Homelessness Update Community Meeting, October 3, 2024, via Zoom; click here for more information.

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The Department of Digital Service and Open Government seeks to build the foundations for long-range operational efficiency Citywide through improved technology support, a strong governance structure, and enhanced staff training aimed at empowering our users. To successfully achieve these goals, we require a partner to assist us in providing citywide technology support that efficiently solves...

To make City services easy to use, and work for everyone.

The new demands of the digital era require a new approach to government. Community expectations of how government communicates, engages, and delivers services are changing. Our response is to assess what is working, what is broken, and transform services to meet the needs of our users and the expectations of the modern era. The core...

Collaborative effort to remain open through at least April 2020 The temporary and experimental pop-up library at the Northgate mall in San Rafael has been such a success, the three partnering agencies have agreed to keep it open through April 2020. Created in December 2018 as a special holiday season treat for shoppers and other mall visitors, the branch...

On Wednesday the County of Marin hosted a press conference (watch it here) to announce preliminary results from the 2019 Homeless Point-in-Time Count. While there is still work to be done, these results suggest that our strategy to end chronic homelessness is working!           In San Rafael we've seen a ...  ...

The San Rafael Sanitation District will be advertising the Forbes Avenue Sewer Improvement Project, which includes El Cerrito Avenue and 21 to 141 Fairhills Drive, on May 13, 2019. The project consists of replacing close to 3,000 lineal feet of sanitary sewer pipeline. The Engineers will perform a Public Outreach Meeting at the project site...

The Cayes Pump Station is a small drainage pump station that manages the drainage in the Spinnaker and Baypoint neighborhoods in the Canal. This pump station also manages the water levels in the adjacent pond which fronts both neighborhoods. Over the last winter, which was wetter than normal, a significant leak in the pipe outfall...

The first STOP sign appeared in 1915 in Detroit, Michigan. There were a variety of colors used for STOP signs until the late 1920s, when the background color was standardized on yellow for maximum day and night visibility. Remember that this was several years before the invention of glass-bead retro-reflectorization for sign faces, so a...

UPDATE: After hearing concerns from our residents, the Traffic Engineering division completed an analysis for an All Way STOP at Merrydale Road and US 101 South Ramps and got approval from Caltrans to do the work. Streets Maintenance Crews painted STOP legends and limit lines, refreshed striping, and installed STOP signs and advanced warning signs....

**We are currently not accepting applications to paint utility boxes but will re-evaluate as budgeting and policy changes. Please check back here for any future updates.** You might have noticed some painting of public property downtown this week. Don’t worry, these street artists have a permit! The 2019 San Rafael Leadership Institute (SRLI) class project...

The Department of Public Works is pleased to announce that Encroachment Permit applications and payments will now be accepted online at www.cityofsanrafael.org/epapply. Property owners and contractors will now be able to apply for all types of encroachment permits and make payment via credit card. Once applied for staff will review the permit and send the...

The Park-A-Month Volunteer Program has begun! This fun family-friendly volunteer program helps keep our San Rafael Parks in great shape! The events take place on the third Saturday of each month. On April 20th, Parks personnel and neighborhood volunteers worked together to help clean up the Terra Linda Community Center. The next event is at...

Work continues to replace the upper deck bridge joints on the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge. Caltrans is providing weekly progress updates and the work is expected to be complete in July. During this activity, motorists can expect nightly lane closures and steel plates at various locations on the bridge roadway surface.

Public Works has received the new playground equipment for Pickleweed Park. The purchase of the equipment was funded by a Community Development Block Grant administered by Marin County. DPW is obtaining the services of a certified playground installer as well as a specialty firm to install the equipment and engineered wood fiber surface. The playground...

With great weather to work, Van Midde and Son Concrete has been busy and working hard to replace sidewalk, curb and gutter in Gerstle Park.  A program high, 12 properties are currently in the midst of getting their sidewalk repaired with 7 more properties expected to break ground within the next two weeks. Last week,...

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