Homelessness Update Community Meeting, October 3, 2024, via Zoom; click here for more information.

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No, property owners cannot receive retroactive payment to repairs made independently with a contractor, and outside of the official Sidewalk Repair Program. Only applicants accepted to the program through the random selection process are eligible for City cost-share in their repairs. If you have any ambiguity over whether your repair will qualify for City cost-sharing, contact us before you do the repair. 

You must be a property owner within incorporated San Rafael (applications may not be submitted by renters). Each property (APN) is able to submit one application. If one property owner owns multiple properties within San Rafael, each property may apply for the program separately. Property owners with sidewalk damage due to private construction (cut, removal,...

Yes, it is the expectation of the City is that all program applicants will follow through with the identified sidewalk repairs in the pre-construction inspection survey. In the pre-construction inspection conducted by the City, the City will identify all needed sidewalk repair and replacement, tree root shaving/removal, and required sidewalk/curb-gutter replacement. This is the (a) city approved work. Once the property owner receives their pre-inspection...

Department of Public Works staff will inspect selected program applicants for:  Required sidewalk replacement  Required tree work (root shaving or tree removal)  Sidewalk/Curb-Gutter replacement required  Sidewalk shaving for displacement (for very slight displacements only) Once the survey is complete, you will be emailed a copy to share with the contractor.

No, driveways and driveway aprons are not eligible for City cost-share. If selected for the program, owners wishing to get driveway work done may have it done at the same time as any sidewalk work, but the owner will be responsible for the full cost of the repair and will be billed accordingly.

Cost will vary depending on the condition of the sidewalk. If accepted into the program, costs will be split evenly (50/50) between the property owner and the city. Property owners can expect city coverage up to $1,000 for sidewalk repair and 100% of the cost for curb and gutter repair and replacement (up to $4,000).

Participating in the City's sidewalk repair program is both efficient and cost-effective. Not only do property owners benefit by the City cost sharing in the repairs, but all encroachment permit fees and related inspection fees are also absorbed by the City. 

On Monday evening, the City Council will consider two items related to cannabis. The first item is whether to place a measure on the June 5, 2018 ballot to levy a “commercial cannabis industry special tax”--a special business tax-- on cannabis businesses in San Rafael. If approved, voters in San Rafael would vote on a...

Also on Monday, the City Council will consider the release of lease revenue bonds, which will be used to fund three public safety facility projects: the rebuilding of Fire Stations 57 and 52, and a new Public Safety Center across the street from City Hall. The proposed bond financing is expected to yield $48.5 million...

Vegetation Management Home Page Updated VMP 02/28/2018  

On March 5, 2018, the City Council will consider a resolution approving a detailed work program for the General Plan Update, including descriptions of each task to be performed, and a project budget and schedule.  The 90-page work program outlines 15 tasks and over 100 sub-tasks to be completed over a three-year period, culminating with...

  San Rafael Fire Department's Vegetation Management Division is partnered with Department of Public Works to keep the open spaces of San Rafael safe from fire risk and danger. One of the main ways these large open spaces are kept clean for the wildfire season is with goats. These four legged grazing machines are used...

The benefits of being a police cadet lay the foundation for a long and varied vocation if you are considering a career in law enforcement.  The police cadet is a 20-hour/week entry-level police civilian classification that performs all duties required to support police services.  The cadet must be proactive as they maintain the police vehicles,...

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