"... The City of San Rafael is pleased to announce expanded services for those experiencing homelessness ... . As part of the collaboration with Caltrans, the County of Marin, CHP, and multiple service ... organizations the city is providing a designated “service support area” that will launch Tuesday, July 6th ... . This includes:
City Council allocated $1.3M in funding to support the County’s purchase of 3301 ... supportive housing)
City Council authorized up to $260,000 in funding for additional ..."
The City of San Rafael is pleased to announce expanded services for those experiencing homelessness. As part of the collaboration with Caltrans, the County of Marin, CHP, and multiple service organizations the city is providing a designated “service support area” that will launch Tuesday, July 6th. This designated space will provide security, restrooms, handwashing stations, garbage pick-up, regular outreach and...