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4055 Results Found

"... this process relate to the SMART Train and the Station Area Plans done a few years ago ... recommendations for land use, zoning, urban design, and circulation around the stations ... in the city.  It underpins local zoning and guides the use of property throughout the city. Most San ... ? The Housing Element is one ... does ..."

What is a General Plan? Why is the City updating its Plan? What topics are addressed by the Plan? How will the community be involved? Why is the Housing Element separate from the rest of the General Plan? What is the Schedule for the Plan Update? How will this affect me? What is a General...

"... , I want to thank you for doing so as well as thank you for your patience. When we developed ... understand that we still have a lot of work to do. This includes another 113 properties totaling 13,000 ... As we cross the one year anniversary of the commencement of the Sidewalk Repair Program I want ... feet of curb and gutter. While we are tremendously proud of the work completed so far, we also ... Dots ..."

As we cross the one year anniversary of the commencement of the Sidewalk Repair Program I want to take the time to let you know where we stand and how we intend to move forward. Some of you signed up for the 2018 program and already have contracts in hand, others are part of the...

"... or pedestrian crossing. Studies have shown that when all-way stops are installed at locations that do ... not meet requirements, they do little to slow traffic and can actually make the intersection less safe ... do more harm than good.  Children should not be encouraged to play in the street.  In fact ... that playing in the street is not acceptable.  Specific warnings for school zones and crosswalk ... on residential roads is one of the top complaints ..."

Click Here to View Marin County's 2024 Local Road Safety Plan             What is the Traffic Engineering Division? The Traffic Engineering Division is responsible for establishing and operating a safe and efficient transportation network. This includes the city streets and crosswalks, traffic control devices, bicycle facilities, curb space, and roadway...

"... days, so drivers will need to take caution when driving along Pt. San Pedro Rd. Slow for the cone zone ... Project Update – Week of 9/12 Construction along Main Dr. continues as WR Forde has ... started making headway with installation of the 2nd manhole located on the corner of Main Dr ..."

Project Update – Week of 9/12 Construction along Main Dr. continues as WR Forde has started making headway with installation of the 2nd manhole located on the corner of Main Dr. and Point San Pedro Road. Trenching has begun diving into westbound traffic on Point San Pedro Road. Flaggers will be onsite directing traffic as...

"... lower speed limits. Potholing along Oak Dr. will start towards the end of the week so residents ... be sawcutting and trenching during 8AM-5PM. While construction noise may increase throughout the day, do ... Pedro Rd. Trenching activities along westbound traffic will continue so expect flaggers to enforce ... should prepare for construction activities in the area. Note that flaggers will also be on Oak Dr ..."

Project Update – Week of 9/19 Construction has moved along Point San Pedro as WR Forde has started making headway with installation of the 1st manhole downstream of Point San Pedro Rd. Trenching activities along westbound traffic will continue so expect flaggers to enforce lower speed limits. Potholing along Oak Dr. will start towards the...

Matched in attachment: "... 210 S I0,500 12,lOO SH,00) 7.WJ lll ,OCO 8,(00 UOS,000 5,800 n so.~:,o 7,~) 17,SOO 3,500 13 ... ,SlXI 2,lO ..."

Matched in attachment: "... Density to Medium Density to reflect existing land use and zoning. • One parcel in the Montecito ... of these categories on the General Plan Map does not require any changes to the zoning map. Change 4 ... the same zoning designation (P/OS) so no rezoning is required. This REPORT TO PLANNING ... category does not mean that the most intense zoning district consistent with that category ... like the zoning to compliment City designated uses. 5. How does your amendment support ..."

"... here if you do not already have one ... "Temporary Outdoor Dining Area" (Commercial Parklet)  This permit is for the use ... of commercial out door dining areas with vertical structures associated with the dining area ..."

**ATTN CUSTOMERS**  Effective 1/1/2023 all Building Permits issued after this date will be valid for 2 years.  Minor permits such as water heater & furnaces, etc. will be valid for 180 days only.    If your permit is not Finaled by the expiration date you will need to pay a renewal fee.    New Structures,...

"... of food assistance, so if you need help, don’t wait. Visit their website ... to find weekly free groceries, monthly food boxes for seniors, one-time emergency food, or help ... meeting yesterday, Dr. Matt Willis, Marin County Public Health Officer ... must go out ... DR. WILLIS’ UPDATE “The Stay ..."

The new statewide Stay At Home Order went into effect Tuesday and will remain in place until at least the beginning of January, or when ICU capacity levels become more manageable for our health care system and positive case rates drop to safer levels. Adapting to these new orders will be challenging for businesses and families during the holiday season. It is important to remember that the impact of a surge on...

Matched in attachment: "... 210 S I0,500 12,lOO SH,00) 7.WJ lll ,OCO 8,(00 UOS,000 5,800 n so.~:,o 7,~) 17,SOO 3,500 13 ... ,SlXI 2,lO ..."

"... begun writing his report and I expect him to be done within a month. The final report ... practices and accountability and there will be another one of the these meetings coming up on March ... don't have much more to add. First, I want to let the community know that we continue to have a City ... disciplinary process, which has a number of steps, so it may be helpful for those seeking further ... be located on the website. So that's all I have to report about status of the investigation ..."

CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS 2/21/2023 Thank you, Mayor Kate, good evening members of the council and good evening, to the community. I'm out of town but glad to have an opportunity via Zoom this evening to provide a report on the police incident that occurred on July 27 on Windward Way in the Canal. I will...

"... homelessness in our community.  One of the most common questions we get is "What is the County of Marin doing ... of housing status. How do you see the City and County working together ... and personal lives. What do you consider to be your greatest achievement ... of many different public and private partners of which I am only one. You can reach Ashley at: ... . Community members are often curious about how County contracts are evaluated?  In what ways does the County ..."

At the City, we field a wide variety of questions and concerns regarding homelessness in our community.  One of the most common questions we get is "What is the County of Marin doing to address the issue?"  In our second "Get to Know" blog post, I would like to introduce you to Ashley Hart McIntyre,...

Matched in attachment: "... f2 a L. 6-10 ~'( .s uf..4:, b 0 Do c k:.~ Ii)£' C;> ..."

"... for the Cone Zone and Be Work Zone Alert. Caltrans thanks motorists for their patience while we work ... :// For all questions regarding this closure, please reach ... out to: Dawit Habteselassie Caltrans D4 Construction San Rafael Field Office Cell: 510-385-6980 ..."

CalTrans will close the NB Central San Rafael offramp from July 20 to July 23 from 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. for Caltrans Harbor Bridge work. Caltrans is continuing the Harbor Bridge Replacement Project this month (July) on the northbound 101 off-ramp to Central San Rafael, Marin County. The project started in February 2021, and...

Matched in attachment: "... and there is very little that we do that does not interact or partner with other organizations ... , there are people providing everything we do from responding to a burglary, providing advanced life ... - -just a few examples of what City employees do every day. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A B O U T O U R C ... of everything we do, including performing an equity audit on City policies and programs to create ... into how progress is being made against goals and objectives. How do we know if we’re on track ..."

"... nominations for Citizen of the Year. In the opinion of her nominators, she has gone above and beyond her ... more complicated processes. One example of this was her work with a family who desired to find housing ... available to families who don’t speak English by meeting with them and helping them maneuver through ... as a bridge builder, which is a tremendous gift, and which she does without compensation, and she has proven ..."

Samantha Ramirez is committed to uplifting the community in which she resides, both in her work and her extracurricular activities. As a bilingual and bicultural community member with family from El Salvador and Honduras, she has worked hard to be a powerful bridge between the LatinX communities in San Rafael and the bodies that govern...

"... with a friend or an evening virtual storytime with a grandparent! Whatever you do, think about how ... together to make good choices for us, our families, and our community. What you can do to help ... yourself: What are the activities that I must do? What are the activities I just want to do? How ... yourself a mask, or a few masks, that fit well and that you like, and wear one whenever you leave your ... the choices you make about who you see and where you go will help to prevent the spread of the coronavirus ..."

Our key message today is to please keep yourself and those around you safe and healthy. Hunker down at home as much as possible with movies, puzzles, walks, books... maybe some virtual coffee with a friend or an evening virtual storytime with a grandparent! Whatever you do, think about how the choices you make about...

"... or Moderna or one dose of Johnson & Johnson ... their second dose ... doseIf you, or someone you know ... are fully vaccinated (two weeks after your second dose ... vaccinated, include exercising outside, dining outside ..."

Marin County has achieved the first of two required weeks of COVID statistics that will allow us to move to the next, less-restrictive tier. If Marin maintains this progress, we may be able to advance to Tier 4 (yellow status) as early as May 3. At Tuesday’s update to the County Board of Supervisors, Dr. Matt Willis discussed our County’s progress toward the yellow Tier 4 in the Blueprint...

"... do these acts of personal choice become translated into systemic change? How does the inspiration ..."

by Councilmember Kate Colin It’s been said that democracy is not a spectator sport and the thousands of people who marched in cities across America took that to heart. But what happens next? How do these acts of personal choice become translated into systemic change? How does the inspiration that people feel have a lasting...

"... of the different zones around the home and what should and should ... Happy Friday San Rafael! This is week four of tackling one fire safe tip per week to make your home ... of all plants, don’t be crazy! The goal is to identify landscaping that both makes you proud of your ... yard and is fire resistant, diminishing the chances of ignition in the event of a fire. So, let’s ... fire safe planting, so be sure to check out ..."

Happy Friday San Rafael! This is week four of tackling one fire safe tip per week to make your home, drum roll please, more fire safe! This week we'll be working on how to choose fire safe landscaping while maintaining your defensible space. We aren’t looking to get rid of all plants, don’t be crazy! The goal is to identify landscaping that...

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