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"... established by City Council Policy. Read about that and more in the staff report. ..."

Also on Monday, the City’s financial auditors and Finance Director Mark Moses will present the annual financial reports for fiscal year 2015-2016, which ended on June 30, 2016. The City’s General Fund Emergency Reserves continue to meet the target level of ten percent of operating expenses established by City Council Policy. Read about that and...

"... Also, at their Monday meeting, the City Council will consider a special tax for properties ..."

Also, at their Monday meeting, the City Council will consider a special tax for properties at the Village at Loch Lomond Marina to maintain the public marina green, boardwalk playground, roadway and on-site seasonal wetland conservation areas. The tax was authorized back in 2010, but is now going into effect because the public improvements are...

"... The City Council will also discuss an ordinance setting the Paramedic Services Special Tax ..."

The City Council will also discuss an ordinance setting the Paramedic Services Special Tax. This tax ensures much needed paramedic services in our community and the rate has been held constant since 2011 in San Rafael. After reviewing billing recovery and expenditure trends the Fire Department recommends a $3 annual increase in order to maintain...

"... Also on Monday evening, the City Council will consider using ..."

Also on Monday evening, the City Council will consider using $850,000 in granted bike path funds to purchase steel components to be used to build the multi-use path that will parallel the SMART Larkspur Extension rail line at its crossing near Francisco Boulevard West. The multi-use path will provide a dedicated space for pedestrians, bicyclists,...

"... Also on Monday evening, the City Council will consider an agreement with the City of Novato ... example of a cross-jurisdictional partnership that makes both cities stronger.  READ STAFF REPORT ..."

Also on Monday evening, the City Council will consider an agreement with the City of Novato to create a Joint Crisis Response Unit with the San Rafael and Novato police departments. Although events requiring the use of a Crisis Response Unit are infrequent, it is imperative that a team be well prepared and has sufficient...

"... , the City of San Rafael has been allocated approximately $5.1 million in funding to support a utility ... undergrounding project within city limits. To make sure that we keep our funding, the City may ... establish an underground utility district. At Monday’s meeting, the City Council will consider adopting ..."

  In the 1960s the California Public Utilities Commission established a statewide utility undergrounding program to eliminate the concentration of overhead electric and telecommunication lines and wooden utility poles along major arterial streets, public areas of scenic value, and the downtown or civic center core. Funds to support this program are collected by utility companies,...

"... on the Initial Study must be submitted to the City by Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021. The City Council ..."

The CEQA 30-day public review period of this project’s Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration began on May 24th, 2021 and will close on Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021. Electronic copies of these documents can be downloaded by visiting the project webpage. All written comments on the Initial Study must be submitted to the City by Tuesday, June...

"... Also on Tuesday, the City Council will consider a rate adjustment proposal for 2018 for Marin ... on an agreed-upon rate setting methodology that the City, along with other nearby local ..."

Also on Tuesday, the City Council will consider a rate adjustment proposal for 2018 for Marin Sanitary Service (MSS) to provide refuse, recycling, and composting for ratepayers in San Rafael. The proposed rate adjustment would increase rates by 5.57 percent. This increase includes adjustments based on an agreed-upon rate setting methodology that the City, along...

"... The City is required to comply ... to the City Council at Monday’s meeting. For more information, read the staff report. ..."

The City is required to comply with Senate Bill (SB) 743, which is a major change to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines that will go into effect in mid-2020. SB 743 requires that all local jurisdictions in California phase-out the use of the level of service (LOS) methodology for assessing traffic impacts in...

"... Also on Monday’s City Council meeting agenda is a rate adjustment proposal for 2019 for Marin ... includes adjustments based on an agreed-upon rate setting methodology that the City has with Marin ..."

Also on Monday’s City Council meeting agenda is a rate adjustment proposal for 2019 for Marin Sanitary Service to provide refuse, recycling, and composting for ratepayers in San Rafael. The proposed rate adjustment would increase rates by 9.39% over 2018 levels for all ratepayers. This increase includes adjustments based on an agreed-upon rate setting methodology...

"... Planning Association. While our residents know him for his flawless presentations at City Council ... what initially attracted him to city planning and what his path was to becoming our Community ..."

Our Community Development Director, Paul Jensen, had a recent interview published in this months edition of Northern News, the publication of the Northern California Division of the American Planning Association. While our residents know him for his flawless presentations at City Council meetings or working with him on a specific project, staff knows him as the...

"... Last week, the City received a letter from a Malibu-based attorney challenging San Rafael’s ... session on November 20, the City Council will continue the conversation about district-based ..."

Last week, the City received a letter from a Malibu-based attorney challenging San Rafael’s at-large election structure based on an alleged history of “racially polarized voting.” Following a study session on November 20, the City Council will continue the conversation about district-based elections and the City’s options on how to proceed. The topic is planned to be...

"... At Monday’s City Council meeting, we will celebrate the career of Richard Landis, who retires ..."

At Monday’s City Council meeting, we will celebrate the career of Richard Landis, who retires at the end of the year. Richard began his career with the San Rafael Public works department 20 years ago and has become legendary in his position as Administrative Manager as someone whose wit and charm could diffuse contentious situations....

"... On Monday, the City Council will consider approving side letters extending the current Memorandums ..."

On Monday, the City Council will consider approving side letters extending the current Memorandums of Understanding by one year with our SEIU Local 1021 bargaining unit. The side letters keep all terms the same but increase compensation equivalent to a 2.5% increase (calculated over the next fiscal year), which is consistent with the Bay Area...

"... , the City Council will hear ..."

Also on Tuesday night, the City Council will hear an informational report about the final phase of a multi-project, long-term vision to fill a significant bicycle and pedestrian safety gap between the Canal neighborhood and Downtown. This project spans ¾ mile along the roadway and will provide a seamless pedestrian and bicycle connection, increasing safety...

"... On Monday December 2, 2019 at 7 p.m., the City Council will hold ..."

On Monday December 2, 2019 at 7 p.m., the City Council will hold a public hearing regarding the annual assessment of the Downtown Business Improvement District (BID). The BID works with merchants to promote Downtown as well as advocacy around issues such as beautification, events, parking, safety, and cleanliness. Assessments range from $25 to $425...

"... concept has been proposed and will be reviewed at Monday’s City Council meeting at 7 p.m. READ THE STAFF REPORT ..."

The Albert Park Playground could be getting a new look. Community members along with the support of the B Team and the Gerstle Park Neighborhood Association came together to address the needs of a new design for the playground at Albert Park. After many meetings and a lot of public outreach, a new concept has been...

"...   Participate In-Person: San Rafael City Council Chambers ... Participate In-Person: San Rafael City Council Chambers ... Progress Report for 2022 and direct staff to present the reports to City Council ... : San Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA ... to present the reports to City Council. DIRECTOR’S REPORT COMMISSION ..."

Date and time: 2023-02-28 07:00 pmLocation: Planning Commission – February 28, 2023Department: Community DevelopmentAgendaPlanning Commission Regular Meeting   Tuesday, February 28, 2023, 7:00 P.M. AGENDA   Participate In-Person: San Rafael City Council Chambers 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 or Participate Virtually: Watch on Webinar: Watch on YouTube: Telephone: 1 (669) 444-9171...

"... , and was an eight-year member of the Marin County Planning Commission. Patty’s professional and personal passion ... of the California Refuse Removal Council. Patty has previously been honored as an inductee into the Marin’s ... perspective. The San Rafael City Council expresses its appreciation to Patty Garbarino for her ..."

Patty Garbarino has been selected as the Citizen of the Year award due to her community involvement. Patty is a life-long resident of San Rafael and graduate of San Rafael High School and Dominican University. Her Community service has long been tenured and broad, including being a program manager for Project Workability, matching special education...

"... The City Council approved a revised direction to improve the intersection of Third and Hetherton ... the intersection to the latest design and safety standards. To date, the City has made significant ... of the intersection, and re-surfacing and restriping of Hetherton Street. Council directed staff ..."

The City Council approved a revised direction to improve the intersection of Third and Hetherton. The revised direction includes the crosswalk removal on the south leg of the intersection and the addition of a crosswalk on the east leg. This design will eliminate the pedestrian vehicular conflict between the heavy left turn movement and pedestrians...

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