and solutions ... of how human systems integrate with natural systems. The new Fire Station projects efficiently use our ..."

We are proud to announce that the Fire Station 57 project has received LEED® Gold certification. This is now our second City-owned building to obtain this green building honor. This follows Fire Station 52 which also received LEED® Gold certification last year. The LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating system was developed by...

"... the Lights" es un evento mensual GRATUITO que tiene lugar el segundo viernes de cada mes y en el que partes ... edición y ser el primero en responder la pregunta! San Rafael NOTICIAS ... describe los resultados de una caminata que se llevó a cabo en la zona durante el otoño del 2022, mismo ... (CPUC) para atender el tema de los postes y cables del tendido eléctrico que se ven muy feos en la ... comercial. Una tarifa de vinculación comercial es un tipo de tarifa de impacto relacionada con el nuevo ..."

  FOTO DE SPOTLIGHT Bandera del Orgullo Gay ondeando en la Alcaldía  Crédito de foto: Bernadette Sullivan, Oficina de Administrador Municipal RESPUESTA ¡Felicidades a Ruth-Louise Mora, La foto que destacamos en la última edición de Snapshot, ¡donde puede encontrar un pavorreal y cerdos que viven juntos en San Rafael fue captada en Servicios Sanitarios de...

"... 6: Plan de acción para la vivienda (en español) The tracked change version ... requires a comprehensive update every eight years to respond to changing demographics, market ... Element are provided below.  Both a "clean" version and a "tracked change" version are included ... May 15 Tracked Change ... also appear in the Tracked Change document linked above ..."

More than five decades ago, the State legislature declared that providing safe, decent housing for all Californians was a matter of vital statewide importance.  Since 1969, each city and county in the state has been required to prepare a Housing Element showing how the community will help achieve this goal.  The Housing Element is part of the...

"... there are issues with a sewer district pump station, call (415) 485-3374 ..."

Sewage spills must be reported ASAP! If you see raw sewage coming from an overflow device (such as a mushroom cap) next to a building, it is likely a stoppage in the sewer lateral and the responsibility of the property owner - the property owner should call a plumbing company to service their sewer line....

Matched in attachment: "... repair, market, fast food, and gas stations, that ring the area and also require use of street ... impacts associated with the relocation of the CalTrain station. Working in collaboration with City ... staff, a study was defined surrounding the former and current CalTrain station areas so ... the framework of the Downtown Station Area Specific Plan as well as more detailed shared parking demand ... pay stations and automated enforcement. Mr. Spencer managed this project, met with local merchants ..."

"... comunidad. La necesidad de que nuestra comunidad cumpla con el refugio en orden y practique el ... personas que están en estrecho contacto entre si (dentro de unos 6 pies). Le instamos a seguir el ... . Como el caso numero 39 en el Condado de Marin, el Dr. Willis dijo en su declaración por video “mi ... caso es una prueba mas de que COVID-19 esta con nosotros”. Por favor, vea el poderoso video del Dr ... . Willis y sea parte de la desaceleración de el virus en el Condado de Marin ..."

DESPLAZARSE HACIO ABAJO PARA ESPAÑOL We are continuing to monitor and respond to COVID-19 in our community. The need for our community to comply with the shelter in place order and to practice social distancing when absolutely necessary to leave your home, is more vital than ever. We must work together to limit community spread....

"... On April 19, the City held two groundbreaking ceremonies for the fire station reconstruction ... project: one for Fire Station 54 and one for Fire Station 55.  A line of shovels was used to officially ... Measure E, which is the funding source for the essential facilities upgrades, including Fire Stations ... essential buildings: Fire Station 52, Fire Station 57, and the new ... the quality of life for the firefighters for years to come. Construction for Fire Station 54 ..."

On April 19, the City held two groundbreaking ceremonies for the fire station reconstruction project: one for Fire Station 54 and one for Fire Station 55.  A line of shovels was used to officially mark the start of the renovations. Mayor Kate Colin was joined by Vice Mayor Kertz, Councilmembers Bushey and Llorens Gulati, Fire...

"... service will be free of charge on opening day. In celebration of the start of service, SMART will host ... a community grand opening event at 9 a.m. at its Santa Rosa Downtown Station, at 7 Fourth Street ..."

The Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) District announced today that it has received the green light from the Federal Railroad Administration to begin full passenger train service. Service will begin on August 25. “We are proud to say that we are ready to roll,” said SMART Board of Directors Chairwoman Debora Fudge. “This is the...

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