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"... o asistiendo a una reunión del Concejo Municipal. What suggestions do you have ... about San Rafael. La Ciudad de San Rafael está invitando a los residentes a opinar sobre cómo ... más miembros de la comunidad pueden obtener y compartir información sobre temas locales. El objetivo ... es hacer que las comunicaciones sean lo más accesibles posible para todos los que viven y se ... reciben el boletín quincenal de la Ciudad ..."

The City of San Rafael is inviting resident input about how more community members can get and share information about local issues. The goal is to make communications as accessible as possible to everyone who lives in and cares about San Rafael. La Ciudad de San Rafael está invitando a los residentes a opinar sobre...

"... some vegetation clearance to protect their neighbor's home. State law does not necessarily require ..."

Yes, San Rafael code requires all property owners to maintain defensible space. Some other Marin fire agencies have also adopted fire code language that may require neighboring properties to provide some vegetation clearance to protect their neighbor's home. State law does not necessarily require this. San Rafael and FIRESafe MARIN encourage neighbors to work together...

"... We don't own goats. San Rafael, the County of Marin, FIRESafe MARIN, and other local agencies ..."

We don't own goats. San Rafael, the County of Marin, FIRESafe MARIN, and other local agencies contract with private goat herders to reduce vegetation hazards on large parcels. Goats are usually only cost effective for larger properties of 5-10 or more acres due to transportation cost and logistics. In most cases, for small properties of...

"... The San Rafael Sanitation District (SRSD) does not require private lateral sewer line inspections ..."

The San Rafael Sanitation District (SRSD) does not require private lateral sewer line inspections as a part of the building permit process.  However, any time sewer-related improvements are proposed, SRSD highly recommends that the private sewer lateral be inspected and repaired as needed.  Note that any private lateral repairs or improvements require acquisition of a...

Matched in attachment: "... going to risk purchasing a parcel when they don’t know what they can do on it. The time and money ... stories). The plan should not allow taller buildings along Merrydale; to do so would impose ... , into two distinct vision areas (perhaps as Areas D1 and D2), to separate the parcels along Merrydale from ... of traffic, parking, and development. Ensure that new building heights and residential densities do ... side of Highway 101.  Provide an adequate supply of parking at locations that do not have ..."

"... The City of San Rafael does not have dredging permitting expertise on staff, as the process ..."

The City of San Rafael does not have dredging permitting expertise on staff, as the process is something the City has engaged in only twice in the past 25 years. A firm with expertise facilitating the maintenance dredging permitting process is necessary to ensure all permits and approvals are in place when the USACE initiates...

Matched in attachment: "... daybreak and noon on January 29, 2015. Supplemental canvassing was also done at other times for particular ... and families do not apply for services. Many believe they do not qualify or are ineligible ... family members surveyed in Marin County, so data must be treated cautiously as it does not represent ... % responded as using those services “often” or “always.” When asked about the services they do receive ... of these students (1,105 or X%) are “doubled-up” and live with family or friends and therefore do not fall under ..."

"... to:  Do ...   Do ...   Do ...   Do you know what this is? ... Dine ..."

Snapshot -- de parte del Gerente de la Ciudad de San Rafael Spotlight Photo An early morning shot from the San Rafael Bay Shoreline Path  Photo Credit: Lisa Fader  Last Quiz Question Shout out to Rob Fassberg for being the first to correctly answer the last Snapshot Quiz! The photo featured was of the Dan Abraham trail behind Sun Valley Elementary. Congratulations Rob and...

"... ? (Absolutely) Was I going to be able to do whatever assignments the engineers gave me? As Lauren, my ... to do so. Summer rolled into fall. Juggling an internship with a full course load at school ... . Whether it was going on field visits, lunch runs to Target, or learning to do traffic counts ... meant that I had to pester them (especially Lauren and Theo! sorry) more for things to do ... while trying to remember everyone’s names and job descriptions. Theo, one of our CIP engineers ..."

I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting Dean Allison: he was Public Works Director around 6 years before I was accepted for an internship here at DPW. But everybody everywhere had something positive to say about him: He was kind, caring, empathetic, and led the department with a true passion for helping others. In his...

Matched in attachment: "... A), • Locate building entrances so that people do not have to walk across parking lots to enter ... site does and streets immediately surrounding it do not have views of the Bay, Mt Tamalpias ... Wholesale”. Two are proposed at the corners of the elevation along Northgate Dr. One is proposed ... be via a new driveway at the intersection of Northgate Dr /Nova Albion Way and one further north ... with the adjacent Mall, and other buildings in the surrounding area. Along Northgate Dr, there are mostly one ..."

"... of low income housing which the ADU does not qualify. We will accept permit applications and plans ..."

No. The Order restricts residential construction to the creation of low income housing which the ADU does not qualify. We will accept permit applications and plans on-line but permits and the permit could be issued when the emergency is over. 

"... been a lifeguard or need to get retrained? We will provide certification. You do not have ...   BOOSTERS & THIRD DOSES ... - de parte del ... Gerente de la Ciudad de San Rafael Spotlight ... /compostable material from going into landfills. The law will require all San Rafael residents ..."

Snapshot - de parte del Gerente de la Ciudad de San Rafael Spotlight Photo CAPTION: San Rafael City Limit Sign Taken from Richmond - San Rafael Bridge, February 2022  PHOTO CREDIT: Daniel Soto  Last Quiz Question Congrats to Tiffany Haley for being the first to correctly respond to our mystery photo in the last Snapshot Quiz. The...

"... Facility Maintenance staff by attempting to do maintenance projects himself. Carlos acts to improve ... of 2018! "The City of San Rafael’s roster of employees contains many unsung heroes. One ... of these shining stars is the Albert J. Boro Community Center’s custodian Juan Carlos Sorto. Carlos does ... of important information and with user groups so that multiple programs can utilize the facility ..."

Juan Carlos Sorto, Custodian, was recognized as the Employee of the 1st Quarter of 2018! "The City of San Rafael’s roster of employees contains many unsung heroes. One of these shining stars is the Albert J. Boro Community Center’s custodian Juan Carlos Sorto. Carlos does an incredible job of maintaining the City’s HEAVILY used community...

Students interested in applying to undergraduate or graduate programs at Dominican University of California can request information and apply online.

"... a possible chemical imbalance), they do well on medications, and with adequate support, can lead ... One of the public's biggest frustrations related to homelessness is encountering clearly ... impairment, which substantially interferes with or limits one or more major life activities ... of “mania." Mania is the opposite of depression.  It is the belief that one can achieve super human ... feats, or that one has transformed into a famous or powerful person.  Approximately ..."

One of the public's biggest frustrations related to homelessness is encountering clearly mentally ill individuals living on the street.  44 million Americans - housed and unhoused - experience mental  illness every year.  Many are medicated or otherwise not outwardly symptomatic, but at times some can sadly display strange, unsettling, or disruptive behavior.  This is particularly evident when people are homeless.  ...

Overflow devices are usually located near the building.  They may have lids or mushroom shaped caps on top of the sewer pipe.  Their purpose is to allow sewage from a plugged sewer to overflow outside of the building.  There is a chance the District sewer main is plugged and requires maintenance.  Please call (415) 485-3374. ...

Matched in attachment: "... zoning regulations do not include density standards. Recent changes to State laws allow density ... of the Guidelines is to ensure that the new requirements do not create a cost burden for desirable ... step is to “screen out” projects that do not need to prepare a VMT analysis, such as those near SMART ... Guidelines do not require formal adoption by the City Council and may be modified in the coming months ... to the expressed concerns. Projects of this size do not require a TIA or an LTA. • Tier 2 ..."

"... go solar at your home? Should you add battery storage if you do? And how do battery systems ... or with one other program-eligible ... , it’s Friday! We're in our third week of sending out one tip ...  for one ... don’t have to face it alone. Call ..."

At the end of April, Governor Newsom announced a new food delivery service program for older adults called, Great Plates Delivered: Home Meals for Seniors.  It’s intended to accomplish two things: provide access to nutritious meals for older adults who are sheltering in place, and support local restaurants. The framework for Great Plates was developed at the State level, but it must be first...

"... to obtain construction supplies to do the work ..."

Maybe. If you can maintain social distancing and it doesn’t involve any trips to the store for construction supplies the work may be allowed. If you still need to obtain construction supplies to do the work, then no.  The spirit of the Order to stop unnecessary activities and contact between people including interactions at stores.  

"... not override local control for zoning and development approvals ... of the on-going ...The designation does ... section of the webpage below. If you don’t see your questions answered ... Andersen Dr. and Woodland Ave ..."

Quick Links North San Rafael PDA        |       Southeast San Rafael/Canal PDA Sign up for a Meeting       |        Submit a Question Para traducir esta página, desplácese hasta el final, haga clic en "Translate", y seleccione su idioma. We want your feedback! As part of the...

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