Updates to City Hall Hours on Fridays in July and August 


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Community Development - What We Do   Our mission is to make San Rafael a great place to live and do business. We are committed to improving the quality of life in the community. We do this by: Fostering public involvement and creativity by establishing enthusiastic partnerships with all segments of the community; Assisting decision...

  For the past six months the City has been working with Downtown Streets Team, as well as community members Paula Doubleday, Diane Doubleday, Carol Thompson, Kelly London, and Rich Goldstein, on a creative way to address panhandling.  When we first set out, we landed on a simple but critical insight - people panhandle because...

Homelessness in San Rafael The City of San Rafael has been a leader in Marin County on addressing homelessness.  Between 2017 and 2019, San Rafael saw a 30% decline in unsheltered homelessness, and countywide there was a 28% decline in long-term, chronic homelessness. This page provides an overview of the various programs, partners, and strategies...

We recently went through the process of developing a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP) for the City. Hazard mitigation planning is the process through which hazards that threaten communities are identified, likely impacts of those hazards are determined, mitigation goals are set, and appropriate strategies to lessen impacts are determined, prioritized, and implemented. The planning...

San Rafael’s Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), includes Program RE-M1 directing the City to install solar energy systems at municipal buildings and facilities where feasible and investigate and pursue innovative technologies such as battery storage and demand response programs.  The Sustainability Element of the City’s General Plan includes Policy SU-4 to increase the supply of...

No More Foam Takeout Containers in San Rafael! In September 2012, City Council passed an ordinance banning retail food vendors in San Rafael from carrying Expanded polystyrene foam (EPS) containers, sometimes known by the brand name STYROFOAMTM, in their stores. These food vendors include cafes, restaurants, grocery stores, and hotel eateries, among others. This ordinance was...

After September 15, 2014 grocery stores and food vendors may no longer provide single-use plastic bags at checkout (handle-less product bags are exempted). Affected stores and vendors include large retail stores that sell a line of dry grocery and perishable items or have a pharmacy, public event vendors, and all stores that sell milk, bread,...

The San Rafael Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), adopted by the City Council in 2009 and updated for 2030 targets in 2019 is the guiding document for our sustainability efforts. The CCAP implementation has become firmly established as a part of the City's daily operations. In addition, there are a host of things the City...

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