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4055 Results Found

"... to the address on the citation. If you go this route, we don't need to see your car. ..."

Within 35 days from the citation issue date you should obtain your registration sticker or current registration from the Department of Motor Vehicles and submit it to the office staff at City of San Rafael Parking Services. The staff will verify the current registration (we need to physically see your vehicle), sign-off the citation and accept the...

Matched in attachment: "... O ;.Jg(-'txoe '0 E 3 (tg o(D ==NNoo qo =:oE=Y(DgB =t^(DO = i,,t ^oO :. -:o'uE o3 UIoo 6- l ... ,0ro OEpp 33 -(t =;E e g, ^+.O(D se Oaoqb 3o !:o. 3 (tg o(D ==NNoo qo =:oE=Y(D -i= -(D =-oc (DE ... = :'c, (D 9 !q .u)'c 3d il Bo €8 =o- (rl N) @@(D(D =-NNo ..."

The sewer permit application is available at: It needs to be completed and emailed to Include with sewer permit application a site plan showing the proposed works; pipe type, pipe depth, where it leaves the dwelling, the location and type of backflow prevention device, the upper lateral route and connection to the lower...

"... Street.  The City was not able to do this earlier as all of the Quiet Zone improvements needed ... Council can make a decision as to when to implement the Quiet Zone.   Why does ... place on track segments between Mission Ave and Larkspur.   Who do I contact ... ).   Has the City applied for a Quiet Zone in the neighborhoods near the Larkspur Extension ... ? Yes, SMART has made the second phase Quiet Zone ready and all of the required ..."

SMART has made great progress towards completing railroad crossing tests and will soon begin testing train control systems. The next overnight testing sessions are scheduled for: Friday, September 6, 11:00 p.m. to Saturday, September 7, 8:00 a.m. Saturday, September 7, 11:00 p.m. to Sunday, September 8, 8:00 a.m. As a part of the testing process, you may...

"... to work in partnership.   What do you consider to be your greatest achievement ... "Downtown Foot Patrol" made up of three sworn officers, one civilian ... Rafael?     That homelessness is a police problem, and they are the only ones ... take credit for any one achievement; it is completely a team endeavor each and every time ... community: Call 911 – If something doesn’t look or feel right, don ..."

For almost three years the City of San Rafael's Police Department has had a dedicated "Downtown Foot Patrol" made up of three sworn officers, one civilian homeless outreach provider, and a supervisor.  The Downtown Foot Patrol's primary mission is to work with the community to improve quality of life issues. Sergeant Scott Eberle currently supervises...

"...  on the website. If you are planning on waiting do to the work, thank you for helping! Just let us know ... on the form and we can note your status. If you are doing essential work and must continue, please fill out ..."

All previously active encroachment permits were automatically suspended on that date. Please fill out the form on the website. If you are planning on waiting do to the work, thank you for helping! Just let us know on the form and we can note your status. If you are doing essential work and must continue, please...

"... levels about what is safe to do. Please remember to be respectful of one another ... to do! If you haven’t completed the 2020 Census yet, you can ... .  Do your ... ⁠⠀⁠ 🏕️Do not light campfires ⁠⠀⁠ 🍁Do not burn vegetation day left ..."

Yesterday we received the State’s weekly update on the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. Marin remains in Tier 2 (red status) for a fifth straight week. The October 13th assessment  for Marin includes:   Testing Positivity: 1.5% (decrease of 0.3% since last assessment)  Adjusted Case Rate: 4.0  (no change)  Health Equity Quartile Test Positivity Rate: 2.7% (decrease of 0.4%)  In order to achieve Tier 3 (orange status)...

"... , changing one-way streets to two-way, diagonal parking, widening sidewalks and narrowing traffic lanes, bulb ... . If educational efforts don’t work, you can ..."

At the neighborhood and community level, outreach and education between neighbors can be helpful in increasing traffic safety, particularly in reducing speeding. Most tickets and crashes take place close to home, and many speeders live in the neighborhoods in which they are speeding. Education campaigns can include presentations to community groups, door-to-door visits, stickers and...

Matched in attachment: "... County, CO City of Vacaville, CA Pearl River County, MS Liberty County, MT Fresno County, CA Dane ... with Foster Morrison Consulting LTD in an amount not to exceed $48,290.00. 2. Do not accept ... the proposal from Foster Morrison Consulting LTD and direct staff to reissue the RFP. 3. Do ... , a limited liability company authorized to do business in California (hereinafter "CONTRACTOR ... , ordinances, codes or regulations. 14. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. CITY and CONTRACTOR do ..."

"... . Careful, don't over do it. You can also use the double boiler ... . Clip the end of the bag, so chocolate can come out. Pipe on bandoleer and other details. Then enjoy your "Chewie" delights! ..."

Make these fun Wookie Cookies to celebrate Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with you! Here's What You'll Need Gingerbread Cookie Recipe or Mix Bowl Big Spoon Spatula Fork Rolling Pin Cookie Sheet Pot Holder Large Gingerbread Man Cookie Cutter Chocolate Chips White Chocolate Chips Plastic Bag or Pastry Bag To Make Mix your...

"...  of eligible Marin residents have received two doses (or one shot of Johnson & Johnson ... tier, gyms and indoor dining can expand from ... been fully immunized (two weeks after second dose ... 3 | Dining Under the Lights, A & Fourth streets, San ... -ups. The following one-day pop-up clinics are planned ..."

Marin County’s COVID-19 vaccination success and steadily reduced case rates has officially moved Marin to yellow Tier 4. The move further loosens restrictions on activities and reopening of the economy. Under the yellow tier, gyms and indoor dining can expand from 25 percent to 50 percent capacity, live events with assigned seating can expand to 67 percent and bars could reopen...

"... for and received one of the show leads “Maureen” in RENT: The Concert. She was amazing! She worked so hard ... do you enjoy most about your volunteer work? Knowing that the kids looked up to me was pretty ... volunteer activities do you do? I have been active in San Rafael Young Performers Theatre ... do you suggest to those considering volunteering with the City? To anyone who is considering ... volunteering with the City, do it. It is a fun learning experience, and what else would you be doing ..."

Describe your volunteer activity with San Rafael? I am a sophomore at San Rafael High School and a fun fact about me is that I am one of the youngest students in the class of 2019! This past summer, I worked at summer camps headed by the City of San Rafael. Over the 4 weeks,...

"... and do ... one ... recreativa es de 22 nadadores por cada periodo de tiempo. Si usted está asegurando la reserva para ... usted y su familia. Solo puede reservar un periodo de tiempo de natación recreativa por día ... .   La edad mínima para reservar un tiempo de natación de vuelta es de 12 ..."

Recreation Swim Reservations are required for each member of your party who is entering the facility. You may only reserve one recreation swim time per day.  Face masks are recommended. Recreation Swim Program Information Swimmers that are 12 years of age or older may reserve a time to swim and do not need to be...

"... as possible. Do not walk near traffic after drinking or using drugs that affect judgment ... violations, three arrests for driving with a suspended license and one arrest for driving under ... the state to promote safe behaviors that allow drivers and those on foot to get where they need to go ... . Make eye contact with drivers. Don’t assume drivers can see you. Be seen. Wear ..."

San Rafael, CA – The San Rafael Police Department is working with law enforcement agencies across the state to promote safe behaviors that allow drivers and those on foot to get where they need to go safely. September is Pedestrian Safety Month, and California continues to see more and more pedestrians getting injured or killed...

Matched in attachment: "... / 12 Q9 Do you participate in any civic activities? If so, what are they? Yes - I'm am ambassador ... - Boards and Commissions Application 2 / 3 Q9 Do you participate in any civic activities? If so, what ... offices Q9 Do you participate in any civic activities? If so, what are they? I attended Marin County ... (please specify): From Lindsay Lara Q9 Do you participate in any civic activities? If so, what ... position? Friend Q9 Do you participate in any civic activities? If so, what are they? Sf food bank ..."

"... meeting and at the annual State of the City dinner. Do you know someone who you think should ... final wish: “Please pick up litter and do what you can for this beautiful planet ... at the Beneficial’s Garden (left of the Greenhouse). Do you have any interest in growing roses? Marin ... a new English speaker? Do you ... and third doses, follow this link ..."

Snapshot - de parte del Gerente de la Ciudad de San Rafael Spotlight Photo CAPTION: San Rafael Police Department boat carries the San Rafael City Council in 2021 Lighted Boat Parade PHOTO CREDIT: Jim Schutz, City Manager  Last Quiz Question Congrats to Sallee Taaffe for being the first to correctly respond to our mystery quiz in the last Snapshot. The question was “When was the...

"... in dining outside at one of your favorite San Rafael restaurants? Not sure ...What do shoppers need to know ...  more outdoor dining to the community ...  for outdoor dining and retail ... for pickup / delivery / outdoor diningRestaurants have full ..."

WATCH VIDEO San Rafael restaurants are excited to bring more outdoor dining to the community and we’re excited to be helping them hit the ground running!  We created new, free permit types to accommodate businesses who want to use the sidewalk, plaza, or parking space in front of their business for outdoor dining and retail.  Interested in dining outside at one of your favorite San Rafael restaurants? Not...

"... pools page is going to be an important one. Right now, to find out the hours for the Terra Linda ... are looking to do on the current site and how they are getting ... after visiting just one page and not interacting with it. Device Usage ... One major goal for our new site is to be mobile-friendly. Over the last 6 years ... content strategy. Although they don’t tell the whole story, they provide insight on what people ..."

Understanding our current site analytics is a piece of our new content strategy. Although they don’t tell the whole story, they provide insight on what people are looking to do on the current site and how they are getting there. Over the past year, our site had almost 371,382 unique page views and 56.4% exited...

You can apply for a building permit, pay fees, check permit status, and upload drawings.  

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