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"... , we do that all the time with homeless people.  Communities that are ending homelessness have ... understood that individualization is the key to success.  When we do this, new insights ... the country, for these hardest-to-serve individuals, our continuum of care has done a bad job ... the chronically homeless, so are costs. Using data from Santa Clara County, in 2015 the Economic ... of these resources go to revolving door interventions for the chronically homeless ..."

Even though we know we shouldn’t attribute the characteristics of a minority to the overall group, we do that all the time with homeless people.  Communities that are ending homelessness have understood that individualization is the key to success.  When we do this, new insights emerge, and we begin to see that there is a...

Matched in attachment: "... or t; ed uc at io na l s ch ol ar sh ip s; fo od fo r n ee ds p ro gr am s. 3 ... . I'm not a scientist nor do I want to join the council to act like one. I don't think effecting ... an d w as hi ng ; a nd re ev al ua tin g al lo w an ce fo r o ut do or d in in g ... done to help reduce the homeless situation. 4. What do you believe is the most important ... to do politically unpopular things to get things done knowing I will not be able to run again in 2 ..."

"... . Whether you do the job yourself or hire a contractor, the following steps should be taken to destroy mold ... thoroughly again. Alternatively, you can steam clean them lightly and dry rapidly. Do not soak ... . Washable drapes that can be safely bleached may be salvageable. Dry-cleaning should be done ... or windows, one into the wind and the second facing away. If necessary, use a fan to increase the air flow ... If you find one patch of mold, conduct a thorough search of your house ..."

If you live in a damp house, or if you have ever experienced flooding, your home may be breeding an often invisible and always unwelcome intruder—mold. Mold can cause allergies and respiratory disease, and the toxins it produces can wear down the immune system— leaving people, especially children, vulnerable to many illnesses. If you discover...

Matched in attachment: "... if they do not have one. Stolen Guns A firearm is stolen every 2 minutes in the United States ... attempt suicide do not go on to die in a future suicide. Whether a suicide attempt is fatal depends ... suicide decide to do so in an hour or less of consideration. Reducing access to common lethal means ... , and to the Grand Jury’s knowledge, the Judicial Council of California has not done so. But we recognize ... the occurrence of one or more of the foregoing events of Default does not constitute a waiver ..."

Matched in attachment: "... , baseball and gynmasncs. One third ·ofthe tenants are gone, so malce 14,000 square feet ofthis go away ... palticuiar, shall be .shielded so that they do not ail1labovc the liorizoH. Additionally, OIItdOO ... this point so more would have to be shown. They do not even go as far as to include the baseball ... San Rafael Airpoi't pf6~ielty coiisisting ·6f an 85,7DO-sqLIBte.;fo6t i'ecteati6.1Iil1 bulldingfor ... as proposed and as ,conditio.ned wo.uld., be co.nsistent with Parks and Recreation Ekment Po.llfoi(lsPR-4 ..."

Matched in attachment: "... fo r r ec om m en di ng m or e co nn ec tio ns b et w ee n ne ig hb or ho od s f ... at th e in tro du ct io n to th is se ct io n m ay c on do ne a nd su gg es t co ... . City-wide traffic studies, such as that done for Draft General Plan 2020, do not analyze impacts ... ed in q uo ta tio ns . A ll co m m en ts fo llo w th e or de r o f t he d ra ... -ju ris di ct io na l c oo pe ra tio n) , r es ul tin g in im m ed iat e co ng es ..."

"... County. Going electric is one way everyone can do their part to fight climate change. Bonus: electric ... ! Backyard Do’s & Don’ts- Fire Safe Marin’s Newest Episode Now ... Marin's Youtube channel. This episode's focus - Backyard Do's & Don’ts - promotes ... Survey Starts Today! How do you feel about your local park and recreation options? The City of San ... vaccination rate of 91.5% of eligible residents, Marin County has done an exceptional job in prioritizing ..."

Snapshot - de parte del Gerente de la Ciudad de San Rafael Spotlight Photo CAPTION: Harry Barbier Memorial Park, February 2022   PHOTO CREDIT: Walter Gonzalez  Last Quiz Question Congrats to Kathleen Toney for being the first to correctly respond to our mystery photo in the last Snapshot Quiz. The photo featured was of the Henry...

The Fire Department provides the delivery of fire and rescue services is serious business and as such, we strive to provide the best public fire services available; a service that is capable, compassionate, predictable and sustainable.

The library offers full physical and digital collections with books, movies, television shows, and music for all ages. In-library services include computers and WiFi, events and classes, and research and homework assistance. Their digital branch offers downloadable eBooks and eAudioBooks, cover-to-cover magazines and newspapers, live homework help, and tons more. The library also extends beyond our...

The Police Department works with members of the community, community groups, and other City departments to proactively address crime, quality of life issues, and to enhance a feeling of safety for our residents, business owners, and those who visit this great City.

"... In April, City received a $500,000 grant from ABAG/ MTC to do a “Downtown Precise Plan ... ”. Work on this Plan will be done concurrently with General Plan. Will look at Downtown ... , public space, and similar issues Will result in new/ revised zoning districts ..."

Project kicked off in Summer 2017 This is a Plan Update, not a brand new Plan. Updating policies in the existing plan to reflect new state laws, emerging issues, current data, and forecasts to 2040 Initial tasks were to retain a project manager, form a Steering Committee, and prepare a detailed Work Program Project manager...

"... to be revised. Engineers are great at what they do but don't have the mindset or experience of maintenance ... yeah, remember 12 years ago you and I were up there doing a repair and we diverted the pipe across ... in the District and see when the last time it was cleaned or had any maintenance done to it. This comes ... as how one of the maintenance crew would work on the job and often points out things that may look great ..."

Matt Smith, Sewer Maintenance Superintendent, was recognized as the Employee of the 3rd Quarter of 2017! "Compared to previous superintendents that I've worked for, Matt goes above and beyond what is expected of him. He is constantly reviewing plans prior to construction to be revised. Engineers are great at what they do but don't have the mindset...

"... If you are in a high risk category as defined by the CDC, please do not attend We ask ... , we will be done about lunchtime or early afternoon. Everyone is encouraged to RSVP ahead ... ) Tax-deductible donations to adopt-a-tree in San Rafael can be made in one of two ways ... intend to go forward with the tree planting on March 28. We will provide hand sanitizer ... of time so we know how many to plan for. Please sign up ..."

Be a part of San Rafael’s largest single-day tree planting event! Join us to plant 100 beautiful, carbon-capturing trees in San Rafael on March 28 Here’s how to help: Volunteer to plant, mulch and water, March 28, 8:30 am, McInnis Parkway. NOTE: we need tree leaders! Let us know if you can arrive 30 minutes...

Matched in attachment: "... , as most already do. We have buses for those who don't. We don't want SMART, so why is San Rafael ...  that one had ever been  done.  Cities such as SF, Sausalito, Mill Valley, and San Anselmo have ...   for such a study for years, and have never been told that one had ever been  done.  Cities such as SF, Sausalito ... and some pose no health risk at all. I do feel the study area does need new residential development ...  the subject mentioned in this draft Plan.   Unfortunately, the tone of this one mention ..."

Matched in attachment: "... ,· SIIid Row\~y. While SpoJ1.S City docs draw the occluiunnl di~hnrd, mom of itll ~ hoNe costen ... to purchase an aban- doned airplane hangar at Hamilton Air Force Base, but the one they were looking ... with fewer players on the field. The ball does not go out of bounds very often so play is continuous ... small sided soccer because they arc having so much fun doing it. Also, both the kids and parents ... that this is for the greater gOOd of my larger San Rafael Community. So please do not IetcoJlOOm9d ..."

"... , it is clear to me that our community expects us to do even more, and so we shall consider all ... was done” said Phillips.  “I was particularly gratified to receive support from our Congressman Jared ..."

San Rafael to Consider All Potential Gun Control and Safety Measures SAN RAFAEL, CA: City of San Rafael Mayor Gary Phillips has directed City staff to present the City Council with all available legal and policy actions that the City can take to address the issue of gun violence.  “These may include new ordinances restricting gun...

"... , even if just for that one night.   It does not capture all ... and transitional housing programs.  The count is done in January because it is thought that shelter ... of their assigned area.  Instead of doing surveys that morning, teams are simply tasked with getting ... The Homeless Point-in-Time Count (PIT) is one of the most important opportunities we have ... every two years. The next one is coming up on January 27, 2017. We need your help ..."

The Homeless Point-in-Time Count (PIT) is one of the most important opportunities we have to determine whether or not we’re making progress to end homelessness. The PIT only happens once every two years. The next one is coming up on January 27, 2017. We need your help!! Volunteer for the 2017 Count! (no prior experience necessary)...

Matched in attachment: "... California-wide emissions for instance or to compare to the U.S. at large. One thing it does not do however ... ___ ..,,,~---,-_...,-I ~ l!,~I0-;-;-32~6' P.5.E. Eaoement DoG. No. 2011,-3'1212 - _J~ _' - - ro ... · .................. ...... ...... ...... /.?.r, ....... '7-66, ............ ............ JO RIVllrlon Ho/dings LLC DN 2010-0002119 APN ... inspection report by December 31st, the CITY or its agents may (but without any obligation to do so ... 31st, the CITY or its agents may (but without any obligation to do so) perform the inspection ..."

Matched in attachment: "... Discussion Item 8:30 p.m.  Discussion of what we have done and what the new year will bring V ... tweaks being done in a smaller group and not at a regular meeting. He said it doesn’t seem like ... affects each of the topic areas. Emily Dean said this workshop should build on the work that was done ... the committee will be doing in December and January. Ms. Jackson said the committee will be reviewing ... are implemented, but no environmental work is being done as a part of this effort. Jeff Schoppert asked ..."

The Recreation Division provides parks, recreation and child care services. It's role is to promote health and wellness, increase cultural unity, and facilitate community participation and interaction. The division fosters human development, focusing on children, youth, families and seniors.  It also provides opportunities to explore and engage in positive activities, and it works to protect...

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