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"... 12, City Hall ... and most non-essential City facilities, including Public Works, will be closed in accordance ... COVID-19 related revenue losses the City continues to experience. The 13-day closure schedule ... , as approved by our City Council, is effective through the end of the fiscal year. Visit our website ... -safety City services will be closed on February 15 ..."

 On Friday, February 12, City Hall and most non-essential City facilities, including Public Works, will be closed in accordance with the non-public safety Furlough Schedule, which is a cost-saving measure in response to significant COVID-19 related revenue losses the City continues to experience. The 13-day closure schedule, as approved by our City Council, is effective...

"... . At Monday’s City Council meeting, the Council will consider awarding the construction and civil ..."

Public Works staff has been working on modifications and improvement projects for the of Manuel T. Freitas Parkway and Las Gallinas Avenue intersection. The Intersection is very narrow, preventing left turning cars traveling east and west from turning at the same time. In addition, queues for these turn lanes back up into the adjacent through...

"... , CA- To further mitigate the spread of COVID-19, also known as novel Coronavirus,  the City of San ... programs are included within these cancellations, but the libraries and City Hall will continue ... recommendations to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect our most vulnerable residents.“ City ... to conduct essential government business, the San Rafael City Council will hold its regularly ... , designated for the City Council, during the public comment portions of the meeting ..."

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 13th, 2020 SAN RAFAEL ANNOUNCES CLOSURES OF COMMUNITY CENTERS AND EVENT CANCELLATIONS THROUGH MARCH 31st, 2020 SAN RAFAEL, CA- To further mitigate the spread of COVID-19, also known as novel Coronavirus,  the City of San Rafael is closing community centers and cancelling all community classes, programs, recreation leagues, and events starting...

"... of an armed carjacking. Despite similarity, it was the wrong car. The City has invited ... : City Attorney’s ... Statement to the City Council and Community ..."

On Aug 7, 2020, a high-risk traffic stop was conducted in San Rafael after police received a report of an armed carjacking. Despite similarity, it was the wrong car. The City has invited this individual to engage with the police officers who were involved to have a session of conversation and restorative justice with the...

"... presentation at Monday’s City Council meeting with more details. For more information about ..."

In response to the growing risk of wildfire across California, PG&E is enhancing their vegetation and safety work. Their focus will be on addressing vegetation that poses a higher potential for wildfire risk in high fire-threat areas as designated by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). You may see PG&E vegetation management inspectors and contractors...

"... and services to the community. On Monday evening, the City Council will consider accepting the donation and establishing a memorial fund.  READ STAFF REPORT ..."

The San Rafael Library has received a generous donation of $1.3 million from the trust of Mr. Robert and Mrs. Lorraine Joses. They lived in San Rafael for a number of years and were involved in organizations such as the San Rafael Improvement Club and the California Historical Society. After Robert’s death in 1998 Lorraine...

"... , the City Council will appoint members to a steering committee to oversee the development ..."

General Plans have been called the blueprint for the community’s future. At their Monday meeting, the City Council will appoint members to a steering committee to oversee the development of the General Plan 2040. The multi-year planning process will help us develop a vision of what we all want San Rafael to be in 2040. READ...

"... economic times. In addition to running one of the top restaurants in San Rafael and indeed Marin County ... . When an organization needs help, David pitches in." The City Council expresses its appreciation ..."

David Haydon's dedication and passion for the San Rafael community is authentic and tireless. He founded II Davide Restaurant, 20 years ago, and built a successful business through challenging economic times. In addition to running one of the top restaurants in San Rafael and indeed Marin County, he strives to give back to the San Rafael...

"... . On Monday evening, the City Council will consider amendments to the General Plan, including a new ..."

The General Plan serves as a blueprint for the community’s future growth and development, addressing issues such as land use, transportation, open space, housing, and sustainability, among others. On Monday evening, the City Council will consider amendments to the General Plan, including a new methodology to determine the environmental impacts of transportation and creating a...

"... , the City Council will consider awarding a $1.5 million street resurfacing contract to Team Ghilotti ..."

Also on Monday evening, the City Council will consider awarding a $1.5 million street resurfacing contract to Team Ghilotti and a $100K agreement with Park Engineering for associated inspection services. The staff report outlines which streets will be repaved. Additional neighborhood outreach will be conducted closer to the time of the projects. Read the staff...

"... On Monday evening, February 5, 2018, the City Council will consider ..."

On Monday evening, February 5, 2018, the City Council will consider establishing procedures for expedited and streamlined processes for permitting electric vehicle (EV) charging stations to comply with state law. The changes would remove barriers and help promote installation of new charging stations by homeowners and businesses throughout San Rafael. Read the staff report here.

"... On Monday evening, the City Council will hold a public hearing regarding the annual assessment ..."

On Monday evening, the City Council will hold a public hearing regarding the annual assessment of the Downtown Business Improvement District(BID). The BID works with merchants to promote Downtown as well as advocacy around issues such as parking, safety, and cleanliness. Assessments range from $25 to $425 per year depending on the type of business and...

"... at mobilehome parks within the City.  However, expenditures qualifying under the ordinance as capital ... the City Council will consider an appeal of the arbitrator’s decision on Contempo Marin Mobilehome Park’s rent increase petition. ..."

San Rafael’s Mobilehome Rent Stabilization Ordinance restricts the rents that may be charged at mobilehome parks within the City.  However, expenditures qualifying under the ordinance as capital improvements or replacements are not considered to be part of the base rent, allowing the park owner to pass the costs of reasonable capital improvements through to the...

"... community, benefiting our parks, open space and numerous City committees and projects. Tamra's ...  advisory groups for electric vehicles, solar projects; and Tamra's service on Marin County Fair ... . The City Council expresses its appreciation for Tamra Peters and Bill Carney's efforts on behalf of our ..."

Tamra Peters & Bill Carney's commitment and passion for San Rafael's future is unwavering. Tamra & Bill have devoted countless hours to help educate and advocate for a more sustainable San Rafael community and planet. They have volunteered an estimated 60 hours per week to the San Rafael community, benefiting our parks, open space and numerous City committees and...

"... of voter-approved City tax measures ... 15118 adopted by the San Rafael City Council on September 6, 2022 ... 18 years of age and  reside within the City limits ..."

Community members can apply online to serve on our boards and commissions, and more information and eligibility requirements are as follows: Voter Approved Tax Oversight Committee Board Description: The Voter Approved Tax Oversight Committee’s purpose is to review the collection and expenditure of voter approved tax revenues collected under the authority of voter-approved City tax...

"... Each year the City Council Sustainability Liaison, Councilmember ... Kate Colin, works with City staff, and community members to identify key priorities taken from our ... include adding solar to City Hall with EV charging stations, achieving LEED gold certification ..."

Each year the City Council Sustainability Liaison, Councilmember Kate Colin, works with City staff, and community members to identify key priorities taken from our Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) to be implemented during the year. Some of the high priority goals include adding solar to City Hall with EV charging stations, achieving LEED gold certification...

"... by two single women and their children. The City Council will consider an appeal at their meeting on Monday, May 15 at 7 p.m. ..."

The Lourdes Convent, which is owned by the Dominican Sisters is a convent retirement center located at 77 Locust Avenue. A Use Permit Amendment was filed by the Dominican Sisters to convert a portion of the retirement center to a single, residential unit for “transitional housing” to be shared by two single women and their...

"... On Monday September 20th, the City Council approved the award of the Francisco Blvd East ... East projects can be found on our City Website ..."

On Monday September 20th, the City Council approved the award of the Francisco Blvd East Resurfacing project to Ghilotti Construction Company, Inc. who was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the project.  Construction is anticipated to begin in Mid-October 2021 and is expected to have a duration of 15 working days. This project is...

"... Announcements a. Form-Based Code videos b. July 6 City Council hearing on transportation ... ADOPTED BY THE SAN RAFAEL CITY COUNCIL ON DECEMBER 4, 2017, ALL GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE MEETINGS WILL END ... ADOPTED BY THE SAN RAFAEL CITY COUNCIL ON DECEMBER 4, 2017, ALL GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE MEETINGS ... Announcements a. Form-Based Code videos b. July 6 City Council hearing on transportation standards ... BY THE SAN RAFAEL CITY COUNCIL ON DECEMBER 4, 2017, ALL GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE MEETINGS WILL END ..."

Date and time: Date and time: 2020-06-10 06:00 pmLocation: General Plan 2040 Steering Committee – June 10, 2020Department: General Plan 2040Date and time: 2020-06-10 06:00 pmLocation: General Plan 2040 Steering Committee – June 10, 2020Department: General Plan 2040Agenda packetAGENDA SAN RAFAEL GENERAL PLAN 2040 STEERING COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING WEDNESDAY, June 10, 2020, 6:00 P.M. MEETINGS...

"... Also on Monday, the San Rafael City Council will consider making improvements to the City’s ... Rafael’s RBR program in addition to other cities. The performance audit did not suggest the program ... , or its inspection component, be eliminated. Instead, the audit recommended that the City add additional ... process and procedures to improve and formalize the RBR program. The Council has recently held two ..."

Also on Monday, the San Rafael City Council will consider making improvements to the City’s residential building resale (RBR) program. The primary goal of the RBR program is to protect the health and safety of San Rafael residents by inspecting for unsafe, hazardous, or unpermitted work as a residential unit is changing ownership. The California...

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