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"... and he’ll be joining us at Tuesday’s City Council meeting for recognition of his 6+ years of service ... to the City. That may not sound super long to you, but it is 42 “dog years.” Ares joined the police ... County Major Crimes Task force in locating narcotics related ..."

If you love dogs, you’re in for a treat: San Rafael Police Department Canine Ares is retiring from the San Rafael Police Department and he’ll be joining us at Tuesday’s City Council meeting for recognition of his 6+ years of service to the City. That may not sound super long to you, but it is...

"... , and product management. Over the last six months, the Digital Service staff worked with other City ...To make City services easy to use, and work for everyone. The values that underpin ... received, to the City Council for their review and feedback ..."

The new department of Digital Service and Open Government is a reorganization of the former Information Technology Division and expands traditional tech and network support services to include broader functions of strategy, analytics, and product management. Over the last six months, the Digital Service staff worked with other City departments, as well as received feedback from community...

"... On August 31, Lieutenant Raffaello “Ralph” Pata retired after 34 years of service to the City ... High School. He began his service to the City as a dispatcher for the San Rafael Fire Department. Two ... evening, the City Council will honor Ralph with a resolution of appreciation and thank him for his 34 ..."

On August 31, Lieutenant Raffaello “Ralph” Pata retired after 34 years of service to the City of San Rafael. Ralph was born and raised in San Rafael, attending St. Raphael’s School and San Rafael High School. He began his service to the City as a dispatcher for the San Rafael Fire Department. Two years later,...

"... UPDATE: The City ... the process and the City Council, through its Essential Facilities Subcommittee, determined not proceed ... with the outdoor art component. The City of San Rafael ... of the City ... of San Rafael Essential Facilities Project. The City of San Rafael believes in local talent ..."

UPDATE: The City is no longer proceeding with the Public Safety Center Art project. The COVID-19 pandemic halted the process and the City Council, through its Essential Facilities Subcommittee, determined not proceed with the outdoor art component. The City of San Rafael is pleased to announce a Call for Artists to submit images/renderings/drawings of public...

"... This City Council item for Monday night includes several draft reports for Fiscal Year 2017-18 ... a context for understanding the City’s financial activities. For more information about the City's ..."

This City Council item for Monday night includes several draft reports for Fiscal Year 2017-18 that provide insight into the City’s finances: the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, the Gann Appropriations Limit, the Memorandum of Internal Controls and Required Communications, the Child Development Program Financial Statements, and the Single Audit Report. Collectively, these reports provide a...

"... available on the City’s Facebook page and will soon be available in kiosks at City facilities. After ... a successful pilot, the City Council will consider authorizing the continued use of the software ..."

Did you know that from your phone, you can report a pothole to public works? Snap a photo and send it to us through our online service center, where you can report issues, ask questions or voice concerns. The Service Center is also available on the City’s Facebook page and will soon be available in...

"... % can be spent on either housing or capital projects. At their Monday meeting, the City Council ..."

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is a federal program that provides funding for housing, community facilities, and human services. In San Rafael, examples of CDBG-funded projects have included development of affordable housing, ADA sidewalk accessibility improvements, and a wide range of public services. Marin County’s allocation is estimated at $1.4 million and San...

"... . On Monday evening, the City Council will consider establishing a new taxi stand at Tamalpais Avenue ..."

Due to construction and the upcoming SMART connection to Larkspur, the taxis that are ordinarily staged within the Bettini Transportation Center need to be relocated. On Monday evening, the City Council will consider establishing a new taxi stand at Tamalpais Avenue East, between Third and Fourth Streets. Tamalpais East is a one-way street that currently...

"... (published in May 2021). On July 19, 2021, the City Council approved a resolution ... recommending Council certification of the Final EIR for the project ..."

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) defines a General Plan Update as a “project.”   The “project” includes the changes in land use proposed by the General Plan, as well as capital projects and new or modified policies relating to topics such as transportation, housing, resource management, and safety.  It also includes the Draft Downtown Precise...

"... In March 2018, the City ... facilities: City Hall, downtown parking garages, the Albert J. Boro Center, and others. A solar financier ... , in this case, allows the City to receive solar-generated power without capital investment ... agreement based on new developments in solar technology and upcoming changes to City Hall ... , such as reconfiguration of parking lots. At Tuesday’s meeting, the City Council will consider approving ..."

In March 2018, the City entered into an agreement with SolEd, a solar financier, to assist with the City’s efforts to install solar at a few of our facilities: City Hall, downtown parking garages, the Albert J. Boro Center, and others. A solar financier, in this case, allows the City to receive solar-generated power without...

"... At the May 17th City Council meeting, Mayor Kate proclaimed the week of May 16 – May 22 ... . In case you missed the video at the Council meeting, you can check it out on the DPW Maintenance webpage.   ..."

At the May 17th City Council meeting, Mayor Kate proclaimed the week of May 16 – May 22, 2021 as National Public Works week, in honor of the contribution public works personnel make to their communities: in the maintenance, planning, design, and construction of streets, transportation facilities, parks, storm drains, public buildings and operations, right-of-way...

"... , the San Rafael City Council established a Quiet Zone from northern Novato to downtown San Rafael ..."

You may have noticed less train horn in San Rafael. In response to community concerns about noise, the San Rafael City Council established a Quiet Zone from northern Novato to downtown San Rafael, which means the horn will not blow at railroad crossings. The train will only sound the horn as it leaves a station...

"... more involved with City planning. In 1993, he was appointed to the Planning Commission, serving ... as the Chair in 1995. In December, 1996 Cyr was appointed to an open seat on the San Rafael City Council ... and after nearly fourteen years on the Council, he retired in 2009. He continues to serve ... Retirement Community, The Multicultural Center of Marin and a Patient Advisory Council of San Rafael ... . was located in the Canal Neighborhood. He became the City Council champion for the Canal ..."

Cyr’s Volunteer Career In 1972 Cyr began volunteering with neighborhood activities and he joined the West End Neighborhood Association. In 1992, he represented the neighborhood association in the successful Downtown Visioning Committee. That experience propelled his interest in becoming more involved with City planning. In 1993, he was appointed to the Planning Commission, serving as...

"... Diane Henderson is a Marin County native and a 25 -year resident of San Rafael who is well known ... , Diane has had a "quiet touch" in her involvement with and contribution to many of the City's most ... served as the President of the Rotary Club of San Rafael. San Rafael City Council expresses its ..."

Diane Henderson is a Marin County native and a 25 -year resident of San Rafael who is well known for her volunteer work and civic involvement in the community. While known to be a passionate resident, Diane has had a "quiet touch" in her involvement with and contribution to many of the City's most respected...

"... On Monday September 13th, the City Council approved the award of the Bungalow ..."

On Monday September 13th, the City Council approved the award of the Bungalow and Woodland Avenue Resurfacing project to Ghilotti Bros, Inc. who was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the project.  Construction is anticipated to begin in October 2021 and is expected to have a duration of 40 working days. The pavement resurfacing...

"... Also on Monday, the City Council will consider approving three agreements relating to the Grand ..."

Also on Monday, the City Council will consider approving three agreements relating to the Grand Avenue Pathway Connector Project: a construction contract for a 12-foot-wide bicycle/pedestrian bridge east of the existing vehicular bridge along Grand Avenue over the San Rafael Canal waterway; an agreement for inspection services to review contractor work and manage coordination between...

"... Rafael, Marin County, California ... Consistent with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City has prepared ... , 2023. On February 3, 2020 the City Council  adopted Resolution No. 14763 ..."

350 Merrydale Town Home Development APN: 179-041-27 and 28 Address: 350 Merrydale Road / 3833 Redwood Highway San Rafael, Marin County, California, Project Numbers:  ZC19-002/UP18-039/ED18-1010/TS18-006 Applicant: Campus Properties, Michael Hooper (415) 298-7571 Project Description The project consists of a mixture of 45 for-sale town homes and stacked flats, and a multi-purpose community room, on...

"... On Monday, the City Council will hear an informational report about a project to increase internet ... to this challenge, but the City has been working on a variety of measures to increase access ..."

On Monday, the City Council will hear an informational report about a project to increase internet connectivity in the Canal Neighborhood. With the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, including school closures, students and employees need access to reliable internet now more than ever—to complete homework, apply for government assistance, and sign up for food assistance....

"... -medical/recreation adult-use. On Monday evening, the City Council will consider an ordinance ... regulating commercial cannabis activity in San Rafael city limits. The proposed law will allow a limited ..."

On November 8, 2016, the voters of the State of California enacted Proposition 64 to allow for non-medical/recreation adult-use. On Monday evening, the City Council will consider an ordinance regulating commercial cannabis activity in San Rafael city limits. The proposed law will allow a limited number of certain types of commercial operations, as well as...

"... Periodically, the City has the need to reclassify positions that have been assigned more complex ... responsibilities that warrant reclassification to a Senior Library Assistant level.  In addition, the City ... to a Deputy City Clerk to recognize the more responsible, technical and specialized work being assigned ... to the position.  At Tuesday evening’s Meeting, City Council will consider these requested personnel actions. READ THE STAFF REPORT ..."

Periodically, the City has the need to reclassify positions that have been assigned more complex work and that require broader skills and technical knowledge. The Pickleweed Library is a small satellite library with a small staff.  The full-time Library Assistant II has taken on ongoing responsibilities that warrant reclassification to a Senior Library Assistant level. ...

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