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4055 Results Found

"... .  The City was not able to do this earlier as all of the Quiet Zone improvements needed to be in place ... make a decision as to when to implement the Quiet Zone.   Why does the Quiet Zone ... on track segments between Mission Ave and Larkspur.   Who do I contact ... zone in this area. We understand that the use of the train horn may ... ).   Has the City applied for a Quiet Zone in the neighborhoods near the Larkspur Extension ..."

Please be advised that SMART intends to resume overnight testing on Friday, August 30, and continue through Sunday, September 1, between 9:30 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Regular updates on the testing schedule will be posted on as they become available. According to SMART, railroad crossing warning devices and train control systems along the new extension from San...

"... . Don’t place anything in the street ... . Don’t pour chemicals, paints, or other ..."

Dispose of yard waste and leaves by composting or using your green cart. There is no extra service charge for using up to two additional carts or paper bags – 32 gallons or smaller. You can also rent an additional 64-gallon green cart from Marin Sanitary Service. Don’t place anything in the street or in the way...

"... to get to Montecito Shopping Center and Point San Pedro Road don’t have to wait so long behind cars ... going straight on Grand Avenue. The center line had to be shifted a little, so we observed ... without going over the centerline – all good! Even with just cat-tracked lane lines and floppies ..."

Recently, Grand Avenue was resurfaced from the bridge deck to 2nd Street. Fresh roadway provides us with an opportunity to make improvements to the lane configuration. On the south leg of the intersection, the road is wide enough to add a northbound right-turn pocket. Therefore, motorists trying to get to Montecito Shopping Center and Point...

"... for opportunities to streamline costs of retrofitting homes so older adults can stay in their homes ... and opportunities for civic engagement. How does the next generation see civic participation? Explore ..."

Housing Existing homes no longer meet the needs of residents or the community. Look for opportunities to streamline costs of retrofitting homes so older adults can stay in their homes safely and comfortably. Residential facilities have availability but are not affordable. Research cost factors of living in residential facilities. Employment Address ageism in the workplace. ...

"... the area. If you would like to request extra patrol due to an on-going traffic problem in a particular ..."

If you are trying to report something that is happening now, or just occurred, please call our non-emergency line. A call for service will be created and an officer will be dispatched to check the area. If you would like to request extra patrol due to an on-going traffic problem in a particular area, please...

"... 2nd Street and Rice Drive was converted to a one-way southbound street. In doing so ... delineate where cars should not stop, electronic signs which read “Do Not Stop on Tracks ... , the northbound right turn lane onto 2nd Street was eliminated as one measure to reduce the number ..."

As part of the Francisco Blvd West Multi-use Pathway project, Francisco Blvd West between 2nd Street and Rice Drive was converted to a one-way southbound street. In doing so, the northbound right turn lane onto 2nd Street was eliminated as one measure to reduce the number of vehicles stopping on the railroad tracks. Additionally, the...

"... who lives, works, or enjoys the City will be able to do so. Please join us at a community meeting ... itself does not develop housing, the City must demonstrate that there are enough sites zoned ... . Participate in Bay Ferry 2050 Priorities Poll What do you want the future of Bay Area water transit ... zoning text amendment to allow, with a use permit, animal ... a conditional use permit consideration by the Zoning Administrator. Hearing for Eminent Domain Process ..."

Spotlight Photo Snapshot en Español CAPTION: Construction crews removing an underground storage tank from the new right turn lane from Highway 101 northbound on to Second Street. PHOTO CREDIT: Shawn Graf, Assistant Engineer, Department of Public Works Last Quiz Question Congrats to Linda Aldrich for being the first to respond correctly to our mystery photo...

Matched in attachment: "... na l N ei gh bo rh oo d - Pa rk in g Su rv ey Ti m e: T ue da y M or ni ng Pe ... at io ns /C om m en ts A re a Lo t # Lo ca ti on Si de o f S tr ee t In ve nt or y 8: 00 ... % 7 10 0% M on da ys s tr ee t s w ee pi ng 1 0A M - 12 PM 35 Li do L n Ca na l S ... na l N ei gh bo rh oo d - Pa rk in g Su rv ey Ti m e: S at ur da y A ft er oo ... 7 7 8 11 4% 6 86 % M on da ys s tr ee t s w ee pi ng 1 0A M - 12 PM 35 Li do L ..."

"... and to do’s together and you end up with greater preparation, education and resilience. Here’s what ... you can do when you visit the Safety Action Center: Share ... Action Center. What is it? Think of it as your one-stop source for making sure that you ... Wildfire Safety Program. “With videos, interactive features and checklists, the site is a one-stop ... contact information so PG&E can reach you if a Public Safety Power Shutoff might impact your ..."

New Online Site Offers Wildfire Safety and Preparedness Advice SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.—We’ve all heard the phrase that it’s better to be safe than sorry. And Ben Franklin wisely opined that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And a poster proclaiming “Safety doesn’t happen by accident” can be found in almost every...

Residential Resale Reports are required when any residential property changes ownership. This includes Single Family Homes, Duplexes, Apartment Buildings and Townhouses/Condominiums.  There are a few exceptions, such as the first sale of a new home and the sale of mobile homes.

Matched in attachment: "... the project site, and great depth to groundwater, we do not anticipate potential for liquefaction ... was done during winter rain. Utility Connections – As a general suggestion, where utility damage ... material is unknown when preparing the geotechnical report and agencies typically do not permit ... herein do not include any factor-of-safety and are not applicable for submerged soils/hydrostatic ... B ro w n S an dy C LA Y C or ro si vi ty T es ts S um m ar y (R ed ox ) P J 91 ..."

"... to doing one or more things to reduce your water use this spring ... to check one out like a library book! To use this deposit-based program go ... them out and all the great things they are doing with the performing arts. Congratulations Laura ... of us to conserve. We’re asking everyone to do two things ... , learn about things you can do, and commit ..."

Snapshot - de parte del Gerente de la Ciudad de San Rafael Spotlight Photo CAPTION: In-Person Public Meetings Return to City Hall, April 18, 2022 – (Pictured left to right) Vice Mayor Rachel Kertz, Mayor Kate Colin, Councilmember Maribeth Bushey, Councilmember Maika Llorens Gulati, City Attorney Rob Epstein, City Manager Jim Schutz, Public Works Director...

"... .   How do I know ... do I have ... is based on one or more of the following factors ... lab test for the coronavirus (known as SARS-CoV-2) that causes ... Oficial de Salud del Condado de Marin emite órdenes y pautas de ..."

DESPLAZARSE HACIO ABAJO PARA ESPAÑOL The County of Marin issued a quarantine order and an isolation order which “requires anyone who has been diagnosed with or is likely to have COVID-19” to isolate themselves in their home or another residence. They may not leave their place of isolation or enter any other public or private place, except to receive necessary medical care. The order also requires members of...

"... necessary to do so ..."

On March 31, 2020, the Marin County Health Officer issued a new Shelter in Place Order (“Order”) that extends the shelter in place mandate through May 3, 2020. Essential construction is defined by the Order as:   Projects immediately necessary to the maintenance, operation or repair of Essential Infrastructure;    Projects associated with Healthcare Operations, including creating...

"... When you use the mobile app or call to start the parking session, you key in a zone number ... . The parking officer verifies your parking session by matching the license plate to the zone number. ..."

When you use the mobile app or call to start the parking session, you key in a zone number. The parking officer verifies your parking session by matching the license plate to the zone number.

"... in the staff report. If you have sent the Commission a letter or e-mail, do not repeat the information ... questions through the Chair. Do not address the applicant, members of the public or staff ... on an item on the agenda, except for recommendations on legislative items (i.e., zoning amendments ... and appeals that require approval by the City Council. How often does the Planning ... of the chambers and into the lobby so as not to disturb others or disrupt the public hearing ..."

Meeting Protocol and Tips for Effective Public Hearings What is the Planning Commission? The Planning Commission is composed of seven members, consisting of San Rafael residents who are volunteers and not City officials, appointed by the City Council to serve four-year terms. (SRMC Chapter 2.16) What are the duties and responsibilities of the Planning Commission?...

"... .  (If you do not have an account you will need to create one ... do ..."

How to Pay Fees Start by clicking on the "Pay Fee" icon above. **Please do not create a new permit** Then log into you account.  (If you do not have an account you will need to create one) Once logged in you can use the search permit option to locate your permit.   If this permit...

Matched in attachment: "... 05, 2019 - Oct 31, 2022 2019 HIGHLIGHTS: • None. Only one meeting due to pandemic. 2019 ... and the chair on Zoom. • The General Plan 2040 Steering Committee is on-going and DJ Allison continues ... activities during a worldwide pandemic, most of which was done virtually. Highlights include ... not encroach into their new outdoor dining spaces. • The Multi-Use Path (MUP) from Rice to Andersen ... 01, 2019 to Jun 30, 2023 2nd of two terms Mari Jones April 02, 2018 to Jun 30, 2021 1st of two ..."

"... be unavoidable, we are committed to do whatever we can to minimize impact from construction activities ... in driveways or away from the work area when No Parking Zones are posted. See image above for the General ... will be notified immediately to make any necessary repairs, and you will be notified as well. If no one is home ... Closure for Prospect Dr between Grand Ave & Vineyard Ave. WCI will be detouring traffic ... , deliveries and emergency services will be maintained at all times. For addresses 225-270 Prospect Dr, we ..."

NOTICE TO LOCAL RESIDENTS & PROPERTY OWNERS  10- Day Notice Road Closure  SAN RAFAEL SANITATION DISTRICT PROSPECT DRIVE SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT  The San Rafael Sanitation District has awarded Westland Contractors, Inc. a contract to repair the sanitary sewer main serving your property. The project will involve trenching and working in the public right-of-way to perform...

"... to work, don't count on them having a generator—fill up. Put one or two ... : certain personal care services indoor dining ... dining, at all times other than when you are actively eating or drinking ... prepared when it does. Get cash and gasoline: With the power out ... continue to see unhealthy levels tomorrow, so when you can, stay inside with windows and doors closed ..."

The National Weather Service issued an Excessive Heat Warning that’s been extended through September 9th. Forecasters predict a prolonged period of potentially dangerous heat across the Bay Area and Central Coast. A Red Flag Warning means warm temperatures combined with low humidity and strong winds are expected to produce an increased risk of fire danger. Tier 2 Status...

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