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"... of Marin to do it again ... In June of 2018 the City of San Rafael helped co-host the 1st Annual Marin County Community Job ... of Marin, CareerPoint Marin, Goodwill, Downtown Streets Team, and the St. Vincent de Paul Society ..."

In June of 2018 the City of San Rafael helped co-host the 1st Annual Marin County Community Job Fair. The inaugural event was a huge success - 310 job seekers had the chance to connect with 74 employers. This year we've teamed up with the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce, the County of Marin, CareerPoint...

There are two ways to get a card. (1) Fill out our online library card registration form which will provide you with an account. You must meet the required criteria.  Please see the  Online Library Card FAQ  for more information. (2)  Come into the library with a picture ID that has your current address or a...

"...  here if you do not already have one ... as one sign face of a double-sided/back-to-back sign (i.e., where sign faces can be viewed from one ... . Signs on a building facing a one-way street or impaired visibility may be relocated to the side ... signage from one frontage to another frontage.  Signs shall not extend above the roofline ... , shall be at or below the sill of second floor windows or the eave of a one story building ..."

**ATTN CUSTOMERS**  Effective 1/1/2023 all Building Permits issued after this date will be valid for 2 years.  Minor permits such as water heater & furnaces, etc. will be valid for 180 days only.    If your permit is not Finaled by the expiration date you will need to pay a renewal fee.    Attn Customers: ...

"... parking structure. The current regulations do not allow medical office uses, so Kaiser has requested ... applicable zoning development standards, as well as complies with all applicable review criteria ..."

Kaiser Permanente has proposed to convert an existing, 148,000 square-foot office building at 1650 Los Gamos Drive to medical office uses, as well as the construction of a new 433‐space, three-level parking structure. The current regulations do not allow medical office uses, so Kaiser has requested a rezoning and permit amendment. This project is consistent...

"... will be required that will be , and they would contract that separately. If they do that through another firm, we ... the Federal Channel (which does not extend to private docks and marinas). Private property owners ... permitting process. What does the $15,000 permit fee pay for?  Because ... the City of San Rafael does not have a dredging and regulatory consultant in-house, we must contract ..."

In December 2022, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) contracted with The Dutra Group to complete a full dredge of the San Rafael Channel. The USACE is only responsible for dredging the Federal Channel (which does not extend to private docks and marinas). Private property owners are responsible for dredging from their private docks...

Residents and businesses located within San Rafael, Marinwood and unincorporated county islands within San Rafael pay a tax for emergency medical services (EMS) as a part of their property tax bill. The tax helps fund emergency medical services including ambulances and paramedics at San Rafael Fire Stations. Residents of San Rafael and partnering jurisdictions are...

Matched in attachment: "... suggests that they do not focus on the number of stories, but rather on design guidelines ... . There were none. Land Use Proposal Katie Korzun said the committee has been working ... and spoke in favor of buffer zones to protect neighborhoods. Bill Carney: Mr. Carney spoke ... neighborhoods. However, we recognize that the future in Vote:  Level One: 13  Level Two: 0 ... use. Vote:  Level One: 13  Level Two: 0  Level Three: 0  Consensus: Yes Area east ..."

"... ) When do I have to pay? On-street ... ) 800 and 900 Blocks of E Street (Between 2nd & 4th Sts) What do the colors ... Red zone / No parking anytime $80.00 Fire hydrant ... Parked in blue zone (without placard) $335.00 Parked ... in bus zone $250.00 Expired registration (correctable) $215.00 ..."

Parking Rates & Citation Fines On-street meters $1.50 / hour Off-street lots (metered & un-metered) $0.75 / hour A & C Street garages $1.00 / hour ($10 max) Abandoned Vehicle or parked over 72hrs $205.00 Expired meter $40.00 Compliance with signs/ curb markings $50.00 Red zone / No parking anytime $80.00 Fire hydrant (within 15ft)...

"... to qualified customers in one easy to use page. The Get Help with Past Due Bills portions ... Assistance through Community Help (REACH) Program offers one-time financial assistance to qualified ... -date for the moratorium on non-payment shutoffs. This does not mean shutoffs will happen July 1 ... – but the clock does restart. PG&E is prepared to help customers with arrearages, but the customer ... are behind on their bills and/or needing financial assistance due to the ongoing pandemic by going ..."

As the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic start to subside, Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) encourages customers with past due balances to explore available financial assistance programs now, before the emergency customer protections come to an  end. June 30 is the anticipated end-date for the moratorium on non-payment shutoffs. This does not mean shutoffs...

Great! Thank you for taking steps to help San Rafael adapt to wildfire. You can email pictures of your newly adapted space to Please include your address in the subject line. Please make sure your pictures are clear and show the broader area. If possible, try to take pictures similar to those that were...

"... of: San Rafael’s entire Department of Public Works Budget for one year; Two-thirds of San ... Rafael’s Fire Department Budget for one year; or One-half of San Rafael’s Police Department Budget for one year. ..."

For context, revenue reductions of this magnitude represent roughly the equivalent of: San Rafael’s entire Department of Public Works Budget for one year; Two-thirds of San Rafael’s Fire Department Budget for one year; or One-half of San Rafael’s Police Department Budget for one year.

"... of the zones. If so, you may be charged a BID assessment on your business license renewal. For more ... ), which is comprised of standard and premium zones. If you are thinking of starting up a business ..."

In the downtown area, there is a Business Improvement District (BID), which is comprised of standard and premium zones. If you are thinking of starting up a business downtown, you might want to review the map below to see if your address falls within either of the zones. If so, you may be charged a...

"... Fire prevention experts have identified zones (areas around your house) that should be improved ... to reduce fire risk. Zone 0: Immediate Zone (0-5ft from structure ... , and stairways. All vegetation in this zone shall be well-irrigated and free from dead ... with structure. Rock and pavers are encouraged.   Zone 1: Intermediate ... Zone | within 30′ Remove all Junipers, Bamboo, Acacia ..."

Fire prevention experts have identified zones (areas around your house) that should be improved to reduce fire risk. Zone 0: Immediate Zone (0-5ft from structure) Remove accumulated leaves, needles and dead vegetative growth from the roof, gutters, decks, porches, and stairways. All vegetation in this zone shall be well-irrigated and free from dead or dying...

"... will be able to go beyond just documenting what gets done and start looking at trends and gaps ... it happened through the app’s web interface. In the past, this was done by manually searching ... After many years of tracking their activities on paper, the DPW Streets and Parks crews are going ... . The interface is simple and clear, so that crews can quickly document their work in the field ..."

After many years of tracking their activities on paper, the DPW Streets and Parks crews are going digital. With lots of collaboration, we now have an app that works on a smart phone in the field. The interface is simple and clear, so that crews can quickly document their work in the field. An important...

"... of a window area) do not require a sign permit. Separate sign permit regulations apply to placement ... Sign area shall be measured as one sign face of a double-sided ... /back-to-back sign (i.e., where sign faces can be viewed from one direction only). Non ... a one-way street or impaired visibility may be relocated to the side or rear elevation to improve ... street frontages may place signs on each frontage, but cannot transfer signage from one frontage ..."

Sign Permit Application New commercial business signs intended for public view (e.g., on an exterior business frontage or an interior sign placed within 10 feet of an exterior facing window) are subject to review and approval of a sign permit. Signs composed of professionally manufactured individual letters are generally preferred over hand-painted, box or can...

Business License Tax payments can be made online, whether it is a balance due payment or renewal. You can also pay in-person on the 3rd Floor of San Rafael City Hall.

Matched in attachment: "... in more than one foreign language does not entitle an employee to more than one $150.00 per month ... vehicle. ** Must obtain Class B license within one year of date of hire and become subject to DOT ... , 1992, or who subsequently joins, and all employees in the Unit hired on or after that date or who do ... function shall be done only with the consent of the Department Directors involved, unless ... and agreed by both parties that maintenance employees in this Union do not have any responsibility ..."

"... change that is deserved and past due. It’s time for all leaders to listen and do more to support our ... black community. And we won’t stop there. We need to do more to support all people of color. We ... encourage and join you in the peaceful protests taking place in our city and are humbled to see so many ... people from all walks of life come together with so much heart and passion. Let this be the turning ... point our society desperately needs so that everyone in our community can lead a life of dignity ..."

From your Mayor & City Council We stand with everyone in our community and across the nation against systemic racism. Enough is enough. Our communities are demanding change that is deserved and past due. It’s time for all leaders to listen and do more to support our black community. And we won’t stop there. We...

"... cuenta que quiero escuchar todo lo que tengan que decir, incluso si ustedes y yo no estamos de ... a quienes no están de acuerdo con mi decisión. El Concejo Municipal y yo queremos escuchar lo que tienen ... hace otro oficial de policía. En este caso, si la Ciudad termina en una mediación futura, donde la ... del proceso. Haré lo mejor que pueda con el tiempo limitado de esta noche. Además de lo que estoy ... que explica mi decisión. Una copia de lo que escribí está disponible en el sitio web de la Ciudad en ..."

CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS 9/19/2022 (Spanish) Buenas noches, soy Rob Epstein. Soy el procurador municipal de San Rafael. Al tener un procurador municipal electo, nuestra ciudad es diferente de todas las demás ciudades y pueblos de Marin, así como del condado, todos los cuales designan a su asesor legal. Durante las últimas dos semanas, he estado...

"... , or enjoys the City will be able to do so. Please join us at a community meeting to learn more about ... will consider actions to amend the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance to implement provisions ... ). Provisions to allow development of up to two primary residential units on lots in single-family zoning ... the subdivision of lots in single-family zoning districts into two lots ... Controls (temporary signs, message boards, traffic cones, delineators and detour signs) will be placed ..."

Spotlight Photo   CAPTION: Marin County Fair, San Rafael Photo Credit: Walter Gonzalez, City Manager’s Office Last Quiz Question Congrats to Lester Yagoda for being the first to respond correctly to our mystery photo in the last Snapshot Quiz. The photo featured a staircase that is located at the Falkirk Cultural Center in downtown San...

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