"... , 2022), the City will respond to comments on EIR analysis that were submitted during the review ... by the Planning Commission at its meeting on November 15, 2022, and the City Council is scheduled ... ) the Planning Commission action will be a recommendation to the City Council ..."
Address: 308 and 326 Mission Ave APNs: 014-054-31 014-054-32 Project Numbers: PLAN21-041, ED20-051, IS20-003, NM20-001, UP20-022, ZC20-001 Applicant: Peter Lin, Greenbrie plin@greenbrierdevelopment.com Project Planner: Jayni Allsep, Contract Planner jayni@allsep-planning.com Project Description The project proposes phased improvements over the next ten years that include demolition and renovation of existing buildings, and construction of new buildings...